Truth from where I'm sitting !!

If our government was shooting 15,000 people in the streets every year, we would be in rebellion.

But since we are blowing each other away, the tard herd thinks we don't need to do a thing about it.

Not only do they think we don't need to do anything, they believe we SHOULDN'T do anything about it.
You can also go to and buy from a private seller with no background check.

And a typical liberal ignorant lie. Never been to arms list have you. It's the same with Gunbroker, AUction arms etc. First thing comes up is;
  1. I am responsible for obeying all applicable enforcement mechanisms, including, but not limited to federal, state, municipal, and tribal statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, and judicial decisions, any applicable Presidential Executive Orders, including compliance with all applicable licensing requirements.
  2. I will not use for any illegal purpose.
  3. If I am at all unsure about firearm sales or transfers, I will contact the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosive at 1-800-ATF-GUNS and visit the ATF website at ATF Home Page | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
As with any firearm transfer on the internet or a gun show all transactions have to go thru a licensed dealer, an FFL

Heed my advice, STFU on what you have no clue about. I don't think you anti gun libs are stupid or lie deliberately, you are just so uninformed. I did this for a living, decades, I know the gun laws.
You can also go to and buy from a private seller with no background check.

And a typical liberal ignorant lie. Never been to arms list have you. It's the same with Gunbroker, AUction arms etc. First thing comes up is;
  1. I am responsible for obeying all applicable enforcement mechanisms, including, but not limited to federal, state, municipal, and tribal statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, and judicial decisions, any applicable Presidential Executive Orders, including compliance with all applicable licensing requirements.
  2. I will not use for any illegal purpose.
  3. If I am at all unsure about firearm sales or transfers, I will contact the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosive at 1-800-ATF-GUNS and visit the ATF website at ATF Home Page | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
As with any firearm transfer on the internet or a gun show all transactions have to go thru a licensed dealer, an FFL

Heed my advice, STFU on what you have no clue about. I don't think you anti gun libs are stupid or lie deliberately, you are just so uninformed. I did this for a living, decades, I know the gun laws.

Actually they dont as long as the sale doesnt cross state lines.
In the middle ages, the nobles built castles to defend themselves from the peasants and peasants were not allowed to own weapons.
All I know is I can buy guns through Armslist as long the firearm doesnt leave Texas.

Yes and the only sire still allows same state res to do that, private sales are the only thing not regulated yet. They will be.

By carrier I meant it can only be in person, same state. It's still a fukfuk though. If some seller didn't know a person well, sold a gun and the gun was used in a crime, druggie etc, seller is responsible per ATF.

I was licensed decades, CFRs are complicated at first read but my first book of CFR's was 1972! Get used to it.

Regulate private sales? It's coming.
In the middle ages, the nobles built castles to defend themselves from the peasants and peasants were not allowed to own weapons.

exactly right!

only thing is that in the present day....the thugs are the DemonRats.
All I know is I can buy guns through Armslist as long the firearm doesnt leave Texas.

Yes and the only sire still allows same state res to do that, private sales are the only thing not regulated yet. They will be.

By carrier I meant it can only be in person, same state. It's still a fukfuk though. If some seller didn't know a person well, sold a gun and the gun was used in a crime, druggie etc, seller is responsible per ATF.

I was licensed decades, CFRs are complicated at first read but my first book of CFR's was 1972! Get used to it.

Regulate private sales? It's coming.

I hope not.
But then again I'm set.
The whites who control the Democrat party identify with the noble class who ruled Europe during the middle ages. They see themselves as better educated, more cultured, more intelligent, than the unwashed middle class and working class, who believe in God and all that nonsense.

They see us as "clingers" to God and guns, and want to take away both.

How does outlawing AR-15's constitute "disarming" the public?

Slippery slope

Want to get the firearms that are causing deaths off the streets?

Ban .38s, 9mm, 40 cal., .45 cal., etc.

Less than 100 uses of rifles in the last 40 years causing mass shootings.

But, AR15s, and AK-47s are scary looking, aren't they?

Nothing "slippery" about the universal BG checks 90% of Americans (including 70% of NRA members) want. Not a thing.

There are already background checks for any firearm bought from a FFL, Comrade.

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