Tucker asks tramp what are we going to do about the "filth"

The cops really shouldn't harass vagrants fishing for their supper, but they do.

I'm scared to even stick a pole in the water these days.

That's how oppressive the government is now.

I know where I can, and it's only because it's on my cousin's private land.

I can't go where I know the good fish are legally, and where I grew up fishing, even though I know the man can't get me for fishing there. He'll sink 2 feet into silt up to his knees if he tries.
I know that place, they don't. Catch Reds and Yellows all day. Probably some Sheephead, too.
I fear the man will try to get me if I go fishing there.

Fishing is a crime now? I hate that it's like that. Size limits and all that bullshit.

I love fishing. Why do I have to deal with the government 1st?
I damn sure didn't used to have to.
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Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.

2:11 a.m.

Homelessness is a serious problem, involving drug addiction, mental illness, stagnant wages, and rising housing costs, among other serious issues demanding serious solutions. In an interview from Osaka broadcast Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to ask President Trump about homelessness problems in major U.S. cities, contrasting New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles with the "clean" cities in Japan that have "no graffiti," no public urination, and no "junkies." Why do U.S. cities have "a major problem with filth?" Carlson asked. Here's part of Trump's response:

It's a phenomena that started two years ago. It's disgraceful. I'm going to maybe — and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening — where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat. I mean, they're getting actually very sick, where people are getting sick, where the people living there living in hell, too. ...
We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It's inappropriate. ... We've never had this in our lives before in our country. ... If you look at some of these, they are usually sanctuary cities run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people. [President Trump, Fox News]

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.
I would not doubt if tramps solution is to put all the homeless in a ship and drop them in the ocean. Out of sight , out of mind.

What 2 disgusting pieces of shit.
You condone the shit. Personal responsibility-clean up and get out-that is the order of the day.
Flamethrowers would do a hell of a job.

Remove and sanitize at the same time.

lots of former military in in the big cities & homeless

I guess you would also use your flame thrower on Jesus too; huh?

You do sound like a Republican.
Knew it wouldn't be very long before Jesus would be used by a propagandist.

Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.
Words that say NOTHING...

and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening

Typical Trump bullshit that his sycophants will slurp up like the finest champagne...
Trump and his supporters couldn't care less about the homeless; save that to attack them.
Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.

2:11 a.m.

Homelessness is a serious problem, involving drug addiction, mental illness, stagnant wages, and rising housing costs, among other serious issues demanding serious solutions. In an interview from Osaka broadcast Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to ask President Trump about homelessness problems in major U.S. cities, contrasting New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles with the "clean" cities in Japan that have "no graffiti," no public urination, and no "junkies." Why do U.S. cities have "a major problem with filth?" Carlson asked. Here's part of Trump's response:

It's a phenomena that started two years ago. It's disgraceful. I'm going to maybe — and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening — where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat. I mean, they're getting actually very sick, where people are getting sick, where the people living there living in hell, too. ...
We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It's inappropriate. ... We've never had this in our lives before in our country. ... If you look at some of these, they are usually sanctuary cities run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people. [President Trump, Fox News]

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.
I would not doubt if tramps solution is to put all the homeless in a ship and drop them in the ocean. Out of sight , out of mind.

What 2 disgusting pieces of shit.
There's a really, really quick cure for homelessness, one that would, however, bring the throw-money-at-the-problem Democrats serious angst.

Give them a spanking. They'd figure out how to get a home together, and they wouldn't be parking their rain-catching funnels next to their sidewalk blankets any more, either.

Then there wouldn't be any more homelessness in America.


And they don't cost anything.

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.

2:11 a.m.

Homelessness is a serious problem, involving drug addiction, mental illness, stagnant wages, and rising housing costs, among other serious issues demanding serious solutions. In an interview from Osaka broadcast Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to ask President Trump about homelessness problems in major U.S. cities, contrasting New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles with the "clean" cities in Japan that have "no graffiti," no public urination, and no "junkies." Why do U.S. cities have "a major problem with filth?" Carlson asked. Here's part of Trump's response:

It's a phenomena that started two years ago. It's disgraceful. I'm going to maybe — and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening — where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat. I mean, they're getting actually very sick, where people are getting sick, where the people living there living in hell, too. ...
We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It's inappropriate. ... We've never had this in our lives before in our country. ... If you look at some of these, they are usually sanctuary cities run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people. [President Trump, Fox News]

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.
I would not doubt if tramps solution is to put all the homeless in a ship and drop them in the ocean. Out of sight , out of mind.

What 2 disgusting pieces of shit.

This is not a federal Govt problem it is a Local/ state problem and Federal Funds (taxpayer money from Fed should not be used to address this issue. Again the people who caused the problem with liberal handouts and free shit policies want Americans who live and thrive in clean safe cities to bail them out and send more money. California has a problem with Homeless people shitting in the streets it's up to Calipornians to clean up after them not west Virginians or Ohioans or Floridians every state has this problem fix it yourself.:9: Or watch where you step
Flamethrowers would do a hell of a job.

Remove and sanitize at the same time.

lots of former military in in the big cities & homeless

I guess you would also use your flame thrower on Jesus too; huh?

You do sound like a Republican.

Number of homeless veterans in the United States
According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, there were 40,056 homeless veterans living in the U.S. in a single night in January 2017, which was a little more than nine percent of all homeless adults

Cons are just murderous savages. They don't care who they kill just as long they get to kill someone.

I believe they prove this everyday on this message board.
I highly recommend checking the Trump and Carlson exchange out. Both individuals are stone dead brilliant. Both will be remembered in history as the men who made the peace landing.


As for the OP's whinery, it's low IQ stuff. Trump outlined the problem - illegals in sanctuary cities. And the OP whined for Trump again correctly identifying a problem.
Local Gov't 's create homelessness. So leave it to states to solve it.
Fed. Gov't is the least equipped in solving it, and really never has.
Especially now in high tax liberal states with little to no affordable housing for the working poor that is a product of those liberal states where it is a problem.
Trump should stand down on this and let nature take its course.
Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.

2:11 a.m.

Homelessness is a serious problem, involving drug addiction, mental illness, stagnant wages, and rising housing costs, among other serious issues demanding serious solutions. In an interview from Osaka broadcast Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to ask President Trump about homelessness problems in major U.S. cities, contrasting New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles with the "clean" cities in Japan that have "no graffiti," no public urination, and no "junkies." Why do U.S. cities have "a major problem with filth?" Carlson asked. Here's part of Trump's response:

It's a phenomena that started two years ago. It's disgraceful. I'm going to maybe — and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening — where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat. I mean, they're getting actually very sick, where people are getting sick, where the people living there living in hell, too. ...
We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It's inappropriate. ... We've never had this in our lives before in our country. ... If you look at some of these, they are usually sanctuary cities run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people. [President Trump, Fox News]

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.
I would not doubt if tramps solution is to put all the homeless in a ship and drop them in the ocean. Out of sight , out of mind.

What 2 disgusting pieces of shit.
With out struggling people who would democrats promise to help lol you wouldn’t be able to win an election haha
I highly recommend checking the Trump and Carlson exchange out. Both individuals are stone dead brilliant. Both will be remembered in history as the men who made the peace landing.


As for the OP's whinery, it's low IQ stuff. Trump outlined the problem - illegals in sanctuary cities. And the OP whined for Trump again correctly identifying a problem.

Trump will be remembered for
(1) being all about himself
(2) crashing the economy
Words that say NOTHING...

and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening

Typical Trump bullshit that his sycophants will slurp up like the finest champagne...
Trump and his supporters couldn't care less about the homeless; save that to attack them.
That's right we don't care, use them for food.
Words that say NOTHING...

and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening

Typical Trump bullshit that his sycophants will slurp up like the finest champagne...
Yes they will, because they are even dumber than he is, which is pretty amazing. What the fuck was he even rambling about?
Is she smiling or terrified?
Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.

2:11 a.m.

Homelessness is a serious problem, involving drug addiction, mental illness, stagnant wages, and rising housing costs, among other serious issues demanding serious solutions. In an interview from Osaka broadcast Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to ask President Trump about homelessness problems in major U.S. cities, contrasting New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles with the "clean" cities in Japan that have "no graffiti," no public urination, and no "junkies." Why do U.S. cities have "a major problem with filth?" Carlson asked. Here's part of Trump's response:

It's a phenomena that started two years ago. It's disgraceful. I'm going to maybe — and I'm looking at it very seriously, we're doing some other things that you probably noticed, like some of the very important things that we're doing now. But we're looking at it very seriously because you can't do that. You can't have what's happening — where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat. I mean, they're getting actually very sick, where people are getting sick, where the people living there living in hell, too. ...
We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It's inappropriate. ... We've never had this in our lives before in our country. ... If you look at some of these, they are usually sanctuary cities run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people. [President Trump, Fox News]

Fox News' Tucker Carlson asked Trump about 'filth' in U.S. cities. Trump's answer, about homelessness, is a mess.
I would not doubt if tramps solution is to put all the homeless in a ship and drop them in the ocean. Out of sight , out of mind.

What 2 disgusting pieces of shit.

This is not a federal Govt problem it is a Local/ state problem and Federal Funds (taxpayer money from Fed should not be used to address this issue. Again the people who caused the problem with liberal handouts and free shit policies want Americans who live and thrive in clean safe cities to bail them out and send more money. California has a problem with Homeless people shitting in the streets it's up to Calipornians to clean up after them not west Virginians or Ohioans or Floridians every state has this problem fix it yourself.:9: Or watch where you step

No its not liberal handouts. Nothing could be further from the truth, its unbridled capitalism.

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