Trump's trade war with China

/——/ I heard about it on the radio. It was supposed to be made in China but because of the tariffs it will be made in Texas.

Your own link said it has been made in Texas since 2013. Whatever lie you heard on the radio is irrelevant.
/——/ Read the headline bozo:
Apple’s new Mac Pro to be made in Texas

This is the problem with people like you. You lack the IQ to read past the headlines as there are too many big words for you. The MacPro has been made in Texas since 2013, thus Apple did not move where it was manufactured. Your own link, if you read past the headline, refuted your own lies.

Trumpets are dumb and ignorant. Even outside of this site.
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
Your own link said it has been made in Texas since 2013. Whatever lie you heard on the radio is irrelevant.
/——/ Read the headline bozo:
Apple’s new Mac Pro to be made in Texas

This is the problem with people like you. You lack the IQ to read past the headlines as there are too many big words for you. The MacPro has been made in Texas since 2013, thus Apple did not move where it was manufactured. Your own link, if you read past the headline, refuted your own lies.

Trumpets are dumb and ignorant. Even outside of this site.
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.
/——/ Read the headline bozo:
Apple’s new Mac Pro to be made in Texas

This is the problem with people like you. You lack the IQ to read past the headlines as there are too many big words for you. The MacPro has been made in Texas since 2013, thus Apple did not move where it was manufactured. Your own link, if you read past the headline, refuted your own lies.

Trumpets are dumb and ignorant. Even outside of this site.
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Very funny but you fall on Trump never ending lies. See the difference?
This is the problem with people like you. You lack the IQ to read past the headlines as there are too many big words for you. The MacPro has been made in Texas since 2013, thus Apple did not move where it was manufactured. Your own link, if you read past the headline, refuted your own lies.

Trumpets are dumb and ignorant. Even outside of this site.
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Very funny but you fall on Trump never ending lies. See the difference?
/——/ What lies?
/——/ Read the headline bozo:
Apple’s new Mac Pro to be made in Texas

This is the problem with people like you. You lack the IQ to read past the headlines as there are too many big words for you. The MacPro has been made in Texas since 2013, thus Apple did not move where it was manufactured. Your own link, if you read past the headline, refuted your own lies.

Trumpets are dumb and ignorant. Even outside of this site.
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.
This is the problem with people like you. You lack the IQ to read past the headlines as there are too many big words for you. The MacPro has been made in Texas since 2013, thus Apple did not move where it was manufactured. Your own link, if you read past the headline, refuted your own lies.

Trumpets are dumb and ignorant. Even outside of this site.
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.

Yep, guess that Russia, Russia, Russia thing kinda fell through the cracks, along with the collusion thing.
This is the problem with people like you. You lack the IQ to read past the headlines as there are too many big words for you. The MacPro has been made in Texas since 2013, thus Apple did not move where it was manufactured. Your own link, if you read past the headline, refuted your own lies.

Trumpets are dumb and ignorant. Even outside of this site.
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.

SUre. LIke Trump said, the "all mexicans are rapists" or that "nazis are very fine people".

You people are complete and total dupes for the most stupid and easily provable lies.
Trumpets are dumb and ignorant. Even outside of this site.
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Very funny but you fall on Trump never ending lies. See the difference?
/——/ What lies?

See what I mean? You don’t even know the difference anymore.
Trumpets are dumb and ignorant. Even outside of this site.
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.

Yep, guess that Russia, Russia, Russia thing kinda fell through the cracks, along with the collusion thing.

Do you know what is funny? Fox News like Hannity, Carlson Judge and others that catered to your liking. Lied all the time but none of you parrots say anything.
Trumpets are dumb and ignorant. Even outside of this site.
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.

SUre. LIke Trump said, the "all mexicans are rapists" or that "nazis are very fine people".

You people are complete and total dupes for the most stupid and easily provable lies.

Are you serious?
Are you denying that?
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.

SUre. LIke Trump said, the "all mexicans are rapists" or that "nazis are very fine people".

You people are complete and total dupes for the most stupid and easily provable lies.

Are you serious?
Are you denying that?

Not only am I denying it. I am stating that it has been debunked on this site so many times, than no one on this site is stupid enough to actually, truly believe such stupid shit.

YOu are lying. YOu are just pretending to believe the lies, so that you can continue to spread lies that you know are lies.

Thus, Dragonlady's moronic claim that liberals are not dupes, is proven to be something only a profoundly retarded person would say.
His economic policy has been bad with a trillion dollar deficit bill to boot.
/——-/ Yeah, the President controls the spending except for Obozo. Then Congress was in charge of the budget. Funny how things change when a Republican is in office.

Oh for fuck sake.
The only reason we are having these arguments is because of Trump ineptness.
Trade negotiations started 2 years ago and there’s no end insight.

Remember keep this in to your thick skull.... the biggest losers are the American consumers which you supports.
So the clear commies are people like you who don’t give a rats ass to poor Americans.
/----/ And then there's this
The impact of high tariffs has not hit the American wallet...
That's right. Everyone who predicted tariff driven inflation is all wet.
... And there are no sign China is backing down...
They can deal fairly with us and stop stealing from us, or they can pay the tariffs. Right now they are choosing to pay the tariffs. But, Trump is still helping them find their price point.
... Trump is an idiot..
And yet, he whipped your asses.

This just shows how many ignorant trump supporters are.

These tariffs has not hit your pockets yet.
So how in the fuck an inflation started?
/---/ Since I rarely buy Chinese procsts - except General Cho's Chicken - the tariffs will never hit my pocket.

Your almighty.

Do you represents the rest of poor Americans? How about your fellow Americans that relied on Walmart products and prices?
/——/ I’m speaking for myself, I don’t shop in Walmart. And Libtards spent the last decade bashing Walmart, now you praise them.

Since when liberals bashed Walmart? Can you prove that?
Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.

SUre. LIke Trump said, the "all mexicans are rapists" or that "nazis are very fine people".

You people are complete and total dupes for the most stupid and easily provable lies.

Are you serious?
Are you denying that?

Not only am I denying it. I am stating that it has been debunked on this site so many times, than no one on this site is stupid enough to actually, truly believe such stupid shit.

YOu are lying. YOu are just pretending to believe the lies, so that you can continue to spread lies that you know are lies.

Thus, Dragonlady's moronic claim that liberals are not dupes, is proven to be something only a profoundly retarded person would say.

Then you are nothing but a corrupted Trump ignorant supporter.
Only stupid idiots don’t believe that. Here’s the video of Trump Mexicans are rapist.

/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.

SUre. LIke Trump said, the "all mexicans are rapists" or that "nazis are very fine people".

You people are complete and total dupes for the most stupid and easily provable lies.

Are you serious?
Are you denying that?

Not only am I denying it. I am stating that it has been debunked on this site so many times, than no one on this site is stupid enough to actually, truly believe such stupid shit.

YOu are lying. YOu are just pretending to believe the lies, so that you can continue to spread lies that you know are lies.

Thus, Dragonlady's moronic claim that liberals are not dupes, is proven to be something only a profoundly retarded person would say.

Then you are nothing but a corrupted Trump ignorant supporter.
Only stupid idiots don’t believe that. Here’s the video of Trump Mexicans are rapist.

Wow. First of all, that was a clip of someone talking about what Trump said, not Trump saying it.

Second of all, even with all the lies, and the lack of context, you could see "some are good people".

Good people as opposed to rapists and murderers.

THis is where you admit that you are a vile dupe of vile liars, and apologize to me and President Trump.
Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.

SUre. LIke Trump said, the "all mexicans are rapists" or that "nazis are very fine people".

You people are complete and total dupes for the most stupid and easily provable lies.

Are you serious?
Are you denying that?

Not only am I denying it. I am stating that it has been debunked on this site so many times, than no one on this site is stupid enough to actually, truly believe such stupid shit.

YOu are lying. YOu are just pretending to believe the lies, so that you can continue to spread lies that you know are lies.

Thus, Dragonlady's moronic claim that liberals are not dupes, is proven to be something only a profoundly retarded person would say.

Here’s a video of Trump. NAZIs are fine people.
He even get a Thank you from David Duke.

Anderson Cooper: How many 'fine people' would march with Nazis? - CNN Video
Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.

SUre. LIke Trump said, the "all mexicans are rapists" or that "nazis are very fine people".

You people are complete and total dupes for the most stupid and easily provable lies.

Are you serious?
Are you denying that?

Not only am I denying it. I am stating that it has been debunked on this site so many times, than no one on this site is stupid enough to actually, truly believe such stupid shit.

YOu are lying. YOu are just pretending to believe the lies, so that you can continue to spread lies that you know are lies.

Thus, Dragonlady's moronic claim that liberals are not dupes, is proven to be something only a profoundly retarded person would say.

Then you are nothing but a corrupted Trump ignorant supporter.
Only stupid idiots don’t believe that. Here’s the video of Trump Mexicans are rapist.

Wow. First of all, that was a clip of someone talking about what Trump said, not Trump saying it.

Second of all, even with all the lies, and the lack of context, you could see "some are good people".

Good people as opposed to rapists and murderers.

THis is where you admit that you are a vile dupe of vile liars, and apologize to me and President Trump.

Dude I don’t lie like you. Distort the reality to proved your stupidity. You are a good example of moron and an idiot at the same time.

From this point I will consider you a stupid liar, moron and idiot.
Ask me if I ever believe you again.
Trumpets are dumb and ignorant. Even outside of this site.
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.

SUre. LIke Trump said, the "all mexicans are rapists" or that "nazis are very fine people".

You people are complete and total dupes for the most stupid and easily provable lies.

In reality Trumpets are the largest supporters of conspiracy crap stories. They believed everything that comes out from a hypocrite pathological POTUS.

Trump: Obama was born in Kenya.... Trump followers that is right Obama was born in Kenya.

Trump changed his mind: Obama was born in America. Trump cult followers. That is right Obama was born in America.

#2. Trump: Obama’s mansion has 10 foot wall to stop illegals from coming in to his mansion. Trump cult followers believed that.

#3. He cannot find American workers in Florida such as waiter, cook, janitors so he hired foreigners for his Maralago golf club and vineyards. His followers believed him.

I can go on and on and on of Trump garbage theories that you ignorant people supports.
CHILL....the market will come roaring back....the tariffs are a necessary evil we must support and endure for future economies...this drop today was a result of several things that have popped up.....and the fact that the hate Trump media are trying to bring on a recession.....or the fear of one....

Trump has been saying that for two years. Matters are worse now than they ever have been. Wall street has been treading water for five months.

Funny thing about Trump. With him all the good stuff is always in the future. He has accomplished nothing. He has only harmed the economy, the Iranian problem is worse, our allies do not trust him, his deranged rhetoric inspired three killers, and he continues to set record lows on Wall Street.

What do you like about him?
60,000 jobs created since 2016...Obama could have done that....but he didn't...why?...Trump made it look easy and he is the first president in my lifetime that is truly working for the little guy...not the rich and connected I assume are siding with the super connected entrenched wealthy class....I'm siding with blue collar workers that make the economy work...I don't know Trump I can't tell you if I like him...but I like his agenda...Americans and America first....

Do you know what is very scary with your post. It’s totally way off from reality like a text book from Hannity.

1. Trump made easy? Really? When Trump started this TW he bragged it’s easy to win. Two years later still not done. At the same time we made farmers welfare recipients $12 billions and $16 billions.
At the same time just about 100% from all business categories are blasting Trump TW. Not a single one supported this idiot.

2. What little guy are you talking about? When the biggest losers of this TW are the little ( poor) American consumers paying the higher prices.

For the first time in my lifetime I never expected a total moron, pathological hypocrite bastard see a tug POTUS in the WH.

However there is a little progress this week..... Trump declared ....... Partial Agreement was reached. Not sure what the details are.... This is a face saving for Trump.
/——-/Yeah, anyone who dares disagree with you is dumb and ignorant- not a wizard of smarts like you.

Starts with you.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.

Yep, guess that Russia, Russia, Russia thing kinda fell through the cracks, along with the collusion thing.

Do you know what is funny? Fox News like Hannity, Carlson Judge and others that catered to your liking. Lied all the time but none of you parrots say anything.

Unlike CNN and MSNBC, their new slogan should be "truth over facts", dumbass.
/——-/ Funny how I’m dumb and ignorant but still smart enough not to fall for DemocRAT lies.

Here’s the thing. Propagandists consider conservatives easy pickings. They don’t read links or fact check, they just parrot whatever they’re told provided it aligns with their previously held beliefs. That’s why Republicans believed the birther lie.

Democrats fact check everything. Liberals believe no one and fact check everything. Especially with a self confessed liar like Trump in office.

There are no fake news liberal sites. Liberals unmask their lies in minutes. But conservative fake news sites prosper.

SUre. LIke Trump said, the "all mexicans are rapists" or that "nazis are very fine people".

You people are complete and total dupes for the most stupid and easily provable lies.

Are you serious?
Are you denying that?

Not only am I denying it. I am stating that it has been debunked on this site so many times, than no one on this site is stupid enough to actually, truly believe such stupid shit.

YOu are lying. YOu are just pretending to believe the lies, so that you can continue to spread lies that you know are lies.

Thus, Dragonlady's moronic claim that liberals are not dupes, is proven to be something only a profoundly retarded person would say.

Then you are nothing but a corrupted Trump ignorant supporter.
Only stupid idiots don’t believe that. Here’s the video of Trump Mexicans are rapist.

/——/ Trumps comments in their full text. Fact-Check: Donald Trump Did Not Call All Mexicans 'Rapists' and 'Criminals' | Breitbart

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