Tucker asks tramp what are we going to do about the "filth"

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.

2:11 a.m.

Homelessness is a serious problem, involving drug addiction, mental illness, stagnant wages, and rising housing costs, among other serious issues demanding serious solutions. In an interview from Osaka broadcast Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to ask President Trump about homelessness problems in major U.S. cities, contrasting New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles with the "clean" cities in Japan that have "no graffiti," no public urination, and no "junkies." Why do U.S. cities have "a major problem with filth?" Carlson asked. Here's part of Trump's response:

It's a phenomena that started two years ago. It's disgraceful. I'm going to maybe — and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening — where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat. I mean, they're getting actually very sick, where people are getting sick, where the people living there living in hell, too. ...
We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It's inappropriate. ... We've never had this in our lives before in our country. ... If you look at some of these, they are usually sanctuary cities run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people. [President Trump, Fox News]

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.
I would not doubt if tramps solution is to put all the homeless in a ship and drop them in the ocean. Out of sight , out of mind.

What 2 disgusting pieces of shit.

This is not a federal Govt problem it is a Local/ state problem and Federal Funds (taxpayer money from Fed should not be used to address this issue. Again the people who caused the problem with liberal handouts and free shit policies want Americans who live and thrive in clean safe cities to bail them out and send more money. California has a problem with Homeless people shitting in the streets it's up to Calipornians to clean up after them not west Virginians or Ohioans or Floridians every state has this problem fix it yourself.:9: Or watch where you step

No its not liberal handouts. Nothing could be further from the truth, its unbridled capitalism.
Yet everywhere homelessness in rampant libs are in control.
WTF are you talking about bed wetter, Kamala Harris isn't even mentioned in this story.

I do realize as stupid as you are you may have misspelled Trump.

When she said "Tramp," I just assumed she was referring to Hillary.

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This kind of tramp: only thing a male slut.
Web results
Tramp - Urban Dictionary


  1. Cached
Synonym for slut, but not the same. A slut is obvious. A tramp is a slut disguised as a lady. This makes her much more dangerous. A tramp is a woman who will ...
Trump should let democrats fix the mess they created.

No , capitalism gone unchecked by gop-hers.
You’re an idiot. lol

What would you call it. The rich get richer and the poor get homeless.
The democrats answer to every problem is to raise taxes and throw more $ at it. They do that while creating more problems with stupid promises and policies. It’s an endless cycle with them.

That’s why Trump should let democrats figure it out on their own.
Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.

2:11 a.m.

Homelessness is a serious problem, involving drug addiction, mental illness, stagnant wages, and rising housing costs, among other serious issues demanding serious solutions. In an interview from Osaka broadcast Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to ask President Trump about homelessness problems in major U.S. cities, contrasting New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles with the "clean" cities in Japan that have "no graffiti," no public urination, and no "junkies." Why do U.S. cities have "a major problem with filth?" Carlson asked. Here's part of Trump's response:

It's a phenomena that started two years ago. It's disgraceful. I'm going to maybe — and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening — where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat. I mean, they're getting actually very sick, where people are getting sick, where the people living there living in hell, too. ...
We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It's inappropriate. ... We've never had this in our lives before in our country. ... If you look at some of these, they are usually sanctuary cities run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people. [President Trump, Fox News]

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.
I would not doubt if tramps solution is to put all the homeless in a ship and drop them in the ocean. Out of sight , out of mind.

What 2 disgusting pieces of shit.
If they are here illegally, than they need to go. Then start helping the homeless veterans and work our way down to the others.
Here’s an example of I’m talking about, Penelope ....

California gas tax rises 6 cents a gallon today
California's nation-leading gas prices are set to climb even higher Monday, when the state gas tax increases an additional 5.6 cents a gallon.

California motorists were paying an average $3.75 per gallon as of late June, far above the national average of $2.71 calculated by AAA.

Democrats love wasting $ and raising taxes.
Trump should let democrats fix the mess they created.

No , capitalism gone unchecked by gop-hers.
You’re an idiot. lol

What would you call it. The rich get richer and the poor get homeless.
The democrats answer to every problem is to raise taxes and throw more $ at it. They do that while creating more problems with stupid promises and policies. It’s an endless cycle with them.

That’s why Trump should let democrats figure it out on their own.

Do you think if it gets bad enough, they will figure it out? How bad does it have to get before they believe their own eyes?
Here’s an example of I’m talking about, Penelope ....

California gas tax rises 6 cents a gallon today
California's nation-leading gas prices are set to climb even higher Monday, when the state gas tax increases an additional 5.6 cents a gallon.

California motorists were paying an average $3.75 per gallon as of late June, far above the national average of $2.71 calculated by AAA.

Democrats love wasting $ and raising taxes.

Gavin's got to pay for that Health Care for illegals somehow
Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.

2:11 a.m.

Homelessness is a serious problem, involving drug addiction, mental illness, stagnant wages, and rising housing costs, among other serious issues demanding serious solutions. In an interview from Osaka broadcast Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to ask President Trump about homelessness problems in major U.S. cities, contrasting New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles with the "clean" cities in Japan that have "no graffiti," no public urination, and no "junkies." Why do U.S. cities have "a major problem with filth?" Carlson asked. Here's part of Trump's response:

It's a phenomena that started two years ago. It's disgraceful. I'm going to maybe — and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening — where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat. I mean, they're getting actually very sick, where people are getting sick, where the people living there living in hell, too. ...
We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It's inappropriate. ... We've never had this in our lives before in our country. ... If you look at some of these, they are usually sanctuary cities run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people. [President Trump, Fox News]

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.
I would not doubt if tramps solution is to put all the homeless in a ship and drop them in the ocean. Out of sight , out of mind.

What 2 disgusting pieces of shit.

Since when is it Washington's job to deal with a filth in a specific city?

Isn't it your cities job to deal with the filth of your city? Such a stupid argument to make.
Words that say NOTHING...

and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening

Typical Trump bullshit that his sycophants will slurp up like the finest champagne...
Trump and his supporters couldn't care less about the homeless; save that to attack them.
Lol, why isn't Pelosi worried about all the homeless in her city? I mean we need to call it Pelosi"s city, this is what happens when liberals are in control.
Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.

2:11 a.m.

Homelessness is a serious problem, involving drug addiction, mental illness, stagnant wages, and rising housing costs, among other serious issues demanding serious solutions. In an interview from Osaka broadcast Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to ask President Trump about homelessness problems in major U.S. cities, contrasting New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles with the "clean" cities in Japan that have "no graffiti," no public urination, and no "junkies." Why do U.S. cities have "a major problem with filth?" Carlson asked. Here's part of Trump's response:

It's a phenomena that started two years ago. It's disgraceful. I'm going to maybe — and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening — where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat. I mean, they're getting actually very sick, where people are getting sick, where the people living there living in hell, too. ...
We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It's inappropriate. ... We've never had this in our lives before in our country. ... If you look at some of these, they are usually sanctuary cities run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people. [President Trump, Fox News]

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.
I would not doubt if tramps solution is to put all the homeless in a ship and drop them in the ocean. Out of sight , out of mind.

What 2 disgusting pieces of shit.

Since when is it Washington's job to deal with a filth in a specific city?

Isn't it your cities job to deal with the filth of your city? Such a stupid argument to make.

What if they don't? What if there ideology make them completely unable to deal with the problems they create? US citizens are facing health threats. When should someone step in and say 'quit that, its dangerous.'
Trump should let democrats fix the mess they created.

No , capitalism gone unchecked by gop-hers.
You’re an idiot. lol

What would you call it. The rich get richer and the poor get homeless.
The democrats answer to every problem is to raise taxes and throw more $ at it. They do that while creating more problems with stupid promises and policies. It’s an endless cycle with them.

That’s why Trump should let democrats figure it out on their own.

Do you think if it gets bad enough, they will figure it out? How bad does it have to get before they believe their own eyes?
No. Democrats aren’t too smucking fart.
Nothing is going to improve until voters stop electing democrats.
Last edited:
Since Hud has been working with decreased funding since 2018 , 2019 and 2020.

Hud is a Federal Government org. Ben Carson is was put in to cut funds in Hud is one of the reasons for homelessness. Every dept. head is to destroy the dept. they head.

Tramp is probably going to pocket the money.
Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.

2:11 a.m.

Homelessness is a serious problem, involving drug addiction, mental illness, stagnant wages, and rising housing costs, among other serious issues demanding serious solutions. In an interview from Osaka broadcast Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to ask President Trump about homelessness problems in major U.S. cities, contrasting New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles with the "clean" cities in Japan that have "no graffiti," no public urination, and no "junkies." Why do U.S. cities have "a major problem with filth?" Carlson asked. Here's part of Trump's response:

It's a phenomena that started two years ago. It's disgraceful. I'm going to maybe — and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening — where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat. I mean, they're getting actually very sick, where people are getting sick, where the people living there living in hell, too. ...
We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It's inappropriate. ... We've never had this in our lives before in our country. ... If you look at some of these, they are usually sanctuary cities run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people. [President Trump, Fox News]

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.
I would not doubt if tramps solution is to put all the homeless in a ship and drop them in the ocean. Out of sight , out of mind.

What 2 disgusting pieces of shit.

Since when is it Washington's job to deal with a filth in a specific city?

Isn't it your cities job to deal with the filth of your city? Such a stupid argument to make.

What if they don't? What if there ideology make them completely unable to deal with the problems they create? US citizens are facing health threats. When should someone step in and say 'quit that, its dangerous.'

Never. It's not my job to pay tax money to the Federal Government, to fix a problem in California, or some other idiotic place. Instead, let the people there, deal with their own crap.

I don't care if it's dangerous or not.

What you are doing is creating an argument for tyranny, where government dictates every aspect of our lives, under the guise of "it's for your own good".

Every single cruel dictator that has ever existed, has done so using this argument, that if we allow others to do X, and Y, then it will harm us, so we have to dictate their lives.

I say no. No more government controlling everything in my life. It's my life, not yours, and you need to mind your own business.

Funny how people always say they don't want Christians controlling their private life, and then turn right around and promote government being involved in every possible thing they can dream up. No. I am not your slave, and you don't have a right to tell me how to live.
Trump should let democrats fix the mess they created.

No , capitalism gone unchecked by gop-hers.
You’re an idiot. lol

What would you call it. The rich get richer and the poor get homeless.
The democrats answer to every problem is to raise taxes and throw more $ at it. They do that while creating more problems with stupid promises and policies. It’s an endless cycle with them.

That’s why Trump should let democrats figure it out on their own.

Do you think if it gets bad enough, they will figure it out? How bad does it have to get before they believe their own eyes?

They never could figure it out, and they won't even try. That is why Democrats run cities. Hud has cut funding big time.
Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.

2:11 a.m.

Homelessness is a serious problem, involving drug addiction, mental illness, stagnant wages, and rising housing costs, among other serious issues demanding serious solutions. In an interview from Osaka broadcast Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to ask President Trump about homelessness problems in major U.S. cities, contrasting New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles with the "clean" cities in Japan that have "no graffiti," no public urination, and no "junkies." Why do U.S. cities have "a major problem with filth?" Carlson asked. Here's part of Trump's response:

It's a phenomena that started two years ago. It's disgraceful. I'm going to maybe — and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening — where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat. I mean, they're getting actually very sick, where people are getting sick, where the people living there living in hell, too. ...
We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It's inappropriate. ... We've never had this in our lives before in our country. ... If you look at some of these, they are usually sanctuary cities run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people. [President Trump, Fox News]

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.
I would not doubt if tramps solution is to put all the homeless in a ship and drop them in the ocean. Out of sight , out of mind.

What 2 disgusting pieces of shit.

The tent cities and filth started under the previous buffoon.
The decisions that we make in the next three or four years will determine the next thirty or forty.
No , capitalism gone unchecked by gop-hers.
You’re an idiot. lol

What would you call it. The rich get richer and the poor get homeless.
The democrats answer to every problem is to raise taxes and throw more $ at it. They do that while creating more problems with stupid promises and policies. It’s an endless cycle with them.

That’s why Trump should let democrats figure it out on their own.

Do you think if it gets bad enough, they will figure it out? How bad does it have to get before they believe their own eyes?

They never could figure it out, and they won't even try. That is why Democrats run cities. Hud has cut funding big time.

HUD cut funding? Last I looked, the Republican increased funding for HUD. I wish they would have cut funding and maybe HUD people wouldn't be living in my suburbs and destroying it at the same time.
So states can endanger their people, and HUD is supposed fix their mess? Hey, I can blow up my state, and the government will clean it up, sweet.

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