Tucker Carlson attacking mask wearers....


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Fox News host Tucker Carlson has urged his viewers to oppose the outdoor wearing of face masks by children as child abuse. He told viewers to call the police or Child Protective Services if they see a masked child outdoors. Commenting on this, Carlson said: "Your response when you see children wearing masks as they play should be no different from your response to seeing someone beat a kid at Walmart. Call the police. Immediately contact Child Protective Services. Keep calling until someone arrives. What you're looking at is abuse it's child abuse and you are morally obligated to attempt to prevent it."

Cucker is spot on here -- there is absolutely no reason for anyone to wear a mask, let alone a child and especially for that child to be forced to wear that mask outdoors. That is nothing but straight up child abuse and cops should be called immediately.

If you see a kid at a grocery store and their demonic parents are forcing them to wear a mask; if you don't intervene and stop it; you are basically endorsing child abuse. It is no different from seeing someone beat a child in public and you doing nothing. Also, if you are afraid to intervene because of fear of what the parent would do (especially if they are darkies) -- just tell the police that you believe they have drugs or threatening people with a gun; that way you can ensure police will be quicker to use deadly force in order to protect the child.
More and more people are going maskless in my neck of the woods.
Tucker is often over the top, but I do agree with his point about masks. I haven't been one to wear a mask outside unless it was because I was walking from my car to go inside some establishment that required wearing a mask.
I don't know what it is behind this mask insanity. Some say it's government exercising 'control,' others really believe they help, but the fact of the matter is, they are doing NOTHING to protect you from a VIRUS, and if anything, they're HARMFUL because of the amount of carbon dioxide one breathes, and how much BACTERIA there is growing on them from being so warm and moist and people touching them all the time. People are getting everything from sore spots behind their ears to face rashes to bacterial lung infections, all for nothing. Time to take them off and tell those pushing this asinine crap to go pound sand. Burn the damn things. You honestly just look like an idiot wearing them. And if you're in your car alone, or outside alone, and you're wearing a mask, you're just a special kind of STUPID.


I don't know what it is behind this mask insanity. Some say it's government exercising 'control,' others really believe they help, but the fact of the matter is, they are doing NOTHING to protect you from a VIRUS, and if anything, they're HARMFUL because of the amount of carbon dioxide one breathes, and how much BACTERIA there is growing on them from being so warm and moist and people touching them all the time. People are getting everything from sore spots behind their ears to face rashes to bacterial lung infections, all for nothing. Time to take them off and tell those pushing this asinine crap to go pound sand. Burn the damn things. You honestly just look like an idiot wearing them. And if you're in your car alone, or outside alone, and you're wearing a mask, you're just a special kind of STUPID.


They wear those suits in any dust, germ and bacteria free environment including the making of microchips...
I don't know what it is behind this mask insanity. Some say it's government exercising 'control,' others really believe they help, but the fact of the matter is, they are doing NOTHING to protect you from a VIRUS, and if anything, they're HARMFUL because of the amount of carbon dioxide one breathes, and how much BACTERIA there is growing on them from being so warm and moist and people touching them all the time. People are getting everything from sore spots behind their ears to face rashes to bacterial lung infections, all for nothing. Time to take them off and tell those pushing this asinine crap to go pound sand. Burn the damn things. You honestly just look like an idiot wearing them. And if you're in your car alone, or outside alone, and you're wearing a mask, you're just a special kind of STUPID.



move to Florida! The rules here are super lax! No pressure to wear a mask or get poked with a needle! It's the closest state to normal you will find. I agree with the above that people wearing masks look utterly ridiculous. Especially those wearing them in their car or outside by themselves. Take a look back at UFC 261 last weekend in Jacksonville. 15,000+ fans in an indoor arena without masks, shoulder-to-shoulder, and there have been NO consequences. What does that tell you?
I don't know what it is behind this mask insanity. Some say it's government exercising 'control,' others really believe they help, but the fact of the matter is, they are doing NOTHING to protect you from a VIRUS, and if anything, they're HARMFUL because of the amount of carbon dioxide one breathes, and how much BACTERIA there is growing on them from being so warm and moist and people touching them all the time. People are getting everything from sore spots behind their ears to face rashes to bacterial lung infections, all for nothing. Time to take them off and tell those pushing this asinine crap to go pound sand. Burn the damn things. You honestly just look like an idiot wearing them. And if you're in your car alone, or outside alone, and you're wearing a mask, you're just a special kind of STUPID.


They wear those suits in any dust, germ and bacteria free environment including the making of microchips...
move to Florida! The rules here are super lax! No pressure to wear a mask or get poked with a needle! It's the closest state to normal you will find. I agree with the above that people wearing masks look utterly ridiculous. Especially those wearing them in their car or outside by themselves. Take a look back at UFC 261 last weekend in Jacksonville. 15,000+ fans in an indoor arena without masks, shoulder-to-shoulder, and there have been NO consequences. What does that tell you?
The Wisconsin legislature slapped down our little cheated into office demtrash rat faced gov and his on and on mask mandates as an abuse of power that he doesn't have. I don't wear a mask anywhere. Haven't since this entire plandemic started.
I don't know what it is behind this mask insanity. Some say it's government exercising 'control,' others really believe they help, but the fact of the matter is, they are doing NOTHING to protect you from a VIRUS, and if anything, they're HARMFUL because of the amount of carbon dioxide one breathes, and how much BACTERIA there is growing on them from being so warm and moist and people touching them all the time. People are getting everything from sore spots behind their ears to face rashes to bacterial lung infections, all for nothing. Time to take them off and tell those pushing this asinine crap to go pound sand. Burn the damn things. You honestly just look like an idiot wearing them. And if you're in your car alone, or outside alone, and you're wearing a mask, you're just a special kind of STUPID.


I put on a face covering while cutting my lawn just to protect myself from breathing in pollen and not more than after 5 minutes I could not wait to TAKE IT OFF! It was disgusting breathing in my own air and sweat and what not and completely uncomfortable. I just can't wrap my head around how ANYONE can put a mask on day after day and wear it all day or even for an extended time. It makes ZERO sense especially when there is nothing to protect yourself from. :rolleyes:
Tucker is often over the top, but I do agree with his point about masks. I haven't been one to wear a mask outside unless it was because I was walking from my car to go inside some establishment that required wearing a mask.
What did he say that was over the top??

If he believes what he says and we all know that Tucker only tells the truth -- why is it being characterized as over the top??
I don't know what it is behind this mask insanity. Some say it's government exercising 'control,' others really believe they help, but the fact of the matter is, they are doing NOTHING to protect you from a VIRUS, and if anything, they're HARMFUL because of the amount of carbon dioxide one breathes, and how much BACTERIA there is growing on them from being so warm and moist and people touching them all the time. People are getting everything from sore spots behind their ears to face rashes to bacterial lung infections, all for nothing. Time to take them off and tell those pushing this asinine crap to go pound sand. Burn the damn things. You honestly just look like an idiot wearing them. And if you're in your car alone, or outside alone, and you're wearing a mask, you're just a special kind of STUPID.


I put on a face covering while cutting my lawn just to protect myself from breathing in pollen and not more than after 5 minutes I could not wait to TAKE IT OFF! It was disgusting breathing in my own air and sweat and what not and completely uncomfortable. I just can't wrap my head around how ANYONE can put a mask on day after day and wear it all day or even for an extended time. It makes ZERO sense especially when there is nothing to protect yourself from. :rolleyes:
Well, Americans have been idiots about things like this for many decades......

He is an Idiot. He is nothing more than a giant mouth trying to.get rich by saying outrageous things....along the line if Hannity and Limbaugh.
He is just protecting children......
I don't know what it is behind this mask insanity. Some say it's government exercising 'control,' others really believe they help, but the fact of the matter is, they are doing NOTHING to protect you from a VIRUS, and if anything, they're HARMFUL because of the amount of carbon dioxide one breathes, and how much BACTERIA there is growing on them from being so warm and moist and people touching them all the time. People are getting everything from sore spots behind their ears to face rashes to bacterial lung infections, all for nothing. Time to take them off and tell those pushing this asinine crap to go pound sand. Burn the damn things. You honestly just look like an idiot wearing them. And if you're in your car alone, or outside alone, and you're wearing a mask, you're just a special kind of STUPID.


They wear those suits in any dust, germ and bacteria free environment including the making of microchips...
move to Florida! The rules here are super lax! No pressure to wear a mask or get poked with a needle! It's the closest state to normal you will find. I agree with the above that people wearing masks look utterly ridiculous. Especially those wearing them in their car or outside by themselves. Take a look back at UFC 261 last weekend in Jacksonville. 15,000+ fans in an indoor arena without masks, shoulder-to-shoulder, and there have been NO consequences. What does that tell you?
The Wisconsin legislature slapped down our little cheated into office demtrash rat faced gov and his on and on mask mandates as an abuse of power that he doesn't have. I don't wear a mask anywhere. Haven't since this entire plandemic started.
Ditto here. Only when forced to in a doctor's office. Other that...NEVER!

He is an Idiot. He is nothing more than a giant mouth trying to.get rich by saying outrageous things....along the lines of Hannity and Limbaugh.

Masks are a controversial topic of public import.

Why are libs so devoted to outlawing any dissent from the official line that they are some kind of panacea?

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