Trumps wall...

Looks like things are moving forward despite the shrill calls of liberals...

Border wall prototype contractors selected

That is as far as it goes. There will be no money for Trump's border wall. Hurricane Harvey destroyed that. Texas needs a lot of walls built. The trouble is the walls will be in Texas not on the border. Mark Meadows has already said they will not press for money to build the wall.
If they had built a wall in Texas, it would have been undermined and washed away bu this storm, and would have had to be rebuilt, just like the levees in New Orleans.
One can strongly make the case that building a prototype constitutes part of the overall project of building the wall, thus that the project has begun. Commencing a project and the project objectives' coming to fruition are not the same things.

As goes Trump's wall, the measure of his promise fulfillment will be measured by the nature, timing and extent of what (if anything) gets built and what Trump averred he'd have the government build. One can only claim successful fulfillment of any promised endeavor when the identified target and what comes to fruition match [1]....Not "sort of match." Not "mostly match." Not "almost match." Match. Period. When "the promise" and "the realized outcome(s)" differ, that's because one "did something other than what one said one would do."

For Trump's wall, the objectives Trump declared are:
  • The wall will be "impenetrable wall that cannot be penetrated, physical, tall, powerful, [and] beautiful"
  • Mexico will pay for the wall's construction
  • 1,000 miles of wall will secure the 1,900-mile border and natural obstacles will take care of the rest.
  • Cost: estimated that the total cost of the wall will be ~$9.7 billion.
Recently, Trump vowed that "If we have to close down our government, we're building that wall." That was an utterly insipid statement. If the government shuts down, neither government employees nor government contractors will build anything during the period of the shutdown.

  1. World/first class leaders, frankly anyone of integrity or who's just given to telling the truth, are very careful not to promise that which they cannot deliver. Of course, Trump isn't a "world class leader. Indeed, the only reason Trump was a CEO is because it's his company, not because he's an outstanding leader.

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