Trumps speech today and fake election

Glad to see Trump did not incite another riot
Stop projecting Maxine Waters' crimes against the President.
Trump was a dreadful president – unfit, unprepared, comprehensively ignorant as to the most fundamental aspects of sound, responsible governance; indeed, Trump had nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance.

Trump was a liar, bigot, racist, misogynist, grifter, and wrong on the issues – his disdain for the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people made him a danger to the Republic; the American people voted him out of office accordingly, and thankfully so.

Voted out of office, rejected by the American people, Trump committed his final act of vengeance against America by inciting a rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy on 1/6.

Trump’s four years of failure in office will be infamous; some of the damage he caused irreparable.
So happy to hear the real President mention that the election was 100 percent rigged on at least several occasions in his rally in Ohio
As of today 13 states have come to Maricopa County, Arizona to view the audit to fend off the demoRat's law siuts and how to keep the DoJ at bay. Pennsylvania should start next week. Once they start doing their own audits I think the troops having to guard for Joe will be the ones to drag his ass out of the White House going as far to knock the shit out of him on the way out.
The cult of personality – such is the right’s contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of the people.

says the guy whose party had their kids singing hymns of praise to their messiah obama. L.O.L.O.L blind hypocrite
That's the same dodge that that other pig, Limbaugh, used to try to use. Everybody knows the crap Trump spews, just like everybody knew the crap Limbaugh spewed.

not surprising liberal men can't relate to actual men. Don't get your tuesday panties in a wad there budella.

Unfortunately Trump is not a actual man but instead a punk!

Real men do not cheat on their wives nor do they beat them while having a child out of wedlock with his mistress that he later married, cheated on and divorced…

So as you admire a punk like Trump let be clear he is not a real man and never was and his rallies are for those that like shiny objects and are easily distracted!
So happy to hear the real President mention that the election was 100 percent rigged on at least several occasions in his rally in Ohio
As of today 13 states have come to Maricopa County, Arizona to view the audit to fend off the demoRat's law siuts and how to keep the DoJ at bay. Pennsylvania should start next week. Once they start doing their own audits I think the troops having to guard for Joe will be the ones to drag his ass out of the White House going as far to knock the shit out of him on the way out.

Then Pelosi become President…
Unfortunately Trump is not a actual man but instead a punk!

Real men do not cheat on their wives nor do they beat them while having a child out of wedlock with his mistress that he later married, cheated on and divorced…

So as you admire a punk like Trump let be clear he is not a real man and never was and his rallies are for those that like shiny objects and are easily distracted!

Formally known as Bruce T. Laney.

i don't consider you a man. You support a party that encourages the murder of the unborn. That suits many leftist males fine.....they can boink anything and not have any consequences. Men protect life when they aren't killing other men who are trying to take life. The left is the bad guys but they now call good evil and evil good. I don't consider you a man because you do not have discernment. You have itching ears and you can't tell truth from lie and you willing support the lie. You support the destruction of this nation. I think you know that but you won't admit it. You would see this nation on its knees before you'd do anything that might benefit any conservative citizen.
Unfortunately Trump is not a actual man but instead a punk!

Real men do not cheat on their wives nor do they beat them while having a child out of wedlock with his mistress that he later married, cheated on and divorced…

So as you admire a punk like Trump let be clear he is not a real man and never was and his rallies are for those that like shiny objects and are easily distracted!

Formally known as Bruce T. Laney.

i don't consider you a man. You support a party that encourages the murder of the unborn. That suits many leftist males fine.....they can boink anything and not have any consequences. Men protect life when they aren't killing other men who are trying to take life. The left is the bad guys but they now call good evil and evil good. I don't consider you a man because you do not have discernment. You have itching ears and you can't tell truth from lie and you willing support the lie. You support the destruction of this nation. I think you know that but you won't admit it. You would see this nation on its knees before you'd do anything that might benefit any conservative citizen.

How many times did Trump donate to those like Clinton and invited those like Clinton to his third wedding?

Yeah, you worship a punk that once donated to those you hate!
How many times did Trump donate to those like Clinton and invited those like Clinton to his third wedding?

Yeah, you worship a punk that once donated to those you hate!

weak dude....weak.
I really want to know why some here thinks Trumps endless claims of Voter Fraud is going to help him into the future?
hmmm. all these attacks right now on the President, the real President, PRESIDENT TRUMP must be coming because Joe is being shown to be unfit for office...but...we all knew that didn't we? heh heh heh. Y'all have bitten off your noses to spite your faces.

annnnd...joe has trouble reading the teleprompter...annnnnd Joe is determined to finish off your neighborhood by putting in low income housing for undesirables.

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