Zone1 truth about Elohim

That is correct. Those were recorded by the Apostles of Jesus Christ. If any of the miracles were taken out, it is those people who changed and polluted the Bible.
you have any of those RECORDINGS (sic) .....
" the apostles of Jesus Christ....." ?
False prophets uncovered false religions? Do you even hear what you are saying to yourself? They are dead but established a false church through false prophecy. A bad vine doesn't yield good fruit. They uncovered no truths. They distorted the gospel of Jesus Christ and belittled him by stripping Him of his glory.
They arent false prophets-they werent prophets.
Was Michael an angel spirit or not? Yes he was. He came down into the body of the baby Jesus according to you. So, spirits do come down and enter the bodies born. That is the breath of life. Our spirits. Funny how you jump through hoops and then get caught half was through. Jesus is Jehovah who came down to receive his body so that he could be like His Father whom is a glorified man as well, Elohim. Nope, our Heavenly parents have had billions of spirit children and here we are. It's why we call each other brothers and sisters because we literally are.
God sent Michael who became Jesus None other were sent after.
In the Ot angels came down and looked mortal, because God sent them. Fallen angels came down in Noahs day and had sex with women, they had to be mortal as well. They made babies called-Nephlim. God stopped that ability in the fallen ones.
you have any of those RECORDINGS (sic) .....
" the apostles of Jesus Christ....." ?
Yes ma'am. The Holy Ghost has recorded them and allows the faithful to know the truth when they read the Bible or listen to it on recordings. The JW's bible is black listed by the Godhead for their messing around with it by their peeping wizards.
They arent false prophets-they werent prophets.
They called themselves prophets and so did the people back then at the beginning of your Church. And, if the founders of the JW's weren't prophets, by what authority did they establish Jesus Christ's Church or Jehovah's Church? The answer, they had no authority to do so. Just like the Protestants.
God sent Michael who became Jesus None other were sent after.
In the Ot angels came down and looked mortal, because God sent them. Fallen angels came down in Noahs day and had sex with women, they had to be mortal as well. They made babies called-Nephlim. God stopped that ability in the fallen ones.
Who said no one else was sent down to receive a body? I thought you think Gabriel was Noah? And, if you have no prophets, how would you know this answer?
They called themselves prophets and so did the people back then at the beginning of your Church. And, if the founders of the JW's weren't prophets, by what authority did they establish Jesus Christ's Church or Jehovah's Church? The answer, they had no authority to do so. Just like the Protestants.

Jesus appoints his real teachers. He is head of the congregation. And at the proper time truth was revealed through those teachers-Matt 24:45
Council of Nicea -----CONSTANTINE---you got copies of those original "gospels". "MIRACLES"???
like feeding thousands on two gold fish and a loaf
of bread?

Most scholars think that Jesus fed the thousands spiritual food with his teaching. There's other references to spiritual thirst.
Most scholars think that Jesus fed the thousands spiritual food with his teaching. There's other references to spiritual thirst.
roflmao at "most scholars" HOW POETIC----so how does it come to be a "miracle"?
Who said no one else was sent down to receive a body? I thought you think Gabriel was Noah? And, if you have no prophets, how would you know this answer?

Nephilim is an ancient myth from Syria and the Akkadians.
Yes ma'am. The Holy Ghost has recorded them and allows the faithful to know the truth when they read the Bible or listen to it on recordings. The JW's bible is black listed by the Godhead for their messing around with it by their peeping wizards.
Did you go to Seton Hall? I was accepted there. Nice school, but I went to school in Charleston.
I had many conversations with an enthusiastic
divinity student from that school. He HAD been
preparing to be a priest but gave up on the idea
Jesus appoints his real teachers. He is head of the congregation. And at the proper time truth was revealed through those teachers-Matt 24:45
Did he appoint Pope Francis? How about Pope XXIII?
Jesus appoints his real teachers. He is head of the congregation. And at the proper time truth was revealed through those teachers-Matt 24:45
When did Jesus come and do so? So, how do you know if Jesus came to your Charles Russell? Did Russell say he did? Did Jesus appear to him or any of the ancient apostles? Again, by what authority did Russell establish your Church? Jesus Christ and His Father came to Joseph Smith and stated through him The Church of Jesus Christ would be restored through a process of revelation and appearances by former apostles and prophets. Specifically, Moroni, John the Baptist, Peter, James and John the apostles to restore the Priesthood orders of Aaron and Melchizedek. So, again, who appeared to Charles Russell? The answer, no one.

Unfulfilled Prophecies of the Jehovah's Witnesses:

Coming of Christ 1874
Resurrection 1878
End of favor to the Gentiles 1881
Armageddon 1914
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Resurrected 1915
Disappearance of Republics 1918
Establishment of Go's Kingdom of Earth 1925
Abraham in Jerusalem to resurrected love ones 1925
End of the World 1975

I'm sure I missed some...


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Nowhere does it say Gabriel is Noah.
Maybe you think he's John the Baptist then?
So, here is something I pulled out of the JW's:
"1 Thessalonians 4:16 the voice of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is described as being that of an archangel. This passage is quoted below as per KJV (reference here in the right-hand side panel).
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
In essence the reason is that, as explained above, the Bible speaks of only one archangel and it is Jesus that is described as descending with the voice of the archangel."

Here is the problem. This is a misinterpretation of the verse. The three parts of the statement are about one event. Not one personage. The even is the morning of the first resurrection at the end of Armageddon.
1. Christ shall come AGAIN or better known as Christ's 2nd Coming.
2. Michael will be with him introducing Christ as he descends.
3. Gabriel will be blowing his horn assigned by the Father through the Son letting all know on Earth Christ is descending or coming again.

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