Trumpsters: When you stand for nothing, you fall for anything.

Sweet, amnesty it is then. Watch it happen, it's gonna drive you nuts.

Nope, It will drive all Democrats crazy as they watch their future majority evaporate.
We shall see... Deport all the violent criminals you want if you can get their countries to take them back, i'm all for it. But Trump isn't going to touch the dreamers and 10+ million undocumented that are here. Its a shame that the problem got this bad but it is what it is and all the rhetoric and tough guy talk you all throw down does change the reality of the problem. The only realistic solution is a pathway to legality. It will happen. I actually think Trump is the most likely to do it if he can claim a win on his stupid waste of money wall.

Nope, the illegals can spend their last days as illegal, but I will continue to fight to send them back where they came from. They have no right to be here, and they don't belong here. They have done nothing to deserve such a privilege.
Neither did you.
Yes I did. I was born here.
Wow, congrats on such an amazing achievement!!! May your hard work pay off! I hope your entitled ass gets a perspective check one of these days... it needs it.
When you stand for nothing, you fall for that along the same lines as Hillary and libs taking the high road?
When you stand for nothing, you fall for that along the same lines as Hillary and libs taking the high road?
The exit for the high road was missed a long time ago. Its an expensive toll way and our current leadership on both sides are out of quarters.
When you stand for nothing, you fall for that along the same lines as Hillary and libs taking the high road?
The exit for the high road was missed a long time ago. Its an expensive toll way and our current leadership on both sides are out of quarters.

That may be true, but it sure seem a lot of libs need to be taken out back of the barn.
What's been revealed is enough to know he is a douchebag. Nobody here is trying to imprison him for it so your need for proof isn't neccessary. Moving on...

He was known as a douchebag before all of this. I notice you are now trying to weasel away from your accusations when called to back them up.

You use the progressive playbook well. make accusations, refuse to back them up, but know well that now they are in the public record, so your work is done.

What a fucking weasel you are.
I don't know what more back up you need than a recorded video and the statements of multiple women verifying harassing acts. Is there more than that? No. I don't really need more to formulate my opinion about what's going on. Maybe you do. That's fine

A video of him talking like a blowhard, and a bunch of unverified and unproven statements that have for some reason never been repeated or further investigated.

All I am asking for is actual proof when statements are made.
So if someone were charged with rape and the prosecution had a recorded confession of a rape. You would throw it out judge?

You have no recorded confession of anything illegal, douche bag.
Going up to women you don't know and kissing them and grabbing their genitals is illegal!!! It's called sexual assault. Trump is more likely than not a rapist. Get your head out of your ass please.
trump acts too, he told us exactly what he does to women and numerous women confirmed it.
He does what every man does if he isnt queer.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
You should reword that. He does what every boorish brute does. Believe it or not, some of us men were raised to be gentlemen. What a shame your parents missed that opportunity with you.

So what you are saying is that you have never said in some closed group the equivalent of "I'd tap that".....

saying "I'd tap" that is hypothetical. Confessing "I go up to beautiful women and just start kissing them automatically" is sexual assault.

So, what was it when Bill Clinton "tapped that"?
It was a consensual affair between two adults. Implying that is anything like sexual assault or rape is deplorable.
He does what every man does if he isnt queer.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
You should reword that. He does what every boorish brute does. Believe it or not, some of us men were raised to be gentlemen. What a shame your parents missed that opportunity with you.

So what you are saying is that you have never said in some closed group the equivalent of "I'd tap that".....

saying "I'd tap" that is hypothetical. Confessing "I go up to beautiful women and just start kissing them automatically" is sexual assault.

So, what was it when Bill Clinton "tapped that"?
It was a consensual affair between two adults. Implying that is anything like sexual assault or rape is deplorable.

How many of Bill's affairs were consensual?
When you stand for nothing, you fall for that along the same lines as Hillary and libs taking the high road?
The exit for the high road was missed a long time ago. Its an expensive toll way and our current leadership on both sides are out of quarters.

That may be true, but it sure seem a lot of libs need to be taken out back of the barn.
Its a game of tit for tat. Reps just finished with 8 years of thumb up the ass obstruction and unfortunately the dems are using the same playbook. At some point one side need to grow up. Or perhaps we can find a way to blow up both parties and elect free thinking leaders that run on specific issues
When you stand for nothing, you fall for that along the same lines as Hillary and libs taking the high road?
The exit for the high road was missed a long time ago. Its an expensive toll way and our current leadership on both sides are out of quarters.

That may be true, but it sure seem a lot of libs need to be taken out back of the barn.
Its a game of tit for tat. Reps just finished with 8 years of thumb up the ass obstruction and unfortunately the dems are using the same playbook. At some point one side need to grow up. Or perhaps we can find a way to blow up both parties and elect free thinking leaders that run on specific issues
They are doing what their contributors are paying them to do.
They must be voted out.
When you stand for nothing, you fall for that along the same lines as Hillary and libs taking the high road?
The exit for the high road was missed a long time ago. Its an expensive toll way and our current leadership on both sides are out of quarters.

That may be true, but it sure seem a lot of libs need to be taken out back of the barn.
Its a game of tit for tat. Reps just finished with 8 years of thumb up the ass obstruction and unfortunately the dems are using the same playbook. At some point one side need to grow up. Or perhaps we can find a way to blow up both parties and elect free thinking leaders that run on specific issues
They are doing what their contributors are paying them to do.
They must be voted out.

Dang, how do I get on that wagon?
When you stand for nothing, you fall for that along the same lines as Hillary and libs taking the high road?
The exit for the high road was missed a long time ago. Its an expensive toll way and our current leadership on both sides are out of quarters.

That may be true, but it sure seem a lot of libs need to be taken out back of the barn.
Its a game of tit for tat. Reps just finished with 8 years of thumb up the ass obstruction and unfortunately the dems are using the same playbook. At some point one side need to grow up. Or perhaps we can find a way to blow up both parties and elect free thinking leaders that run on specific issues
They are doing what their contributors are paying them to do.
They must be voted out.

Dang, how do I get on that wagon?
Stop using your brain, drop your personality and show up to a local Democratic or Republican Club.
He does what every man does if he isnt queer.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
You should reword that. He does what every boorish brute does. Believe it or not, some of us men were raised to be gentlemen. What a shame your parents missed that opportunity with you.

So what you are saying is that you have never said in some closed group the equivalent of "I'd tap that".....

saying "I'd tap" that is hypothetical. Confessing "I go up to beautiful women and just start kissing them automatically" is sexual assault.

So, what was it when Bill Clinton "tapped that"?
It was a consensual affair between two adults. Implying that is anything like sexual assault or rape is deplorable.

One was being an elected official, the other was bragging on some show

The Libs...

He does what every man does if he isnt queer.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
You should reword that. He does what every boorish brute does. Believe it or not, some of us men were raised to be gentlemen. What a shame your parents missed that opportunity with you.

So what you are saying is that you have never said in some closed group the equivalent of "I'd tap that".....

saying "I'd tap" that is hypothetical. Confessing "I go up to beautiful women and just start kissing them automatically" is sexual assault.

So, what was it when Bill Clinton "tapped that"?
It was a consensual affair between two adults. Implying that is anything like sexual assault or rape is deplorable.

ROFL! According to the law Clinton signed it's sexual harassment for a senior official to have sex with a junior employee. Furthermore, Clinton perjured himself when questioned about it in an official hearing.
You should reword that. He does what every boorish brute does. Believe it or not, some of us men were raised to be gentlemen. What a shame your parents missed that opportunity with you.

So what you are saying is that you have never said in some closed group the equivalent of "I'd tap that".....

saying "I'd tap" that is hypothetical. Confessing "I go up to beautiful women and just start kissing them automatically" is sexual assault.

So, what was it when Bill Clinton "tapped that"?
It was a consensual affair between two adults. Implying that is anything like sexual assault or rape is deplorable.

One was being an elected official, the other was bragging on some show


What he said wasn't even meant to be on the show. It was a personal conversation.
Donald J. Trump: You know and ...

Unknown: She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.

Trump: I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it.

Unknown: Whoa.

Trump: I did try and fuck her. She was married.

Unknown: That’s huge news.

Trump: No, no, Nancy. No, this was [unintelligible] — and I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping.

She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I took her out furniture —
I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

Billy Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.

Trump: Whoa! Whoa!

Bush: Yes! The Donald has scored. Whoa, my man!


Trump: Look at you, you are a pussy.


Trump: All right, you and I will walk out.


Trump: Maybe it’s a different one.

Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s, it’s her, it’s —

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

Bush: Uh, yeah, those legs, all I can see is the legs.

Trump: Oh, it looks good.

Bush: Come on shorty.

Trump: Ooh, nice legs, huh?

Bush: Oof, get out of the way, honey. Oh, that’s good legs. Go ahead.

Trump: It’s always good if you don’t fall out of the bus. Like Ford, Gerald Ford, remember?

Bush: Down below, pull the handle.

it's not proof of anything more than boorish talk.
Marty believe whatever you want, I don't give a shit. Its pretty obvious to me and most others that Trump is a slime when it comes to women. But like BenDog said a few posts ago, that isn't at the heart of the issue. It's another notch of embarrassment of who we have sitting I. The whitehouse but he was elected to make our economy better and help the working class. That will be the test of his success or failure

I want people to back up their accusations with actual evidence. There is 100% evidence he talked like a boorish pig, but then idiots have to extrapolate that to actual acts, with zero evidence.
What's been revealed is enough to know he is a douchebag. Nobody here is trying to imprison him for it so your need for proof isn't neccessary. Moving on...

They are claiming he committed a crime. It's all part of the Dim scheme to impeach him. However, all they accomplish is to reveal themselves as the douche bags they are.

I've already admitted he's a blowhard and a pompous ass. But they keep pressing like he committed a crime, but don't feel the need to have it proven.
He was known as a douchebag before all of this. I notice you are now trying to weasel away from your accusations when called to back them up.

You use the progressive playbook well. make accusations, refuse to back them up, but know well that now they are in the public record, so your work is done.

What a fucking weasel you are.
I don't know what more back up you need than a recorded video and the statements of multiple women verifying harassing acts. Is there more than that? No. I don't really need more to formulate my opinion about what's going on. Maybe you do. That's fine

A video of him talking like a blowhard, and a bunch of unverified and unproven statements that have for some reason never been repeated or further investigated.

All I am asking for is actual proof when statements are made.
So if someone were charged with rape and the prosecution had a recorded confession of a rape. You would throw it out judge?

You have no recorded confession of anything illegal, douche bag.
Going up to women you don't know and kissing them and grabbing their genitals is illegal!!! It's called sexual assault. Trump is more likely than not a rapist. Get your head out of your ass please.

Where is the proof he did anything except talk like an ass.

"More than likely"......
He does what every man does if he isnt queer.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
You should reword that. He does what every boorish brute does. Believe it or not, some of us men were raised to be gentlemen. What a shame your parents missed that opportunity with you.

So what you are saying is that you have never said in some closed group the equivalent of "I'd tap that".....

saying "I'd tap" that is hypothetical. Confessing "I go up to beautiful women and just start kissing them automatically" is sexual assault.

So, what was it when Bill Clinton "tapped that"?
It was a consensual affair between two adults. Implying that is anything like sexual assault or rape is deplorable.

It's abuse of power, and he lied under oath. but since you like his politics you let it go.
it's not proof of anything more than boorish talk.
Marty believe whatever you want, I don't give a shit. Its pretty obvious to me and most others that Trump is a slime when it comes to women. But like BenDog said a few posts ago, that isn't at the heart of the issue. It's another notch of embarrassment of who we have sitting I. The whitehouse but he was elected to make our economy better and help the working class. That will be the test of his success or failure

I want people to back up their accusations with actual evidence. There is 100% evidence he talked like a boorish pig, but then idiots have to extrapolate that to actual acts, with zero evidence.
What's been revealed is enough to know he is a douchebag. Nobody here is trying to imprison him for it so your need for proof isn't neccessary. Moving on...

They are claiming he committed a crime. It's all part of the Dim scheme to impeach him. However, all they accomplish is to reveal themselves as the douche bags they are.

I've already admitted he's a blowhard and a pompous ass. But they keep pressing like he committed a crime, but don't feel the need to have it proven.

Since when do Democrats require proof? The seriousness of the charge is all that matters.

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