"TRUTH" Trump just released an epic statement raging against Mexican immigrants and 'disease'

Trump is the hatchet man and he's pretty good at it.

Trump is an idiot. Considering where he is in the standings, that's exactly what very many right wingers want.
Its so funny when someone that voted for the boy for president twice, has the nerve to call anyone an idiot.
Do you still support the hood rat and his brood ?

That's funny, coming from somebody who most likely is a birther who believes our government blew up the WTC and is attacking Texas right now, and the world is filled with demons who live in cast off second hand clothes. A large amount of Trump supporters do believe all of that, you know.
Do tell.
Is this the latest talking points from the idiots for shiilary?
They are facing the serious possibility of eight years of the Obama Administration being undone should actual Republicans gain the WH and add a few more to Congress.

They are petrified.

You are confusing being petrified with having a boner thinking of all the crazy right win nonsense we can do away with during the next 8 years of a Democratic presidency.
Trump is doing the GOP a favor. The Left-wingers in their delusional world of fantasy, don't see how he's forcing the GOP to become more conservative. He's holding their feet to the fire and making them accountable. Personally, I can't wait until Scott Walker announces. The libtards are going to have a shit fit.
The Rino's will have no choice but to take notice of a real American taking away their taken for granted votes.
Im not real big on Trump but he would have my vote over the wildebeest
Trump is the hatchet man and he's pretty good at it.

Trump is an idiot. Considering where he is in the standings, that's exactly what very many right wingers want.
Its so funny when someone that voted for the boy for president twice, has the nerve to call anyone an idiot.
Do you still support the hood rat and his brood ?

That's funny, coming from somebody who most likely is a birther who believes our government blew up the WTC and is attacking Texas right now, and the world is filled with demons who live in cast off second hand clothes. A large amount of Trump supporters do believe all of that, you know.
Do tell.
Is this the latest talking points from the idiots for shiilary?

No, that's Trump's base.
They are facing the serious possibility of eight years of the Obama Administration being undone should actual Republicans gain the WH and add a few more to Congress.

They are petrified.

You are confusing being petrified with having a boner thinking of all the crazy right win nonsense we can do away with during the next 8 years of a Democratic presidency.
Gee, must be why the democrats kicked ass so bad in the last election, securing their hold of Congress for as long as we can see in to the future.
oh wait,, never mind.
Trump is the hatchet man and he's pretty good at it.

Trump is an idiot. Considering where he is in the standings, that's exactly what very many right wingers want.
Its so funny when someone that voted for the boy for president twice, has the nerve to call anyone an idiot.
Do you still support the hood rat and his brood ?

That's funny, coming from somebody who most likely is a birther who believes our government blew up the WTC and is attacking Texas right now, and the world is filled with demons who live in cast off second hand clothes. A large amount of Trump supporters do believe all of that, you know.
Do tell.
Is this the latest talking points from the idiots for shiilary?

No, that's Trump's base.
but it was liberals that came up with the theory that the government blew up the WTC. So I assume that your lack of reading skills caused you to quote the wrong party.
We understand, the same retardation that causes you to post like you do is the same retardation that caused you to vote for a street thug for president.
Obviously the Libtards would have no objection to Jose coming uninvited thru thèir front door, eating their food, screwing little Hilda, selling drugs to little Simon, giving grandma an infection and putting daddy out of work. Nothing like embracing people who fuck you over...like San franfreako...
Trump is an idiot. Considering where he is in the standings, that's exactly what very many right wingers want.
Its so funny when someone that voted for the boy for president twice, has the nerve to call anyone an idiot.
Do you still support the hood rat and his brood ?

That's funny, coming from somebody who most likely is a birther who believes our government blew up the WTC and is attacking Texas right now, and the world is filled with demons who live in cast off second hand clothes. A large amount of Trump supporters do believe all of that, you know.
Do tell.
Is this the latest talking points from the idiots for shiilary?

No, that's Trump's base.
but it was liberals that came up with the theory that the government blew up the WTC. So I assume that your lack of reading skills caused you to quote the wrong party.
We understand, the same retardation that causes you to post like you do is the same retardation that caused you to vote for a street thug for president.

It is crazy right wingers who latched on to that theory and refuse to let go. I see you don't have a problem with the silly idea that the U.S is attacking Texas.
They are facing the serious possibility of eight years of the Obama Administration being undone should actual Republicans gain the WH and add a few more to Congress.

They are petrified.

You are confusing being petrified with having a boner thinking of all the crazy right win nonsense we can do away with during the next 8 years of a Democratic presidency.

Perhaps, but your boner is on top of your neck ...
Dump Truck has illegal Mexicans doing construction on his new Trump International Hotel in DC!!!!!!
Trump is the hatchet man and he's pretty good at it.

Trump is an idiot. Considering where he is in the standings, that's exactly what very many right wingers want.
He's worth almost $4 billion. I doubt if he's an idiot (especially compared to you, who doesn't have a pot to piss in).

At least I'm self confident enough that I don't have to wear road kill on my head to hide being bald.

.........and post on an anonymous web forum.

Fixed it
Trump is setting himself up for a spectacular fail. When it is shown that Trump employees illegals somewhere along the way in his business ventures, and it will be shown, he's going to burn faster than the Hindenburg. It's going to be even worse than Trump's first spectacular failure. I guess he never learns.

So early in the primary season and already so much awesomeness.
Trump is doing the GOP a favor. The Left-wingers in their delusional world of fantasy, don't see how he's forcing the GOP to become more conservative. He's holding their feet to the fire and making them accountable. Personally, I can't wait until Scott Walker announces. The libtards are going to have a shit fit.
The Rino's will have no choice but to take notice of a real American taking away their taken for granted votes.
Im not real big on Trump but he would have my vote over the wildebeest

True that. He's just saying out loud what the majority of Americans feel. The rest of the GOP with a few exceptions, is too busy trying to please a small segment of society, so they won't be perceived as lacking compassion or appearing "racist". It's pretty much sickening.
Trump is doing the GOP a favor. The Left-wingers in their delusional world of fantasy, don't see how he's forcing the GOP to become more conservative. He's holding their feet to the fire and making them accountable. Personally, I can't wait until Scott Walker announces. The libtards are going to have a shit fit.
The Rino's will have no choice but to take notice of a real American taking away their taken for granted votes.
Im not real big on Trump but he would have my vote over the wildebeest

True that. He's just saying out loud what the majority of Americans feel. The rest of the GOP with a few exceptions, is too busy trying to please a small segment of society, so they won't be perceived as lacking compassion or appearing "racist". It's pretty much sickening.
It is sickening when PC over rides common sense.
Trump is setting himself up for a spectacular fail. When it is shown that Trump employees illegals somewhere along the way in his business ventures, and it will be shown, he's going to burn faster than the Hindenburg. It's going to be even worse than Trump's first spectacular failure. I guess he never learns.

Already happened, but the liar BLAMES the construction company HE hired, rather than FIRE them which he is so famous for doing!
Trump us just another ridiculous rightwing liar.
I don't think everything he says is a lie. I think it's controversial.

I mean they did or are passing a law in California requiring vaccines. It's because California is filled with illegal immigrants bringing in diseases. That's not a lie.
After piling hundreds of illegal brats into the public school system, absolutely without ensuring they were healthy and free of diseases, now the same regime is using this to force Americans to have their children vaccinated with who-the-fuck-knows... Begs the question whether they are requiring the illegals to be vaccinated? Thus far, it hasn't been a requirement for those who have invaded our country.
Trump us just another ridiculous rightwing liar.
I don't think everything he says is a lie. I think it's controversial.

I mean they did or are passing a law in California requiring vaccines. It's because California is filled with illegal immigrants bringing in diseases. That's not a lie.
After piling hundreds of illegal brats into the public school system, absolutely without ensuring they were healthy and free of diseases, now the same regime is using this to force Americans to have their children vaccinated with who-the-fuck-knows... Begs the question whether they are requiring the illegals to be vaccinated? Thus far, it hasn't been a requirement for those who have invaded our country.

Nope. This administration is hell-bent on a "fuck-the-cost" policy of creating more votes for the Democrat party. It probably believes that whatever diseases those fuckers are bringing into this country, will only effect conservatives and like all good Marxists, the end always justifies the means. Little do they know, they're only fucking themselves s well as everyone else.
Trump is the hatchet man and he's pretty good at it.

Trump is an idiot. Considering where he is in the standings, that's exactly what very many right wingers want.
He's worth almost $4 billion. I doubt if he's an idiot (especially compared to you, who doesn't have a pot to piss in).

At least I'm self confident enough that I don't have to wear road kill on my head to hide being bald.

Says the idiot with the clown avatar!

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