Tucker Carelson, "If Trump loses its a new America"

If Trump LOSES, it's a new America? That makes no sense at all. Hillary represents the same identity-politics driven positions as Obama whereas Trump is such a loose cannon that just about anything might happen.

It will be an America where the Republican Party and its RW morons will be taking a seat in the back of the bus. :0) Democrats will be doing the driving.

The Supreme Court will be in the hands of Clinton and the Democratic Party .. and she will be choosing multiple new members.

The Republican base is aging and rapidly shrinking, and the American population is rapidly evolving away from republicans and the RW.

Absolutely a new day in America.

Ah, so you want me to purchase the new and improved Hillary.

Twice the hope and three times the change!

:lol: That's funny .. but I don't want you to do anything. Vote for Trump if you like.

Every hero / heroine needs a villain. :0)
If Trump LOSES, it's a new America? That makes no sense at all. Hillary represents the same identity-politics driven positions as Obama whereas Trump is such a loose cannon that just about anything might happen.

It will be an America where the Republican Party and its RW morons will be taking a seat in the back of the bus. :0) Democrats will be doing the driving.

The Supreme Court will be in the hands of Clinton and the Democratic Party .. and she will be choosing multiple new members.

The Republican base is aging and rapidly shrinking, and the American population is rapidly evolving away from republicans and the RW.

Absolutely a new day in America.

Ah, so you want me to purchase the new and improved Hillary.

Twice the hope and three times the change!

:lol: That's funny .. but I don't want you to do anything. Vote for Trump if you like.

Every hero / heroine needs a villain. :0)

I'm not voting for Trump, either.

I have finally reached my point of disgust that I am planning on sitting this one out.
If Trump LOSES, it's a new America? That makes no sense at all. Hillary represents the same identity-politics driven positions as Obama whereas Trump is such a loose cannon that just about anything might happen.

It will be an America where the Republican Party and its RW morons will be taking a seat in the back of the bus. :0) Democrats will be doing the driving.

The Supreme Court will be in the hands of Clinton and the Democratic Party .. and she will be choosing multiple new members.

The Republican base is aging and rapidly shrinking, and the American population is rapidly evolving away from republicans and the RW.

Absolutely a new day in America.
You're a hack but at least a honest hack with admitting the SCOTUS will be a political arm of the left. Your theory has a flaw though, people tend to get more conservative as they age and many young leftists will mature with families and see the errors of their ways. Just like the previous generations. You obviously are too young for any perspective.

Wrong again. :0)

I grew up in the 60's .. and if your theory about getting older and becoming conservative were true, the Republican Party base wouldn't be the party of white men only .. the only demographic where the majority votes for republicans.

The fault in your theory is that even many who are conservative won't vote for the Republican Party.

You're obviously not paying attention to even what many republicans are saying about the future of a virtually all-white party.

Non-white people aren't going to vote for an all-white party .. and neither will many white people. Pretty obvious why they shouldn't and won't.
The GOP isn't the party of the old or white, you're a fool and if you grew up in the 60s your are an old fool. Conservatives don't vote Republican? You aren't particularly bright, no wonder you are stuck on stupid.

I love talking to you dumb ass RWers.

Rand Paul: GOP is turning into 'the old white man's party'

Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) says the GOP is at risk of turning into “the old white man’s party.”

“I think it’s important that the Republican Party not be seen as a party that’s not welcoming and that [doesn’t] want new people,” the presidential candidate told host Chris Hayes on MSNBC’s “All In."

“I’ve said we need to be a party that has, you know, [people] with earrings, without earrings, with tattoos, without tattoos, black, white, brown, rich [and] poor,” Paul said. "If anything, one of the faults of the Republican Party is we’re not diverse enough.

“When we become the old white man’s party — which we’ve been kind of headed towards for a while — we’re never going to win another election.”

Do you think he's the only republican speaking this truth? You might given how ignorantly you post.

Would you like to see the statistics .. otherwise known as FACTS? :lol: Of course you don't because you don't operate on facts, you operate on emotion.

Take the challenge .. ask me for the FACTS .. let's see which one of us is truly stuck on stupid.

The tard is all on you because he is saying they are at risk if ...Meaning the GOP isn't that now, which it isn't. The Dims practice mind control so the GOP has to deprogram those already hypnotized.
And the Republican party is dead. Isnt the republican party already dead? I mean, sure Trump is kissing McConnel and Ryans ass but still, with trumps nomination I see that as a nail in the coffen of the republican party and thats a good thing as far as in concerned. I figure the Democrat party is having the same issues, they just pushed it off for a bit. Are political parties both republican and democrat evolving ?


The Democratic Party's strategy of a Defacto One Party State based on importing of Third World voters, demographic change and Identify Politics is moving forward just fine.

Once Total Control is established they will evolve in that they will become even less responsive and accountable, especially to their remaining white voters.
Yeah, it's a new day for the GOP. Are they dead? No. But Reagan's legacy is pretty much done and the GOP post 2016 won't be the same GOP as it was before. It's going to take time to clear out all the old converts but win or lose Trump has put a big old stake right through the heart of the GOP.
Lots of flatulence there but we are in a crisis and those on the right have decided to resort to unconventional means to get us back on track. If we do get back on track it will be due to conservative policies in action and will make the party prosper like it couldn't before. You doom and gloomers are funny if you think you can sell your shit by calling it candy.
Trump isn't Conservative. He beat the more Conservative candidates by actively mocking their "accomplishments" and "policies." His win isn't a victory for Conservatism. If he wins the White House he isn't going to embrace Conservative policy.

Read his policies. He's all for increased government roles in the economy, job creation, etc. He is absolutely not for decreased government. There's a reason some of the most ardent #NeverTrump voices in the GOP are the most hardline Conservative policy makers the GOP has.

I know you want to think that Conservatism won. It absolutely did not.
I didn't say Trump was a conservative. It would help if you read the posts instead of getting impressions. He has come out with some conservative appeals, namely the SCOTUS pick, which will be critical. Picking Pence as a VP was also a good move in the right direction.

If you read the actual words I said if we get on the right track it will be due to conservative principles, that will help the GOP enomously and I understand the opposition, we are at war here and I want you leftists defeated and rooted out in every nook and corner of the US.
Pence is a non-factor for Trump. He won't influence Trump at all. Trump's SCOTUS picks? They won't be Conservatives. There's absoulutely no reason to trust him on that.

For years the GOP has warned about a populist coming along and undoing all this. Turns out they should have been watching closer to home. Once Trump is elected he will do what every populsit does, namely expand government welfare and government power. Don't expect the GOP to stand in the way of that as most the GOP will be hollowed out by Trump's followers.

If the Conservative movement is to have any influence at all, it needs to find a way to dump Trump, elect Cons in the House and Senate, and rebuild to take out Hillary in 2020. She's going to be very vulnerable to being a one term President and the Conservatives could have a Reagan moment is they can cast off Trump's populism.
It will be an America where the Republican Party and its RW morons will be taking a seat in the back of the bus. :0) Democrats will be doing the driving.

The Supreme Court will be in the hands of Clinton and the Democratic Party .. and she will be choosing multiple new members.

The Republican base is aging and rapidly shrinking, and the American population is rapidly evolving away from republicans and the RW.

Absolutely a new day in America.
You're a hack but at least a honest hack with admitting the SCOTUS will be a political arm of the left. Your theory has a flaw though, people tend to get more conservative as they age and many young leftists will mature with families and see the errors of their ways. Just like the previous generations. You obviously are too young for any perspective.

Wrong again. :0)

I grew up in the 60's .. and if your theory about getting older and becoming conservative were true, the Republican Party base wouldn't be the party of white men only .. the only demographic where the majority votes for republicans.

The fault in your theory is that even many who are conservative won't vote for the Republican Party.

You're obviously not paying attention to even what many republicans are saying about the future of a virtually all-white party.

Non-white people aren't going to vote for an all-white party .. and neither will many white people. Pretty obvious why they shouldn't and won't.
The GOP isn't the party of the old or white, you're a fool and if you grew up in the 60s your are an old fool. Conservatives don't vote Republican? You aren't particularly bright, no wonder you are stuck on stupid.

I love talking to you dumb ass RWers.

Rand Paul: GOP is turning into 'the old white man's party'

Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) says the GOP is at risk of turning into “the old white man’s party.”

“I think it’s important that the Republican Party not be seen as a party that’s not welcoming and that [doesn’t] want new people,” the presidential candidate told host Chris Hayes on MSNBC’s “All In."

“I’ve said we need to be a party that has, you know, [people] with earrings, without earrings, with tattoos, without tattoos, black, white, brown, rich [and] poor,” Paul said. "If anything, one of the faults of the Republican Party is we’re not diverse enough.

“When we become the old white man’s party — which we’ve been kind of headed towards for a while — we’re never going to win another election.”
Rand Paul: GOP is turning into 'the old white man's party'

Do you think he's the only republican speaking this truth? You might given how ignorantly you post.

Would you like to see the statistics .. otherwise known as FACTS? :lol: Of course you don't because you don't operate on facts, you operate on emotion.

Take the challenge .. ask me for the FACTS .. let's see which one of us is truly stuck on stupid.

The tard is all on you because he is saying they are at risk if ...Meaning the GOP isn't that now, which it isn't. The Dims practice mind control so the GOP has to deprogram those already hypnotized.

Mind control? :lol::lol::lol:

Sure, that's what he's saying. :lol:

That's your rebuttal .. mind control. :lol:
If Trump LOSES, it's a new America? That makes no sense at all. Hillary represents the same identity-politics driven positions as Obama whereas Trump is such a loose cannon that just about anything might happen.

It will be an America where the Republican Party and its RW morons will be taking a seat in the back of the bus. :0) Democrats will be doing the driving.

The Supreme Court will be in the hands of Clinton and the Democratic Party .. and she will be choosing multiple new members.

The Republican base is aging and rapidly shrinking, and the American population is rapidly evolving away from republicans and the RW.

Absolutely a new day in America.

Ah, so you want me to purchase the new and improved Hillary.

Twice the hope and three times the change!

:lol: That's funny .. but I don't want you to do anything. Vote for Trump if you like.

Every hero / heroine needs a villain. :0)

I'm not voting for Trump, either.

I have finally reached my point of disgust that I am planning on sitting this one out.

I'm not a democrat .. don't like or trust Hillary Clinton much .. but she's a Hell of a lot better than Trump and progessives may get more out of her than they did from Obama.
If Trump LOSES, it's a new America? That makes no sense at all. Hillary represents the same identity-politics driven positions as Obama whereas Trump is such a loose cannon that just about anything might happen.
If Hillary wins then identity-politics will become permanent and 100% mainstream.
If Trump LOSES, it's a new America? That makes no sense at all. Hillary represents the same identity-politics driven positions as Obama whereas Trump is such a loose cannon that just about anything might happen.

It will be an America where the Republican Party and its RW morons will be taking a seat in the back of the bus. :0) Democrats will be doing the driving.

The Supreme Court will be in the hands of Clinton and the Democratic Party .. and she will be choosing multiple new members.

The Republican base is aging and rapidly shrinking, and the American population is rapidly evolving away from republicans and the RW.

Absolutely a new day in America.
In terms of ideology America is actually going much more right wing with more Evangelical Hispanics and more radical Muslims coming in every day.

The problem is that this country seems to think ideology is skin color based and white Americans are too stupid to call Democrats out on that.
If Hillary wins then identity-politics will become permanent and 100% mainstream.


The entire convention consisted of pandering to one identity after another as we had appeals to black lives matter, Islamists -- you name it.

Heck, there were even some Palestinian Flags being waved by the crowd.
If Hillary wins then identity-politics will become permanent and 100% mainstream.


The entire convention consisted of pandering to one identity after another as we had appeals to black lives matter, Islamists -- you name it.

Heck, there were even some Palestinian Flags being waved by the crowd.
Which is why it literally doesn't matter who Republicans have.
Yeah, it's a new day for the GOP. Are they dead? No. But Reagan's legacy is pretty much done and the GOP post 2016 won't be the same GOP as it was before. It's going to take time to clear out all the old converts but win or lose Trump has put a big old stake right through the heart of the GOP.
Lots of flatulence there but we are in a crisis and those on the right have decided to resort to unconventional means to get us back on track. If we do get back on track it will be due to conservative policies in action and will make the party prosper like it couldn't before. You doom and gloomers are funny if you think you can sell your shit by calling it candy.

I don't care what you call it .. but an evolving society does not favor an all-white RW political party.

Should be fairly easy to figure that out .. but somehow, republicans just can't.

Just look at all the good Progressive economic idea have done for Greece and now Venezuela!
And the Republican party is dead. Isnt the republican party already dead? I mean, sure Trump is kissing McConnel and Ryans ass but still, with trumps nomination I see that as a nail in the coffen of the republican party and thats a good thing as far as in concerned. I figure the Democrat party is having the same issues, they just pushed it off for a bit. Are political parties both republican and democrat evolving ?
When we start showing up to midterms then the GOP will be dead. Until then, they own midterms. Midterms are the rich/Republicans/Corporations secret weapon.
If Trump LOSES, it's a new America? That makes no sense at all. Hillary represents the same identity-politics driven positions as Obama whereas Trump is such a loose cannon that just about anything might happen.

It will be an America where the Republican Party and its RW morons will be taking a seat in the back of the bus. :0) Democrats will be doing the driving.

The Supreme Court will be in the hands of Clinton and the Democratic Party .. and she will be choosing multiple new members.

The Republican base is aging and rapidly shrinking, and the American population is rapidly evolving away from republicans and the RW.

Absolutely a new day in America.
In terms of ideology America is actually going much more right wing with more Evangelical Hispanics and more radical Muslims coming in every day.

The problem is that this country seems to think ideology is skin color based and white Americans are too stupid to call Democrats out on that.

Sure, Hispanics and Muslims are all rushing to save the Republican Party. :lol::lol:

The RW has lost virtually every social issue they champion .. but according to you, the country is moving your way. :0)
Yeah, it's a new day for the GOP. Are they dead? No. But Reagan's legacy is pretty much done and the GOP post 2016 won't be the same GOP as it was before. It's going to take time to clear out all the old converts but win or lose Trump has put a big old stake right through the heart of the GOP.
Lots of flatulence there but we are in a crisis and those on the right have decided to resort to unconventional means to get us back on track. If we do get back on track it will be due to conservative policies in action and will make the party prosper like it couldn't before. You doom and gloomers are funny if you think you can sell your shit by calling it candy.

I don't care what you call it .. but an evolving society does not favor an all-white RW political party.

Should be fairly easy to figure that out .. but somehow, republicans just can't.

Just look at all the good Progressive economic idea have done for Greece and now Venezuela!

This is the United States .. and in the United States, the RW and Republican Party are dying.
Yeah, it's a new day for the GOP. Are they dead? No. But Reagan's legacy is pretty much done and the GOP post 2016 won't be the same GOP as it was before. It's going to take time to clear out all the old converts but win or lose Trump has put a big old stake right through the heart of the GOP.
Lots of flatulence there but we are in a crisis and those on the right have decided to resort to unconventional means to get us back on track. If we do get back on track it will be due to conservative policies in action and will make the party prosper like it couldn't before. You doom and gloomers are funny if you think you can sell your shit by calling it candy.

I don't care what you call it .. but an evolving society does not favor an all-white RW political party.

Should be fairly easy to figure that out .. but somehow, republicans just can't.

Just look at all the good Progressive economic idea have done for Greece and now Venezuela!

This is the United States .. and in the United States, the RW and Republican Party are dying.

114th Congress by District

Yeah, it's a new day for the GOP. Are they dead? No. But Reagan's legacy is pretty much done and the GOP post 2016 won't be the same GOP as it was before. It's going to take time to clear out all the old converts but win or lose Trump has put a big old stake right through the heart of the GOP.
Lots of flatulence there but we are in a crisis and those on the right have decided to resort to unconventional means to get us back on track. If we do get back on track it will be due to conservative policies in action and will make the party prosper like it couldn't before. You doom and gloomers are funny if you think you can sell your shit by calling it candy.

I don't care what you call it .. but an evolving society does not favor an all-white RW political party.

Should be fairly easy to figure that out .. but somehow, republicans just can't.

Just look at all the good Progressive economic idea have done for Greece and now Venezuela!

This is the United States .. and in the United States, the RW and Republican Party are dying.
Repeating it endlessly will make it true, right? After all, that's how your mind was confiscated.
Yeah, it's a new day for the GOP. Are they dead? No. But Reagan's legacy is pretty much done and the GOP post 2016 won't be the same GOP as it was before. It's going to take time to clear out all the old converts but win or lose Trump has put a big old stake right through the heart of the GOP.
Lots of flatulence there but we are in a crisis and those on the right have decided to resort to unconventional means to get us back on track. If we do get back on track it will be due to conservative policies in action and will make the party prosper like it couldn't before. You doom and gloomers are funny if you think you can sell your shit by calling it candy.

I don't care what you call it .. but an evolving society does not favor an all-white RW political party.

Should be fairly easy to figure that out .. but somehow, republicans just can't.

Just look at all the good Progressive economic idea have done for Greece and now Venezuela!

This is the United States .. and in the United States, the RW and Republican Party are dying.

The republican nominee is in a virtual tie with the dem nominee for president, the GOP controls Congress and more states have republican governors than dems. Goddamn facts are pesky critters but you keep spewing your BS

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