Trunp OK's Housing for Illegals.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
The Trump administration has dedicated another big chunk of taxpayer money to a controversial Obama housing project and the latest allocation gives millions to a leftwing group that advocates open Borders, organizes pro-illegal immigrant marches across the country and promotes a radical Chicano curriculum in publicly-funded charter schools nationwide.The costly experiment was the centerpiece of a broader Obama initiative to convert poverty-stricken neighborhoods into sustainable, mixed-income areas with affordable housing, safe streets and good schools. It was launched as a collaboration between the departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Education, Justice, Treasury and Health and Human Services (HHS) to help attract private investment necessary to transform distressed areas.National Council of La Raza (NCLR), which recently changed its name to UNIDOS US. The renowned open borders group that specializes in promoting the Mexican La Raza (“the race”) agenda is getting approximately $2.6 million, according to government records.

I am starting to question just how Liberal Trump really is because of stuff like this. ????
Safe streets? In a Hispanic neighborhood? There are no safe streets in the countries they came from. This exercise will result in a typical gang and violence infested street in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador or any of the other shitholes they come from.

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