Trumpsters: When you stand for nothing, you fall for anything.

Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.

Since when?


Since the beginning of time.

Adults are in charge again and it pisses you off how?

Watch the end of the dickerson interview from the OP and tell me that you think Trump is acting like an adult. He couldn't have been more childish
I will admit, I like Bernie. Up until he threw away 30 years of rhetoric to support a lying corrupt bitch.
I mean, he is stupid(or he just doesn't care about a lot of circumstances) but his heart was in the right place. Or so I thought.

Please. He took one for the team. Yes, the DNC fucked him, but he chose to not be petty and took the high road instead. Only made me respect him more.
Dude,the "high road" is not throwing away rhetoric that gave you your political career. Only a complete fucking idiot would think that was the high road :lol:
"I have spent the last 30 years of my life fighting corporatists, big banks, war and the rich. That's why im supporting a rich corporatist that loves big banks and war."
"For nearly two years, news anchors have been trying to corner Donald Trump on his ridiculous pronouncements, opinions and contradictions. Too often they have failed, no match for Trump’s willingness to continue bending the truth, deflecting, rambling and otherwise redirecting the interview to new topics. A good example came when ABC News’s David Muir pressed the president in January on his false proclamations about illegal voting. Though the anchor admirably pushed the matter, the president found enough ways to distract from his falsehoods."

"JOHN DICKERSON: But you stand by that claim about him?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I don’t stand by anything."


"He clearly stands by that," said Spicer.


What the hell is going on in our WH?

Opinion | ‘I don’t stand by anything’: Trump withers under heat from CBS News’s John Dickerson
We'll, trump is the word for fart in the uk so anything is possible. Gotta give him credit for putting fart on buildings
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.
Who did the Dems nominate? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know self awareness if it penetrated your vagina
Ask Don, he's grabbed plenty
I will admit, I like Bernie. Up until he threw away 30 years of rhetoric to support a lying corrupt bitch.
I mean, he is stupid(or he just doesn't care about a lot of circumstances) but his heart was in the right place. Or so I thought.

Please. He took one for the team. Yes, the DNC fucked him, but he chose to not be petty and took the high road instead. Only made me respect him more.
Dude,the "high road" is not throwing away rhetoric that gave you your political career. Only a complete fucking idiot would think that was the high road :lol:
"I have spent the last 30 years of my life fighting corporatists, big banks, war and the rich. That's why im supporting a rich corporatist that loves big banks and war."

I get ya. But this is politics. At that point, he didn't have much of a choice. It was past the point of no return, the internal damage within the DNC was done. It was either he supported Hillary, or pouted, whined and stamped his feet in retaliation. Do you think that would've been effective? It was between Hillary or Trump, period.
I will admit, I like Bernie. Up until he threw away 30 years of rhetoric to support a lying corrupt bitch.
I mean, he is stupid(or he just doesn't care about a lot of circumstances) but his heart was in the right place. Or so I thought.

Please. He took one for the team. Yes, the DNC fucked him, but he chose to not be petty and took the high road instead. Only made me respect him more.
Dude,the "high road" is not throwing away rhetoric that gave you your political career. Only a complete fucking idiot would think that was the high road :lol:
"I have spent the last 30 years of my life fighting corporatists, big banks, war and the rich. That's why im supporting a rich corporatist that loves big banks and war."

I get ya. But this is politics. At that point, he didn't have much of a choice. It was past the point of no return, the internal damage within the DNC was done. It was either he supported Hillary, or pouted, whined and stamped his feet in retaliation. Do you think that would've been effective? It was between Hillary or Trump, period.
Doesn't matter man. A man of integrity wouldn't throw that shit away. Period.
A party that fucked him, a woman that he has battling for three decades, and he didn't have a choice? Lol.. come on
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.

You equate governing with increasing the government to massive levels, making people cogs in the bureaucratic machine.

That is the real problem.
I will admit, I like Bernie. Up until he threw away 30 years of rhetoric to support a lying corrupt bitch.
I mean, he is stupid(or he just doesn't care about a lot of circumstances) but his heart was in the right place. Or so I thought.

Please. He took one for the team. Yes, the DNC fucked him, but he chose to not be petty and took the high road instead. Only made me respect him more.
Dude,the "high road" is not throwing away rhetoric that gave you your political career. Only a complete fucking idiot would think that was the high road :lol:
"I have spent the last 30 years of my life fighting corporatists, big banks, war and the rich. That's why im supporting a rich corporatist that loves big banks and war."

I get ya. But this is politics. At that point, he didn't have much of a choice. It was past the point of no return, the internal damage within the DNC was done. It was either he supported Hillary, or pouted, whined and stamped his feet in retaliation. Do you think that would've been effective? It was between Hillary or Trump, period.
Doesn't matter man. A man of integrity wouldn't throw that shit away. Period.
A party that fucked him, a woman that he has battling for three decades, and he didn't have a choice? Lol.. come on

What could he have done? Being an idealist only goes so far in the political world. That's why they're politicians. He also was not "battling" Hillary for 3 decades.
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.
Who did the Dems nominate? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know self awareness if it penetrated your vagina

Bullshit. If she was president we would be 1000x better off, even if she isn't "perfect." I'd still prefer Bernie though.

yes, kissing the 2nd amendment goodbye via Judical fiat would be FUCKING GREAT....
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.
Who did the Dems nominate? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know self awareness if it penetrated your vagina

Bullshit. If she was president we would be 1000x better off, even if she isn't "perfect." I'd still prefer Bernie though.

But it just didn't work out that way, now did it? :D

It did not. Unfortunately, the GOP did a great job in stealing the election. Gotta give those bastards credit, they're amazing at playing dirty and cheating.

Lol "stealing".

That old gag.
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.
Who did the Dems nominate? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know self awareness if it penetrated your vagina

Bullshit. If she was president we would be 1000x better off, even if she isn't "perfect." I'd still prefer Bernie though.

yes, kissing the 2nd amendment goodbye via Judical fiat would be FUCKING GREAT....

Baseless right wing talking point.
RWNJs are happy with Trump for no reason other than he is not Hillary Clinton. As oif to say "We're glad we have arsenic! It's not cyanide!"

But it's still deadly poison, ain't it?

Face it folks. In 201`6 America was given a choice between the Devil and the deep blue sea. Either way the election went, we would be saddled with a divisive President. No sense propping up The Donald when he spends half his time tweeting away his credibility and the other half at Mara Lago divulging state secrets.
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.
Who did the Dems nominate? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know self awareness if it penetrated your vagina

Bullshit. If she was president we would be 1000x better off, even if she isn't "perfect." I'd still prefer Bernie though.

yes, kissing the 2nd amendment goodbye via Judical fiat would be FUCKING GREAT....

Baseless right wing talking point.

it's the simple Truth. If Progressives get 5 of 9 justices then pffftt goodbye second amendment unless protected by the States themselves.

Places like NY and Chicago would go full handgun ban, except of course for off duty police and people they "like"

NY's unconstitutional de facto ban is case in point. In NYC I would have to wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 in fees just to get a permit to keep a revolver in my apartment, not carry, just home use. How is that not infringement?
I will admit, I like Bernie. Up until he threw away 30 years of rhetoric to support a lying corrupt bitch.
I mean, he is stupid(or he just doesn't care about a lot of circumstances) but his heart was in the right place. Or so I thought.

Please. He took one for the team. Yes, the DNC fucked him, but he chose to not be petty and took the high road instead. Only made me respect him more.
Dude,the "high road" is not throwing away rhetoric that gave you your political career. Only a complete fucking idiot would think that was the high road :lol:
"I have spent the last 30 years of my life fighting corporatists, big banks, war and the rich. That's why im supporting a rich corporatist that loves big banks and war."

I get ya. But this is politics. At that point, he didn't have much of a choice. It was past the point of no return, the internal damage within the DNC was done. It was either he supported Hillary, or pouted, whined and stamped his feet in retaliation. Do you think that would've been effective? It was between Hillary or Trump, period.
Doesn't matter man. A man of integrity wouldn't throw that shit away. Period.
A party that fucked him, a woman that he has battling for three decades, and he didn't have a choice? Lol.. come on

What could he have done? Being an idealist only goes so far in the political world. That's why they're politicians. He also was not "battling" Hillary for 3 decades.
Not her specifically, but her ilk, yes.
IDK, maybe that's the problem. Americans just accept a load of horseshit as the "normal" so its OK
RWNJs are happy with Trump for no reason other than he is not Hillary Clinton. As oif to say "We're glad we have arsenic! It's not cyanide!"

But it's still deadly poison, ain't it?

Face it folks. In 201`6 America was given a choice between the Devil and the deep blue sea. Either way the election went, we would be saddled with a divisive President. No sense propping up The Donald when he spends half his time tweeting away his credibility and the other half at Mara Lago divulging state secrets.

The choice was between the same old same old, and something new. In the States that Mattered in the election, people wanted something new, and the ones that pushed it over the line were former Dem strongholds.
Our WH is in shambles, thanks to conservatives voting for the most unprincipled, unqualified, astonishingly dishonest president in history. Rightists can't govern, they can only screw everything up.
Who did the Dems nominate? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know self awareness if it penetrated your vagina

Bullshit. If she was president we would be 1000x better off, even if she isn't "perfect." I'd still prefer Bernie though.

But it just didn't work out that way, now did it? :D

It did not. Unfortunately, the GOP did a great job in stealing the election. Gotta give those bastards credit, they're amazing at playing dirty and cheating.

Don't worry,all the illegal CA votes will be exposed sooner or later. :)
I will admit, I like Bernie. Up until he threw away 30 years of rhetoric to support a lying corrupt bitch.
I mean, he is stupid(or he just doesn't care about a lot of circumstances) but his heart was in the right place. Or so I thought.
At that point it was either Clinton or Trump. Not helping Clinton was only going to hurt her and help Trump so he didn't have much of a choice
I will admit, I like Bernie. Up until he threw away 30 years of rhetoric to support a lying corrupt bitch.
I mean, he is stupid(or he just doesn't care about a lot of circumstances) but his heart was in the right place. Or so I thought.
At that point it was either Clinton or Trump. Not helping Clinton was only going to hurt her and help Trump so he didn't have much of a choice
Yes he did. There were plenty of people running. Hell, he could have just not said anything. At least he would have kept his integrity.
"no choice" is duopoly dogma.

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