Trump's UN Ambassador Bitch Slaps Putin

It isn't hard to figure out. The kissy kissy bond you have been led to believe existed between Trump and Putin never existed. Obama and Clinton were Putin's buddies. They gifted Putin our uranium so he can gift it to Iran.
Wake the hell up. This is about NOT giving Putin the leeway Obama promised him.

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It's because everything the Democrats said about Trump being Putin's puppet was a LIE.

Don't believe in your own LIES it will get you in trouble.

Believing in the media's LIES is the reason Hillary Clinton lost to Trump.
I'm wondering if Trump is going to speak out against what she said.

If so, does this mean she will be the first one to hear him say "you're fired"?
Considering that it's Kiev on the offensive all I can figure is that she will continue the former administration's posture on this issue until later.
And is she fucking nuts? Crimea will never return to the Ukraine. Crimeans would rather die than be under Kiev's thumb.
It isn't hard to figure out. The kissy kissy bond you have been led to believe existed between Trump and Putin never existed. Obama and Clinton were Putin's buddies. They gifted Putin our uranium so he can gift it to Iran.
Wake the hell up. This is about NOT giving Putin the leeway Obama promised him.

Yeah, it's convenient for Democrats to blame Trump. But Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button' was an absolute nightmare. Any perceived problems with Russia, should solely be blamed on Obama and Clinton.

Trump's only been President for about 2 weeks. He's tasked with cleaning up their awful mess. So i don't care what Democrats think on this issue. All of the problems have been created by them.
And is she fucking nuts? Crimea will never return to the Ukraine. Crimeans would rather die than be under Kiev's thumb.

Dah, Putin's thumb is A-OK!

Toddster Crimeans are ethnic Russians. Kiev is setting out to destroy anything and all things Russian because they are pro nazi supporters.

When Kiev first came to power after the coup the first thing they did was try to ban every other language in the Ukraine including Russian and were set to remove Crimea's autonomy.

This is why they ran for protection from Moscow. And btw you can read independent sources that are non US propagand or Russian and the Crimeans are thrilled to death to be away from Kiev.

And I'm of Ukrainian descent and am fearful because I know who is in power.
Let me remind every conservative. The Ukrainian leadership backed Hillary not only financially with millions, even more than the Arab Gulf States but they actually interfered by making up stories about Paul Manafort.

They admit they made up a corruption scandal about this good man and got him to resign.

Ukraine is no friend to Trump or to US conservatives or Republicans.
And is she fucking nuts? Crimea will never return to the Ukraine. Crimeans would rather die than be under Kiev's thumb.

Dah, Putin's thumb is A-OK!

Toddster Crimeans are ethnic Russians. Kiev is setting out to destroy anything and all things Russian because they are pro nazi supporters.

When Kiev first came to power after the coup the first thing they did was try to ban every other language in the Ukraine including Russian and were set to remove Crimea's autonomy.

This is why they ran for protection from Moscow. And btw you can read independent sources that are non US propagand or Russian and the Crimeans are thrilled to death to be away from Kiev.

And I'm of Ukrainian descent and am fearful because I know who is in power.

Kiev is setting out to destroy anything and all things Russian because they are pro nazi supporters.

Poor Russia, largest nation in the world, surrounded by Nazis.
I mean why would the formerly captive nations have anything to fear from old teddy bear Russia?


And I'm of Ukrainian descent and am fearful because I know who is in power.

Was it better when Ukraine was fully under the Russian boot?

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