Trump's real-estate empire pays the price for his poisonous politics


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
As we know, Donnie has several hundred million coming due with Deutsche Bank in the next couple years. He'll likely default and he personally signed on those loans. Nobody else wants to loan him money either, and that will make him even more toxic. So about the only way he continues to make money is grifting off his the MAGA-hatters, most of whom can't afford to stay at his properties. Eventually the sheep will be fully fleeced. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. :)


Trump’s business brand was once synonymous with wealth and success, an image that now clashes sharply with a political brand rooted in the anger of his largely rural and working-class voter base. His presidency is now associated in the minds of many with its violent end, as supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.​
Prospective tenants in New York are shunning his buildings, one real-estate broker said, to avoid being associated with Trump. Organizers of golf tournaments have pulled events from his courses.​
Financial records show Trump’s real-estate business has declined. Income from the family’s holdings, heavy on golf courses and hotels, took a beating during 2020 amid the coronavirus pandemic. Revenues at his Las Vegas hotel, for instance, fell from $22.9 million in 2017 to $9.2 million during 2020 and the first 20 days of 2021, according to Trump’s financial disclosures.​
The damage to Trump’s business image started early in his presidency. One consultant for Trump, arguing in a 2017 public hearing for a lower tax bill at his Doral golf resort, said Trump’s politics had damaged his business model.​
In Trump’s home base of New York, the Trump name has become increasingly toxic. One high-profile property, the Trump SoHo hotel in lower Manhattan, was rebranded the Dominick in 2017. New York City in January canceled his leases on a golf course, two Central Park skating rinks and a carousel.​
After the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riots, some of Trump’s large tenants, including the Girl Scouts and a nonprofit called TB Alliance, said they were exploring whether they could get out of their leases. One commercial real-estate broker says many prospective tenants won’t consider the building because Trump’s name is on it.​
“Most New York tenants want nothing to do with it, and that’s been the case for five years now,” said Ruth Colp-Haber, who said she has placed seven clients in the building over the years, but can’t interest anyone now. “It’s the biggest bargain going, but they won’t look at it.”​
The Doral resort and Washington hotel, along with a hotel in Chicago, are secured by about $340 million in loans from Deutsche Bank AG(DBKGn.DE), Trump’s biggest lender. But the bank has no appetite for more business with Trump and has no plans to extend the loans after they come due in 2023 and 2024, a senior Deutsche Bank source told Reuters.​


I never thought of that, but I can see it.

Most of trump's real-estate is in New York. New York is very left wing. That can't be good for business.

Loaning money to or doing anything with trump is bad business because half of your customers will hate you.

I doubt trump knew this going into the presidency or he never would ran.
I guess being on topic is beyond yer capabilities. This thread is about The Don and his business loses from being a dick. This is not about me.
your response did not address that as all the dates were prior to the protest in Washington, just admit you are fucking idiot and we can move forward. Its obvious you are

As I stated earlier, the real criminals profit from serving themselves, civil servants sacrifice for the people
I am laughing all the way to the bank and enjoying it.
I'm laughing at the thought of you even going to a bank.
Everything is Trump, Trump, Trump.
If you and your ilk really thought that Brandon was doing such a bang up job
as president as what is presented on this messageboard, you wouldn't even
have to think about Trump. :laughing0301:

As we know, Donnie has several hundred million coming due with Deutsche Bank in the next couple years. He'll likely default and he personally signed on those loans. Nobody else wants to loan him money either, and that will make him even more toxic. So about the only way he continues to make money is grifting off his the MAGA-hatters, most of whom can't afford to stay at his properties. Eventually the sheep will be fully fleeced. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. :)


Trump’s business brand was once synonymous with wealth and success, an image that now clashes sharply with a political brand rooted in the anger of his largely rural and working-class voter base. His presidency is now associated in the minds of many with its violent end, as supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.​
Prospective tenants in New York are shunning his buildings, one real-estate broker said, to avoid being associated with Trump. Organizers of golf tournaments have pulled events from his courses.​
Financial records show Trump’s real-estate business has declined. Income from the family’s holdings, heavy on golf courses and hotels, took a beating during 2020 amid the coronavirus pandemic. Revenues at his Las Vegas hotel, for instance, fell from $22.9 million in 2017 to $9.2 million during 2020 and the first 20 days of 2021, according to Trump’s financial disclosures.​
The damage to Trump’s business image started early in his presidency. One consultant for Trump, arguing in a 2017 public hearing for a lower tax bill at his Doral golf resort, said Trump’s politics had damaged his business model.​
In Trump’s home base of New York, the Trump name has become increasingly toxic. One high-profile property, the Trump SoHo hotel in lower Manhattan, was rebranded the Dominick in 2017. New York City in January canceled his leases on a golf course, two Central Park skating rinks and a carousel.​
After the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riots, some of Trump’s large tenants, including the Girl Scouts and a nonprofit called TB Alliance, said they were exploring whether they could get out of their leases. One commercial real-estate broker says many prospective tenants won’t consider the building because Trump’s name is on it.​
“Most New York tenants want nothing to do with it, and that’s been the case for five years now,” said Ruth Colp-Haber, who said she has placed seven clients in the building over the years, but can’t interest anyone now. “It’s the biggest bargain going, but they won’t look at it.”​
The Doral resort and Washington hotel, along with a hotel in Chicago, are secured by about $340 million in loans from Deutsche Bank AG(DBKGn.DE), Trump’s biggest lender. But the bank has no appetite for more business with Trump and has no plans to extend the loans after they come due in 2023 and 2024, a senior Deutsche Bank source told Reuters.​


As we know, Donnie has several hundred million coming due with Deutsche Bank in the next couple years. He'll likely default and he personally signed on those loans. Nobody else wants to loan him money either, and that will make him even more toxic. So about the only way he continues to make money is grifting off his the MAGA-hatters, most of whom can't afford to stay at his properties. Eventually the sheep will be fully fleeced. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. :)


Trump’s business brand was once synonymous with wealth and success, an image that now clashes sharply with a political brand rooted in the anger of his largely rural and working-class voter base. His presidency is now associated in the minds of many with its violent end, as supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.​
Prospective tenants in New York are shunning his buildings, one real-estate broker said, to avoid being associated with Trump. Organizers of golf tournaments have pulled events from his courses.​
Financial records show Trump’s real-estate business has declined. Income from the family’s holdings, heavy on golf courses and hotels, took a beating during 2020 amid the coronavirus pandemic. Revenues at his Las Vegas hotel, for instance, fell from $22.9 million in 2017 to $9.2 million during 2020 and the first 20 days of 2021, according to Trump’s financial disclosures.​
The damage to Trump’s business image started early in his presidency. One consultant for Trump, arguing in a 2017 public hearing for a lower tax bill at his Doral golf resort, said Trump’s politics had damaged his business model.​
In Trump’s home base of New York, the Trump name has become increasingly toxic. One high-profile property, the Trump SoHo hotel in lower Manhattan, was rebranded the Dominick in 2017. New York City in January canceled his leases on a golf course, two Central Park skating rinks and a carousel.​
After the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riots, some of Trump’s large tenants, including the Girl Scouts and a nonprofit called TB Alliance, said they were exploring whether they could get out of their leases. One commercial real-estate broker says many prospective tenants won’t consider the building because Trump’s name is on it.​
“Most New York tenants want nothing to do with it, and that’s been the case for five years now,” said Ruth Colp-Haber, who said she has placed seven clients in the building over the years, but can’t interest anyone now. “It’s the biggest bargain going, but they won’t look at it.”​
The Doral resort and Washington hotel, along with a hotel in Chicago, are secured by about $340 million in loans from Deutsche Bank AG(DBKGn.DE), Trump’s biggest lender. But the bank has no appetite for more business with Trump and has no plans to extend the loans after they come due in 2023 and 2024, a senior Deutsche Bank source told Reuters.​


Yet with all the evidence to the contrary libs still claim trump was/is only in it for the money
Yet with all the evidence to the contrary libs still claim trump was/is only in it for the money

Libs just say whatever shit they think might sound good in that second. They give it no more thought than that.

That is why, when you point out that they are wrong or that they said something, actually racist or homophobic,

they don't care. Indeed, they are generally confused why you are talking about their words, that they uttered in teh past.

They idea that they would have to, or SHOULD defend the shit they say? Completely alien to them.
As we know, Donnie has several hundred million coming due with Deutsche Bank in the next couple years. He'll likely default and he personally signed on those loans. Nobody else wants to loan him money either, and that will make him even more toxic. So about the only way he continues to make money is grifting off his the MAGA-hatters, most of whom can't afford to stay at his properties. Eventually the sheep will be fully fleeced. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. :)


Trump’s business brand was once synonymous with wealth and success, an image that now clashes sharply with a political brand rooted in the anger of his largely rural and working-class voter base. His presidency is now associated in the minds of many with its violent end, as supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.​
Prospective tenants in New York are shunning his buildings, one real-estate broker said, to avoid being associated with Trump. Organizers of golf tournaments have pulled events from his courses.​
Financial records show Trump’s real-estate business has declined. Income from the family’s holdings, heavy on golf courses and hotels, took a beating during 2020 amid the coronavirus pandemic. Revenues at his Las Vegas hotel, for instance, fell from $22.9 million in 2017 to $9.2 million during 2020 and the first 20 days of 2021, according to Trump’s financial disclosures.​
The damage to Trump’s business image started early in his presidency. One consultant for Trump, arguing in a 2017 public hearing for a lower tax bill at his Doral golf resort, said Trump’s politics had damaged his business model.​
In Trump’s home base of New York, the Trump name has become increasingly toxic. One high-profile property, the Trump SoHo hotel in lower Manhattan, was rebranded the Dominick in 2017. New York City in January canceled his leases on a golf course, two Central Park skating rinks and a carousel.​
After the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riots, some of Trump’s large tenants, including the Girl Scouts and a nonprofit called TB Alliance, said they were exploring whether they could get out of their leases. One commercial real-estate broker says many prospective tenants won’t consider the building because Trump’s name is on it.​
“Most New York tenants want nothing to do with it, and that’s been the case for five years now,” said Ruth Colp-Haber, who said she has placed seven clients in the building over the years, but can’t interest anyone now. “It’s the biggest bargain going, but they won’t look at it.”​
The Doral resort and Washington hotel, along with a hotel in Chicago, are secured by about $340 million in loans from Deutsche Bank AG(DBKGn.DE), Trump’s biggest lender. But the bank has no appetite for more business with Trump and has no plans to extend the loans after they come due in 2023 and 2024, a senior Deutsche Bank source told Reuters.​


Some estimates are that the loans coming due from foreign bans may be as much as $800 million.. plus his legal fees.
I never thought of that, but I can see it.

Most of trump's real-estate is in New York. New York is very left wing. That can't be good for business.

Loaning money to or doing anything with trump is bad business because half of your customers will hate you.

I doubt trump knew this going into the presidency or he never would ran.
Trump was loved (for his money) by both left and right winger before he ran for president as a republican.
Libs just say whatever shit they think might sound good in that second. They give it no more thought than that.

That is why, when you point out that they are wrong or that they said something, actually racist or homophobic,

they don't care. Indeed, they are generally confused why you are talking about their words, that they uttered in teh past.

They idea that they would have to, or SHOULD defend the shit they say? Completely alien to them.

What does that have to do with Trump's businesses failing and his loans coming due?
I'm laughing at the thought of you even going to a bank.
Everything is Trump, Trump, Trump.
If you and your ilk really thought that Brandon was doing such a bang up job
as president as what is presented on this messageboard, you wouldn't even
have to think about Trump. :laughing0301:
I don't think Biden is worth a damn just like Trump but you put yer nose so far up Trump's ass you can tell what he's eating by the smell of his shit. I have never said Biden is doing a good job, just like I never said Trump is doing a good job, that is yer onus to suck up to politicians and nuzzle yer nose in their asses because you can't tell the diff between right and wrong.
I never thought of that, but I can see it.

Most of trump's real-estate is in New York. New York is very left wing. That can't be good for business.

Loaning money to or doing anything with trump is bad business because half of your customers will hate you.

I doubt trump knew this going into the presidency or he never would ran.

Exactly, he'd have been smarter taking Daddy's half a billion dollar inheritance, tossing it into index funds, laying low and playing golf the rest of his life. Now his finances are in disarray and he has some very serious lawsuits coming down the pike.

Topline: President Trump’s New York City ice skating rinks have removed his name from their signage, reported the Washington Post, marking the first time the Trump Organization has downplayed its connection to the president⁠—but nine other buildings have previously nixed Trump’s name.

  • Besides the skating rinks, six of Trump Place residential buildings in New York City’s Upper West Side dropped his name in February.
  • And his Trump SoHo hotel (also in New York City) removed the president’s name in 2017, spurring a full financial recovery from a prolonged slump.
  • Two other Trump hotels⁠—one in Toronto, the other in Panama⁠—dropped his name in 2017 and 2018.
  • The SoHo, Toronto and Panama hotels are no longer doing business with Trump, while the Upper West Side condos still have a contract with him.
  • Multiple reports suggested that the properties cut ties with Trump because in a divisive political climate, the association was hurting business.
  • The Panama hotel, however, accused the Trump Organization of evading taxesa year after ending their business relationship.
Yet with all the evidence to the contrary libs still claim trump was/is only in it for the money
He was in it to feed his hunger for power, he has been campaigning since Reagan when he cited how much of a fool Reagan was for letting the Japanese take over the US economy in the 1980's.

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