Tucker asks tramp what are we going to do about the "filth"

Words that say NOTHING...

and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening

Typical Trump bullshit that his sycophants will slurp up like the finest champagne...
Trump and his supporters couldn't care less about the homeless; save that to attack them.
Lol, why isn't Pelosi worried about all the homeless in her city? I mean we need to call it Pelosi"s city, this is what happens when liberals are in control.

Perhaps somebody has the answer to this question that I never found yet: Why can't cities like hers provide port-a-potties where these homeless exist in large numbers? They use them at parks, construction sites, parties. Why can't cities put one on the sidewalk where these people are camping out?
So states can endanger their people, and HUD is supposed fix their mess? Hey, I can blow up my state, and the government will clean it up, sweet.

It's much worse than that. HUD is involved in social engineering.

Suburbs are much more expensive to live in than the inner-city. HUD provides enough funding in their vouchers for these people to live in the suburbs.

The problem is poor people are generally poor because they are irresponsible. Because in most cases, HUD doesn't provide 100% of the housing expense, the residents getting the voucher have to come up with the rest. So in one sense, they are promoting more irresponsibility. These people are using their vouchers, paying cash for the remainder of the rent, when they could be living in lower income communities and using that cash to try and get ahead in life.
Flamethrowers would do a hell of a job.

Remove and sanitize at the same time.

lots of former military in in the big cities & homeless

I guess you would also use your flame thrower on Jesus too; huh?

You do sound like a Republican.
Knew it wouldn't be very long before Jesus would be used by a propagandist.

Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.
And Jesus made a whip and drove the money changers out of the temple and wrecked the joint. Better behave yourself.
I highly recommend checking the Trump and Carlson exchange out. Both individuals are stone dead brilliant. Both will be remembered in history as the men who made the peace landing.


As for the OP's whinery, it's low IQ stuff. Trump outlined the problem - illegals in sanctuary cities. And the OP whined for Trump again correctly identifying a problem.

Low IQ tramp and tucker, are so very stupid, together they make a stupid team.
Here’s an example of I’m talking about, Penelope ....

California gas tax rises 6 cents a gallon today
California's nation-leading gas prices are set to climb even higher Monday, when the state gas tax increases an additional 5.6 cents a gallon.

California motorists were paying an average $3.75 per gallon as of late June, far above the national average of $2.71 calculated by AAA.

Democrats love wasting $ and raising taxes.

and republicans love low taxes. Just think you will never know , we will raise taxes to what they were and tap on a 70% bracket which will not affect you.
You’re an idiot. lol

What would you call it. The rich get richer and the poor get homeless.
The democrats answer to every problem is to raise taxes and throw more $ at it. They do that while creating more problems with stupid promises and policies. It’s an endless cycle with them.

That’s why Trump should let democrats figure it out on their own.

Do you think if it gets bad enough, they will figure it out? How bad does it have to get before they believe their own eyes?

They never could figure it out, and they won't even try. That is why Democrats run cities. Hud has cut funding big time.

HUD cut funding? Last I looked, the Republican increased funding for HUD. I wish they would have cut funding and maybe HUD people wouldn't be living in my suburbs and destroying it at the same time.

Yet its not where it was before tramp took office as they cut it so much the first year. And he talked as though he was going to make deep cuts for next year, as well as raise rates.
and republicans love low taxes. Just think you will never know , we will raise taxes to what they were and tap on a 70% bracket which will not affect you.

Of course it won't. When government raises taxes on the wealthy, they just pull open their pockets and let them take as much as they want.

It will never stop the wealthy from moving out of the country and taking their jobs with them. It could never cause the ones that remain here to stop any raises for their employees, layoff workers, or eliminate benefits like healthcare coverage. It could never cause them to increase prices on the goods or services they provide that we all pay for. No! They will just do with one less mansion.

Yet its not where it was before tramp took office as they cut it so much the first year. And he talked as though he was going to make deep cuts for next year, as well as raise rates.

Then perhaps it's not Trump at all. What are HUD people doing living in expensive housing when HUD could make their dollars stretch further by placing their clients in lower income neighborhoods? Wouldn't that free up more money for homeless people who would take a roof over their head in any community?
and republicans love low taxes. Just think you will never know , we will raise taxes to what they were and tap on a 70% bracket which will not affect you.

Of course it won't. When government raises taxes on the wealthy, they just pull open their pockets and let them take as much as they want.

It will never stop the wealthy from moving out of the country and taking their jobs with them. It could never cause the ones that remain here to stop any raises for their employees, layoff workers, or eliminate benefits like healthcare coverage. It could never cause them to increase prices on the goods or services they provide that we all pay for. No! They will just do with one less mansion.

Yet its not where it was before tramp took office as they cut it so much the first year. And he talked as though he was going to make deep cuts for next year, as well as raise rates.

Then perhaps it's not Trump at all. What are HUD people doing living in expensive housing when HUD could make their dollars stretch further by placing their clients in lower income neighborhoods? Wouldn't that free up more money for homeless people who would take a roof over their head in any community?

Half of the Hud apts are slums.The wealthy are greedy bastards. You mean put them in slum neighborhoods, slum in the slums, out of sight out of mind. Let them fend for themselves, and rob and kill for food you mean. Let them be low life's they are. Is that what you mean??
Words that say NOTHING...

and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening

Typical Trump bullshit that his sycophants will slurp up like the finest champagne...
Trump and his supporters couldn't care less about the homeless; save that to attack them.

Of course, because it was conservative judges that ruled institutions where people were committed to were crime less prisons, right???
and republicans love low taxes. Just think you will never know , we will raise taxes to what they were and tap on a 70% bracket which will not affect you.

Of course it won't. When government raises taxes on the wealthy, they just pull open their pockets and let them take as much as they want.

It will never stop the wealthy from moving out of the country and taking their jobs with them. It could never cause the ones that remain here to stop any raises for their employees, layoff workers, or eliminate benefits like healthcare coverage. It could never cause them to increase prices on the goods or services they provide that we all pay for. No! They will just do with one less mansion.

Yet its not where it was before tramp took office as they cut it so much the first year. And he talked as though he was going to make deep cuts for next year, as well as raise rates.

Then perhaps it's not Trump at all. What are HUD people doing living in expensive housing when HUD could make their dollars stretch further by placing their clients in lower income neighborhoods? Wouldn't that free up more money for homeless people who would take a roof over their head in any community?

Half of the Hud apts are slums.The wealthy are greedy bastards. You mean put them in slum neighborhoods, slum in the slums, out of sight out of mind. Let them fend for themselves, and rob and kill for food you mean. Let them be low life's they are. Is that what you mean??

Yes, that's exactly what I mean. What do you think people do when they can't live high on the hog? They reduce their living expenses.

Nice communities are places where you work your way up to, not have government put you there. How is it fair that a community that has hard working people, created a nice environment and schools for themselves, be cheated by people who didn't lift a finger in life and just placed there?

Trust me, I have HUD people right next door. They are noisy, dirty, and we've had the police there about a half-dozen times since they moved in nearly two years ago. They have parties for their lowlife friends and family. They come home all hours of the work nights slamming their car doors, laughing out loud, and their kids screaming bloody murder.

You try living next to that. HUD people should be with their own; with other people who don't work and are up all night during the week. If I have to get up at 5:30 every morning and go to work to create taxes to support them, you'd think the least they could do is let us get uninterrupted rest for us to go to work and create those taxes.
Flamethrowers would do a hell of a job.

Remove and sanitize at the same time.

lots of former military in in the big cities & homeless

I guess you would also use your flame thrower on Jesus too; huh?

You do sound like a Republican.

Number of homeless veterans in the United States
According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, there were 40,056 homeless veterans living in the U.S. in a single night in January 2017, which was a little more than nine percent of all homeless adults

Cons are just murderous savages. They don't care who they kill just as long they get to kill someone.

I believe they prove this everyday on this message board.

You mean like all the “Cons” here?...All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
I highly recommend checking the Trump and Carlson exchange out. Both individuals are stone dead brilliant. Both will be remembered in history as the men who made the peace landing.


As for the OP's whinery, it's low IQ stuff. Trump outlined the problem - illegals in sanctuary cities. And the OP whined for Trump again correctly identifying a problem.

Low IQ tramp and tucker, are so very stupid, together they make a stupid team.
Here’s an example of I’m talking about, Penelope ....

California gas tax rises 6 cents a gallon today
California's nation-leading gas prices are set to climb even higher Monday, when the state gas tax increases an additional 5.6 cents a gallon.

California motorists were paying an average $3.75 per gallon as of late June, far above the national average of $2.71 calculated by AAA.

Democrats love wasting $ and raising taxes.

and republicans love low taxes. Just think you will never know , we will raise taxes to what they were and tap on a 70% bracket which will not affect you.
What would you call it. The rich get richer and the poor get homeless.
The democrats answer to every problem is to raise taxes and throw more $ at it. They do that while creating more problems with stupid promises and policies. It’s an endless cycle with them.

That’s why Trump should let democrats figure it out on their own.

Do you think if it gets bad enough, they will figure it out? How bad does it have to get before they believe their own eyes?

They never could figure it out, and they won't even try. That is why Democrats run cities. Hud has cut funding big time.

HUD cut funding? Last I looked, the Republican increased funding for HUD. I wish they would have cut funding and maybe HUD people wouldn't be living in my suburbs and destroying it at the same time.

Yet its not where it was before tramp took office as they cut it so much the first year. And he talked as though he was going to make deep cuts for next year, as well as raise rates.

Democrats love to steal other People's money.
Words that say NOTHING...

and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening

Typical Trump bullshit that his sycophants will slurp up like the finest champagne...
Yes they will, because they are even dumber than he is, which is pretty amazing. What the fuck was he even rambling about?

Right, we are the "dumb" ones. I thought the Republican party was the party of the "rich". How did all us dumb folks get so "rich"? I've got news for you, those that would vote for any of the numbskulls running on the Democratic ticket are either undeniably gnorant or hate the US.

another brainwashed sheep who doesnt get it that BOTH parties are corrupt,and one in the same,that it is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM disguised as two so the brainwashed sheep like you think we have a choice in who gets elected.:cuckoo:

I am far from brainwashed and even farther from being a sheep. While I don't think the Republican party is what it should be(not Conservative enough fiscally or socially), I recognize the significant difference between the two. I would be fine voting for a thrid party candidate that was for securing our border, reducing government spending and the deficit, lowering taxes, deregulation, restoring our founding father's Christian priniciples, recognizing the stark difference between liberty(moral limits) and freedom(no limits), etc. If you can point me to a candidate that has all of that, I would vote for him/her. As it stands right now, Trump is certainly checks more of these boxes than anyone on the left.
and republicans love low taxes. Just think you will never know , we will raise taxes to what they were and tap on a 70% bracket which will not affect you.

Of course it won't. When government raises taxes on the wealthy, they just pull open their pockets and let them take as much as they want.

It will never stop the wealthy from moving out of the country and taking their jobs with them. It could never cause the ones that remain here to stop any raises for their employees, layoff workers, or eliminate benefits like healthcare coverage. It could never cause them to increase prices on the goods or services they provide that we all pay for. No! They will just do with one less mansion.

Yet its not where it was before tramp took office as they cut it so much the first year. And he talked as though he was going to make deep cuts for next year, as well as raise rates.

Then perhaps it's not Trump at all. What are HUD people doing living in expensive housing when HUD could make their dollars stretch further by placing their clients in lower income neighborhoods? Wouldn't that free up more money for homeless people who would take a roof over their head in any community?

Half of the Hud apts are slums.The wealthy are greedy bastards. You mean put them in slum neighborhoods, slum in the slums, out of sight out of mind. Let them fend for themselves, and rob and kill for food you mean. Let them be low life's they are. Is that what you mean??

Do you know WHY they are slums? They were once brand new, but the folks living in them made them slums. When someone gets something for free, they don't tend to appreciate it as much as if they had to work for it. That is human nature. We try to teach our kids the value of hard work and education, even though they are certainly priviledged in many ways. Democrats have a habit of opening up HUD housing in nice neighborhoods. Not sure if they are hoping that these folks will adopt some of the priniciples of their gainfully employed neighbors or if they just feel that it is not "fair" that folks that don't work are unable to live in these nice neighborhoods. Either way, it is moronic.
They can offer the homeless a choice.

Leave the city or report for work cleaning it up.

They can be housed in shelters where they won't be allowed to get smashed every night or do drugs.

Easy choice.
and republicans love low taxes. Just think you will never know , we will raise taxes to what they were and tap on a 70% bracket which will not affect you.

Of course it won't. When government raises taxes on the wealthy, they just pull open their pockets and let them take as much as they want.

It will never stop the wealthy from moving out of the country and taking their jobs with them. It could never cause the ones that remain here to stop any raises for their employees, layoff workers, or eliminate benefits like healthcare coverage. It could never cause them to increase prices on the goods or services they provide that we all pay for. No! They will just do with one less mansion.

Yet its not where it was before tramp took office as they cut it so much the first year. And he talked as though he was going to make deep cuts for next year, as well as raise rates.

Then perhaps it's not Trump at all. What are HUD people doing living in expensive housing when HUD could make their dollars stretch further by placing their clients in lower income neighborhoods? Wouldn't that free up more money for homeless people who would take a roof over their head in any community?

Half of the Hud apts are slums.The wealthy are greedy bastards. You mean put them in slum neighborhoods, slum in the slums, out of sight out of mind. Let them fend for themselves, and rob and kill for food you mean. Let them be low life's they are. Is that what you mean??

Do you know WHY they are slums? They were once brand new, but the folks living in them made them slums. When someone gets something for free, they don't tend to appreciate it as much as if they had to work for it. That is human nature. We try to teach our kids the value of hard work and education, even though they are certainly priviledged in many ways. Democrats have a habit of opening up HUD housing in nice neighborhoods. Not sure if they are hoping that these folks will adopt some of the priniciples of their gainfully employed neighbors or if they just feel that it is not "fair" that folks that don't work are unable to live in these nice neighborhoods. Either way, it is moronic.

Yup. All you have to do is look at New York City.

They spent millions on nice tenement buildings. Once the Welfare freeloaders moved in it didn't take them long to destroy those nice apartments in those buildings.

Now many are being pulled down as unlivable.

Millions wasted on freeloading Welfare assholes. Tax payer money wasted.
Flamethrowers would do a hell of a job.

Remove and sanitize at the same time.

lots of former military in in the big cities & homeless

I guess you would also use your flame thrower on Jesus too; huh?

You do sound like a Republican.

Number of homeless veterans in the United States
According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, there were 40,056 homeless veterans living in the U.S. in a single night in January 2017, which was a little more than nine percent of all homeless adults

Cons are just murderous savages. They don't care who they kill just as long they get to kill someone.

I believe they prove this everyday on this message board.

Will you cry so loud when a someone defends himself against Antifa Socialist Terrorists . I think not STFU!

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