Tucker Carlson criticized by radical propagandists for hosting a “neo nazi”


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
A bunch of media outlets, the same ones that show support for the BLM riots and such, that support the idea that whites are privileged, that support that there are 100 genders are now saying that Tucker Carlson hosted a neo Nazi on X ex platform.

We would think that some guy with a clan outfit was on Tucker Carlson. We would think that preps Hitler himself came back from the dead and was on the Carlson platform. Or at the least a an actual real Nazi with a swastika on his shirt(hey they can find some from the Azov battalion!). .but nope it was some soft spoken guy who hosts a history podcast , Darryl Cooper.

I watched the Carlson podcast. And the Candace Owens show. Cooper is nothing close to a neo-Nazi. The guy had some really interesting views. Actually you can watch it yourself.

This is the modern western world we live in. It is such filth and degradation. The constant lies and propaganda from the media toward people that don’t go along with the mainstream narrative.
A bunch of media outlets, the same ones that show support for the BLM riots and such, that support the idea that whites are privileged, that support that there are 100 genders are now saying that Tucker Carlson hosted a neo Nazi on X ex platform.

We would think that some guy with a clan outfit was on Tucker Carlson. We would think that preps Hitler himself came back from the dead and was on the Carlson platform. Or at the least a an actual real Nazi with a swastika on his shirt(hey they can find some from the Azov battalion!). .but nope it was some soft spoken guy who hosts a history podcast , Darryl Cooper.

I watched the Carlson podcast. And the Candace Owens show. Cooper is nothing close to a neo-Nazi. The guy had some really interesting views. Actually you can watch it yourself.

This is the modern western world we live in. It is such filth and degradation. The constant lies and propaganda from the media toward people that don’t go along with the mainstream narrative.

We have at least one real Nazi on this forum.

He's easy to identify.

He doesn't agree with the leftard image of "neo Nazis".

It would be wise to pay attention to the real thing, and not listen to leftard lies and fantasies.

Leftards are generally very stupid people, they wouldn't recognize a real Nazi if one reached up and bit em on the nose.
A bunch of media outlets, the same ones that show support for the BLM riots and such, that support the idea that whites are privileged, that support that there are 100 genders are now saying that Tucker Carlson hosted a neo Nazi on X ex platform.

We would think that some guy with a clan outfit was on Tucker Carlson. We would think that preps Hitler himself came back from the dead and was on the Carlson platform. Or at the least a an actual real Nazi with a swastika on his shirt(hey they can find some from the Azov battalion!). .but nope it was some soft spoken guy who hosts a history podcast , Darryl Cooper.

I watched the Carlson podcast. And the Candace Owens show. Cooper is nothing close to a neo-Nazi. The guy had some really interesting views. Actually you can watch it yourself.

This is the modern western world we live in. It is such filth and degradation. The constant lies and propaganda from the media toward people that don’t go along with the mainstream narrative.

Darryl Cooper is a revisionist historian. I listened to the same show.

Pretty interesting view. Like it was better for Hitler to kill the jews than to set them free.

Cooper is an idiot. Not sure why Tucker would have him on. Tucker? Not that great of a talk show host. Or at the least, why have idiots on the show.
Darryl Cooper is a revisionist historian. I listened to the same show.

Pretty interesting view. Like it was better for Hitler to kill the jews than to set them free.

Cooper is an idiot. Not sure why Tucker would have him on. Tucker? Not that great of a talk show host. Or at the least, why have idiots on the show.
With respect that’s not what Mr. Cooper said. It’s great that Tucker Carlson is bringing on different viewpoints. Getting away from the same old mainstream media… World War II cost the lives of tens of millions of people. Cooper was saying that the German people felt that they were the victims of World War I. That is not anything controversial really. And Cooper was trying to put himself into the shoes of the German people from the end of World War I the start of World War II. I think that’s fair. Doesn’t make one a nazi sympathizer.

Cooper also sad that Germany made a big mistake by invading the Soviet Union because they weren’t ready for the prisoners of war. He also compare that to Israel invading Gaza in the sense that Israel might not be prepared to know how to deal with tens of thousands of people who are now homeless.

And I wouldn’t classify Cooper as a revisionist. Cooper criticized Hitler. Did you watch the entire segment? He even said that he understands that some of what he is saying is going to instantaneously trigger people. Even myself as somebody who deeply admires the allied leaders I breathed for a moment, I took a step back and just listen to the guy. Including when he was talking about Winston Churchill. Really interesting how he talked about how Churchill played with action figures in his downtime. And that after taking over France, Hitler offered peace proposals to England tons and tons of times only to be rejected.

The thing is, I don’t sympathize with all of what Mr. Cooper is saying…. So just to alleviate your concerns I stand by the allies of World War II. I always will. But it’s a breath of fresh air to hear a different perspective on World War II.
With respect that’s not what Mr. Cooper said. It’s great that Tucker Carlson is bringing on different viewpoints. Getting away from the same old mainstream media… World War II cost the lives of tens of millions of people. Cooper was saying that the German people felt that they were the victims of World War I. That is not anything controversial really. And Cooper was trying to put himself into the shoes of the German people from the end of World War I the start of World War II. I think that’s fair. Doesn’t make one a nazi sympathizer.

Cooper also sad that Germany made a big mistake by invading the Soviet Union because they weren’t ready for the prisoners of war. He also compare that to Israel invading Gaza in the sense that Israel might not be prepared to know how to deal with tens of thousands of people who are now homeless.

And I wouldn’t classify Cooper as a revisionist. Cooper criticized Hitler. Did you watch the entire segment? He even said that he understands that some of what he is saying is going to instantaneously trigger people. Even myself as somebody who deeply admires the allied leaders I breathed for a moment, I took a step back and just listen to the guy. Including when he was talking about Winston Churchill. Really interesting how he talked about how Churchill played with action figures in his downtime. And that after taking over France, Hitler offered peace proposals to England tons and tons of times only to be rejected.

The thing is, I don’t sympathize with all of what Mr. Cooper is saying…. So just to alleviate your concerns I stand by the allies of World War II. I always will. But it’s a breath of fresh air to hear a different perspective on World War II.
Pure comedy gold.

Yeah, the ethnic cleansers that you admire so much have a different perspective. Big whoop.

Its not a “breath of fresh air”...it was rubbish then, its rubbish now.
Pure comedy gold.

Yeah, the ethnic cleansers that you admire so much have a different perspective. Big whoop.

Its not a “breath of fresh air”...it was rubbish then, its rubbish now.

The point is how did they get to that point. If you don’t learn these lessons or history, they will repeat themselves.

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