TRUUUUUUMP! is the new Hitler


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
No, not the "literally Hitler" like the barking moonbats have barked for the last soon-to-be six years, but in the context of Godwin's Law.

Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in and says "YEAHBBUT DONALD TRUMP.....!"?

Maybe a handful?....Certainly fewer that ten....Often #2 or #3.

And it's the Trumpsters who are the cultists?...Who is it that can't let go of the totem?......Yeah, mmmmmmkay. :rofl:

Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in...

are you serious?????????????

when the name clinton, whether bill OR hillary, are not brought up on a daily basis by several trump humpers ... oh hell - let's throw in obama - the moooooslem from kenya - in the mix too ...

then we'll revisit this thread, m'k?
Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in...

are you serious?????????????

when the name clinton, whether bill OR hillary, are not brought up on a daily basis by several trump humpers ... oh hell - let's throw in obama - the moooooslem from kenya - in the mix too ...

then we'll revisit this thread, m'k?
There goes one of them now!
Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in...

are you serious?????????????

when the name clinton, whether bill OR hillary, are not brought up on a daily basis by several trump humpers ... oh hell - let's throw in obama - the moooooslem from kenya - in the mix too ...

then we'll revisit this thread, m'k?
I remember Limpballs (may God rest his soul) could never utter the name Hillary. It was always "Hitlery" Or, how about his reference to feminists? It was always..."femminazis". So, spare us the hypocrisy.
Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in...

are you serious?????????????

when the name clinton, whether bill OR hillary, are not brought up on a daily basis by several trump humpers ... oh hell - let's throw in obama - the moooooslem from kenya - in the mix too ...

then we'll revisit this thread, m'k?
I remember Limpballs (may God rest his soul) could never utter the name Hillary. It was always "Hitlery" Or, how about his reference to feminists? It was always..."femminazis". So, spare us the hypocrisy.
Irrelevancies are irrelevant.
Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in...

are you serious?????????????

when the name clinton, whether bill OR hillary, are not brought up on a daily basis by several trump humpers ... oh hell - let's throw in obama - the moooooslem from kenya - in the mix too ...

then we'll revisit this thread, m'k?

Phhrt. Even I don't bring up that dripping bag of corruption and vile intentions known as Hillary anymore, and nobody hates that dirtbag quite as much as I do. Bill was all but ignored and forgotten until his love affair with pedo epstein and his reserved seat on that airplane came to light.

Ole Donny T put the butthurt on y'all and you still aren't over it.

I like it.
No, not the "literally Hitler" like the barking moonbats have barked for the last soon-to-be six years, but in the context of Godwin's Law.

Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in and says "YEAHBBUT DONALD TRUMP.....!"?

Maybe a handful?....Certainly fewer that ten....Often #2 or #3.

And it's the Trumpsters who are the cultists?...Who is it that can't let go of the totem?......Yeah, mmmmmmkay. :rofl:

View attachment 488382

Trump is now nobody. He's gone. Soon to be forgotten..unless it's to receive a subpoena or a lawsuit. Then he'll be back in the news.
It's already happening. The only "cultists" who are concerned with Trump are his loyal supporters....and you, apparently. :)
No, not the "literally Hitler" like the barking moonbats have barked for the last soon-to-be six years, but in the context of Godwin's Law.

Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in and says "YEAHBBUT DONALD TRUMP.....!"?

Maybe a handful?....Certainly fewer that ten....Often #2 or #3.

And it's the Trumpsters who are the cultists?...Who is it that can't let go of the totem?......Yeah, mmmmmmkay. :rofl:

View attachment 488382

Trump is now nobody. He's gone. Soon to be forgotten..unless it's to receive a subpoena or a lawsuit. Then he'll be back in the news.
It's already happening. The only "cultists" who are concerned with Trump are his loyal supporters....and you, apparently. :)
There goes another one!!
Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in...

are you serious?????????????

when the name clinton, whether bill OR hillary, are not brought up on a daily basis by several trump humpers ... oh hell - let's throw in obama - the moooooslem from kenya - in the mix too ...

then we'll revisit this thread, m'k?
I remember Limpballs (may God rest his soul) could never utter the name Hillary. It was always "Hitlery" Or, how about his reference to feminists? It was always..."femminazis". So, spare us the hypocrisy.

Clearly, it's the lefties that listened to Rush far more than any rightie did. By far. Just like other stupid shit like this "Q" bullshit y'all are flinging about like dogs with a pork chop.
Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in...

are you serious?????????????

when the name clinton, whether bill OR hillary, are not brought up on a daily basis by several trump humpers ... oh hell - let's throw in obama - the moooooslem from kenya - in the mix too ...

then we'll revisit this thread, m'k?
I remember Limpballs (may God rest his soul) could never utter the name Hillary. It was always "Hitlery" Or, how about his reference to feminists? It was always..."femminazis". So, spare us the hypocrisy.

Clearly, it's the lefties that listened to Rush far more than any rightie did. By far. Just like other stupid shit like this "Q" bullshit y'all are flinging about like dogs with a pork chop.
Anyone who says that Rush called her "Hitlery" has never listened to his program....He never did that, and if he did the freaks at MediaMatters would have shit chickens.
Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in...

are you serious?????????????

when the name clinton, whether bill OR hillary, are not brought up on a daily basis by several trump humpers ... oh hell - let's throw in obama - the moooooslem from kenya - in the mix too ...

then we'll revisit this thread, m'k?

Phhrt. Even I don't bring up that dripping bag of corruption and vile intentions known as Hillary anymore, and nobody hates that dirtbag quite as much as I do. Bill was all but ignored and forgotten until his love affair with pedo epstein and his reserved seat on that airplane came to light.

Ole Donny T put the butthurt on y'all and you still aren't over it.

I like it.

lol ... uh-huh, sure - that's the ticket.
Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in...

are you serious?????????????

when the name clinton, whether bill OR hillary, are not brought up on a daily basis by several trump humpers ... oh hell - let's throw in obama - the moooooslem from kenya - in the mix too ...

then we'll revisit this thread, m'k?
I remember Limpballs (may God rest his soul) could never utter the name Hillary. It was always "Hitlery" Or, how about his reference to feminists? It was always..."femminazis". So, spare us the hypocrisy.

El-Rashie Nazified the Democrats for the flock. Fema-Nazi. Enviro-Nazi. Nazi dis, Nazi dat. The hatred he cultivated in that Right Wing Radio cesspool is now Neo-GOP Mainstream.

But for the OP the best Nazi comparison for old Trum;ybear is with Nazi Propagandist tactics and the rhetoric of a big Rally and the Big Lies and the little lies as well.
No, not the "literally Hitler" like the barking moonbats have barked for the last soon-to-be six years, but in the context of Godwin's Law.

Seriously....How many posts does it take in any given thread, on virtually any given topic, before one of the unhinged haters comes in and says "YEAHBBUT DONALD TRUMP.....!"?

Maybe a handful?....Certainly fewer that ten....Often #2 or #3.

And it's the Trumpsters who are the cultists?...Who is it that can't let go of the totem?......Yeah, mmmmmmkay. :rofl:

View attachment 488382
I've always had a suspicion that the Deep State rigged the 2016 election to put Trump in office, just as they control all the media. I noted, that even Trump seemed genuinely surprised with his own success, though, he did seem to hide it.

Part of me has always suspected that Trump is the Lee Harvey Oswald of politicians, controlled and manipulated by forces unseen and more powerful than he, but he, useful to divide and enrage the population on both sides. . . . has been a useful tool for the establishment's own ends.

Thus? It was inevitable that they would neither let him win the 2020 election, nor disqualify him from running in 2024.

Hence, it has become a profitable and useful distraction to keep all the mindless partisans divided. . .

. . . and Trump's own ambition, ego, and love for the nation will serve a useful purpose for the Deep State and their minions.

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