Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper

He was spying on the Russians by asking the Trump campaign members about their interactions with the Russians.

I am just baffled by why the Right objects to the FBI counter intelligence measures against the Russians to protect our election process.
When did he ask them that?
In fact, Halper is a longtime Republican who never worked for the Trump campaign. The FBI appeared to have asked Halper to make contact with Page and Papadopoulos after it had reason to believe each of these men was in contact with the Russian government (the trip to Moscow in Page’s case, and the conversation with the Australian in Papadopoulos’s).

So where do Trump’s misconceptions come from? They appear to originate with a May 12 article written by National Review legal analyst Andrew McCarthy, who appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss his theory just before Trump tweeted about the Halper case for the first time (the above tweet).

"Spygate," the false allegation that the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign, explained
You posted Democrat spin. You didn't answer the question. When did Halper ask Page or Papadopoulos about their interactions with the Russians?

On July 7 of that year, Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow to give a lecture. Page had long been on the FBI’s radar due to his contacts with Russia; in 2013, Russian intelligence reached out to him directly in a short-lived effort to recruit him as an intelligence asset. Less than a week later, Halper met Page at a conference on US foreign policy and the 2016 election held in Cambridge. The two men struck up an email correspondence.

It’s not clear whether that initial meeting was done at the FBI’s behest. It’s possible that these two men just had a lot in common and established a sort of friendship; Halper is reportedly known for being a major networker.

But on July 31, about three weeks after Halper and Page first met, the FBI began a counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to infiltrate the Trump campaign and alter the outcome of the 2016 election. As part of this investigation, they asked Halper to reach out to two Trump advisers — Page and George Papadopoulos — to see what he could learn about connections between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Between August 1 and the November 2016 election, Halper was in regular contact with those two men. In September, he met with Papadopoulos in London — the pretext was Halper paying Papadopoulos to write a paper on Middle Eastern energy markets — and asked him about Trump contacts with the Kremlin.

The Papadopoulos Affair: Such a Downer

We now know that, in September 2016, Stefan Halper, a Cambridge University professor and confidential informant for the FBI, invited Papadopoulos to a meeting in London. Halper offered to pay for Papadopoulos’ flight and hotel and offered to pay him $3,000 to write a policy paper on a Middle East gas field. When the meeting took place, Halper, acting in his undercover capacity, posed many random questions about assorted topics. But then, out of left field, he suddenly asked, “George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?” Papadopoulos replied that he did not.

Halper was planting information on Papadopoulos. He wasn't trying to elicit information.
But then, out of left field, he suddenly asked, “George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?” Papadopoulos replied that he did not.

And how do we 'know' what was said?

According to a 'source'.

An unnamed source.

Or as Donald Trump would call it


When did he ask them that?
In fact, Halper is a longtime Republican who never worked for the Trump campaign. The FBI appeared to have asked Halper to make contact with Page and Papadopoulos after it had reason to believe each of these men was in contact with the Russian government (the trip to Moscow in Page’s case, and the conversation with the Australian in Papadopoulos’s).

So where do Trump’s misconceptions come from? They appear to originate with a May 12 article written by National Review legal analyst Andrew McCarthy, who appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss his theory just before Trump tweeted about the Halper case for the first time (the above tweet).

"Spygate," the false allegation that the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign, explained
You posted Democrat spin. You didn't answer the question. When did Halper ask Page or Papadopoulos about their interactions with the Russians?

On July 7 of that year, Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow to give a lecture. Page had long been on the FBI’s radar due to his contacts with Russia; in 2013, Russian intelligence reached out to him directly in a short-lived effort to recruit him as an intelligence asset. Less than a week later, Halper met Page at a conference on US foreign policy and the 2016 election held in Cambridge. The two men struck up an email correspondence.

It’s not clear whether that initial meeting was done at the FBI’s behest. It’s possible that these two men just had a lot in common and established a sort of friendship; Halper is reportedly known for being a major networker.

But on July 31, about three weeks after Halper and Page first met, the FBI began a counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to infiltrate the Trump campaign and alter the outcome of the 2016 election. As part of this investigation, they asked Halper to reach out to two Trump advisers — Page and George Papadopoulos — to see what he could learn about connections between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Between August 1 and the November 2016 election, Halper was in regular contact with those two men. In September, he met with Papadopoulos in London — the pretext was Halper paying Papadopoulos to write a paper on Middle Eastern energy markets — and asked him about Trump contacts with the Kremlin.

The Papadopoulos Affair: Such a Downer

We now know that, in September 2016, Stefan Halper, a Cambridge University professor and confidential informant for the FBI, invited Papadopoulos to a meeting in London. Halper offered to pay for Papadopoulos’ flight and hotel and offered to pay him $3,000 to write a policy paper on a Middle East gas field. When the meeting took place, Halper, acting in his undercover capacity, posed many random questions about assorted topics. But then, out of left field, he suddenly asked, “George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?” Papadopoulos replied that he did not.

Halper was planting information on Papadopoulos. He wasn't trying to elicit information.
But then, out of left field, he suddenly asked, “George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?” Papadopoulos replied that he did not.

And how do we 'know' what was said?

According to a 'source'.

An unnamed source.

Or as Donald Trump would call it


I believe Popadopolous is the source.
That didn't stop him from making a fool of himself on twitter this morning, again. Somebody get that dotard some Metamucil.

Jesus - I forgot to look .. Yep, the Toxic Orange Turd is back to his lying.

  1. Verified account 4h4 hours ago
    “Everyone knows there was a Spy, and in fact the people who were involved in the Spying are admitting that there was a Spy...Widespread Spying involving multiple people.” Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist Senior Editor But the corrupt Mainstream Media hates this monster story!

    10,711 replies11,986 retweets40,821 likes

  2. Verified account 4h4 hours ago
    Can anyone even imagine having Spies placed in a competing campaign, by the people and party in absolute power, for the sole purpose of political advantage and gain? And to think that the party in question, even with the expenditure of far more money, LOST!

    14,738 replies12,367 retweets47,422 likes

  3. Verified account 4h4 hours ago
    The Democrats are now alluding to the the concept that having an Informant placed in an opposing party’s campaign is different than having a Spy, as illegal as that may be. But what about an “Informant” who is paid a fortune and who “sets up” way earlier than the Russian Hoax?

    7,582 replies9,196 retweets32,530 likes
So where's the lie?

You're kidding right? Nobody "placed a spy" in Adolf Twitler's campaign.
“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper
Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time...

Thread bookmarked so in a couple weeks we can see how many indictments have been handed out

Sent from my iPhone using

So, it has been a couple of weeks, how many indictments have been handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc? Did I miss the coverage of those indictments?
“Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intel agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign,” said a statement Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., read to reporters on behalf of himself, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

But just as the notorious “Nunes memo” ended up backfiring, undermining Trump World’s own arguments, the secret information divulged yesterday brought into focus another inconvenient truth for the president: there was no spy. Trump’s assertions on the matter have been ridiculous from the outset.

Trump's nonsensical 'Spygate' conspiracy theory ends with a whimper


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