Trump's win pushes OPEC to cut production

Your celebrating is gonna be short lived, guno. Trump has already announced his intentions to open up off shore drilling, which will reduce our need for OPEC. Then there's the pipeline...
Not to mention sticking it up the EPA's ass and building more refineries to process the crude.

The lefty dopes want to keep us dependent on foreign oil. Thank God there's a new sheriff on his way to Washington! Bend over, lefties, it's gonna hurt.

The level of ignorance is stupefying.

Nobody's preventing refineries from being built, Sparkles. If Big Oil wanted more refineries ---- they'd build 'em. But they don't need 'em. They run more efficiently than they used to. And that's a good thing.

Sorry if that sticks the pages of your BinaryBot® Superheroes versus Evildoers comic book together, but some of us have to live in the real world.
Your celebrating is gonna be short lived, guno. Trump has already announced his intentions to open up off shore drilling, which will reduce our need for OPEC. Then there's the pipeline...

Ummmmmmmm.... all the pipeline does is grease the track for oil from Canada, Skippy. Not ours. And then it goes to Houston, and then it goes on ships, and then it goes bye-bye. The only beneficiary is Big Oil.

And OCS, even if that's done would (a) amount to literally pocket change difference in a barrel price, which OPEC shrugs and adjusts to and then goes to lunch, and (b) takes over 20 years to put into the stream, considering that extra refineries and equipment to get it done don't currently exist, and that it's a fungible commodity anyway that goes to that same international market those ships from the Houston pipeline just went to, and not to the pump in Dubuque.

That about it?
The OP is about OPEC cutting production. Guno thinks that's gonna drive prices up. Putting more oil on the market will offset that. I never said we would keep all the oil we drill. If you spent less time trolling and more time thinking, you might have something to contribute to these conversations, chief.
I didn't either. In fact I just directly pointed out that we don't, that it's a fungible, international commodity which is out of our control once it's in that system, and there's precious little a POTUS can do about that anyway. Perhaps you should actually read the post.
No, chief, YOU should read the post. MORE OIL ON THE MARKET MEANS LOWER PRICES. It doesn't matter who puts it out there. If OPEC wants to cut production to drive prices higher (like they've done many times before), let them. Our companies will pick up the slack and make the money instead, plus provide more jobs for Americans to boot. This wasn't possible under Obama because he banned off shore drilling so his muslim brothers in the ME could rip us off. Trump will change that in short order and OPEC will be begging us to buy their oil at a lower price, just like they did in the 80's when Reagan deregulated oil and gave our companies the green light to start drilling again.

That's not how oil works, Princess. Amazingly, you just hinted at how it does work, and then tried to claim the opposite. There's no such thing as "more oil on the market" as a dynamic that any one source can control.

Nor did "Obama" --- you know the villain in your comic book --- "ban off shore drilling". If you're talking about the OCS, George Bush the First did that. That is, if you even know what OCS means.

Nor does oil all come from the ME anyway.
Actually Pogo he did lock up northern Alaska for 5 years just a week ago - pissed off a bunch of Alaskan's. (Another example of fucking Alaskan's being lorded over by folks who "know better" than the folks who live here.)

Barack Obama Blocks Offshore Drilling In the Arctic Ocean

"“The arrogance of the decision is unfathomable, but unfortunately not surprising,” said Randall Luthi, president of the National Ocean Industries Association, an industry group.

“Once again, we see the attitude that Washington knows best—an attitude that contributed to last week’s election results,” Luthi said, referring to Trump’s victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

More than 70% of Alaskans, including a majority of Alaska Natives, support offshore drilling, Luthi said.

The state’s three Republican members of Congress also blasted the decision.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said she was “infuriated” that Obama “has once again ignored our voices to side with the factions who oppose” offshore drilling in Alaska.

“Arctic development is one of the best ways to create jobs, generate revenues and refill the Trans-Alaska Pipeline,” said Murkowski, who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “Why the president is willing to send all of those benefits overseas is beyond explanation.”

As he prepares to leave office in two months, Obama has worked to build an environmental legacy that includes a global agreement to curb climate change and an ambitious plan to reduce carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants. He also has imposed stricter limits on smog-causing pollution linked to asthma and rejected the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada."


"Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, said the Obama administration was “once again capitulating to the demands of extreme environmental groups over Alaskans and their fellow Americans who want good-paying jobs, energy independence and a strong economy.”

“For nearly eight years this administration has given lip service to an ‘all of the above energy strategy,’ when their actions say the opposite,” Sullivan said."
If OPEC cuts its production, then the price rises, when the price rises then the Colorado and Dakota oil fields will start increasing production to offset the OPEC slow down.

What I find funny is the liberals worried about higher oil prices when they claimed they wanted higher prices and have Americans find alternative choices. What the hell happened? Now they want lower gas prices? How does that fit with the Global Warming rhetoric?
OPEC did this when Carter was president and it was effective. Once Reagan took over, unlike Carter, he allowed OUR companies to explore for more oil and the only ones who ended up suffering were the OPEC companies. Gas prices at the pump collapsed.
Gas prices collapsed...along with the stock market.
Yeah, until the Carter recession ended in '82, then it went straight up.

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