Trying to look French but looking quintessentially roma gypsy

In general, the Gypsy Roma look like an Aristocratic people. Their women were always beautiful and loyal to the family, the men kept horses. The Romanians themselves are a wonderful people who are similar in everything to the Indians. These are Indo-Aryans. The language of the Gypsy Roma is Indo-Aryan. The French are descended from the Celts, they have common roots.

Therefore, the French retain an aristocratic and rebellious spirit. They do parkour and they set fire to cars during riots. The French people, unlike the northern Europeans, are similar to the American people in spirit.

Romanians themselves are beautiful, musical people. They are not much different from the Roma, and their music is similar to Indian. These are the fathers of romance. It was they who created both Romes, it is not their fault that the plebeians and Germans spoiled these great Romes.

This is the reason Hitler's slaves wanted the gypsies to be exterminated. He wanted their glory to belong to the Germanic slaves and plebeians.
If people studied real scientific history, they would not trust propaganda so blindly.

There is a connection between the ethnonym of the Romanians and Rome. The patrician Rome and the knightly Roman "empire" are connected with the Hallstadt culture of the Celts, and here the same connection as the proto-Aryan cultures are connected with the Indian Aryavarta. It is for this reason that Romanians are still similar to Indians.
This is the Danube region, associated with the Romanians, Hungarians and Austrians. This is the place of the original habitat of the Celts, native speakers of the Latin language and representatives of the Indo-Aryan culture.
The Hungarians still use runic writing.
Mortuary . You have never looked more silly . Like an overweight bread chef .

If I was looking for a bread chef, I wouldn't want one that was skinny.

If he isn't eating his own bread, why would I want to buy it?

The best pizza I ever had was at a parlor long closed in Akron. The owner was 500 lbs, maybe more. But unfortunately he had some kind of tax problems and got sent to prison. Apparently was eating the profits instead of sending them in to the IRS.

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