Tucker Carlson - This is worth a watch - demonstrates what's become of California


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
Generally speaking I can do without Tucker Carlson, but he was at his best last night. This helps explain how liberals have ruined the State of Ca. Mark 15:00 discusses the exodus. Even better, mark 18:20 demonstrates how this occurred. ILMAO @ immigrants are the victims.

its so bad in california that even a few trillion rats have fled back to Mexico
California is a far more economically advanced state than most Red States. Mississippi is a crap hole in comparison.

Trump's biggest state is WV which is an opioid addiction hole with the lowest health rates, highest infant mortality, highest rates of smoking, heart disease and alcohol abuse.
Generally speaking I can do without Tucker Carlson, but he was at his best last night. This helps explain how liberals have ruined the State of Ca. Mark 15:00 discusses the exodus. Even better, mark 18:20 demonstrates how this occurred. ILMAO @ immigrants are the victims.

Find ANOTHER source, any source and I'll be glad to discuss!
California is an expensive place to live BECAUSE of its success. Lots of people can’t hang and are moving elsewhere .
its so bad in california that even a few trillion rats have fled back to Mexico
STILL it's the 7th or 8th largest economy in the WORLD. I think it is fair to say, if it annexes itself, the country is going DOWN.

Let's find out. Actually, if ANYTHING happens, most of Californians want to secede from California LIBERALS and form a New California, bringing the lion's share of California's economy right with them and leaving the Libs out there to go stroke their meat.

Generally speaking I can do without Tucker Carlson, but he was at his best last night. This helps explain how liberals have ruined the State of Ca. Mark 15:00 discusses the exodus. Even better, mark 18:20 demonstrates how this occurred. ILMAO @ immigrants are the victims.

nothing tucker Carlson says is of value.
California is an expensive place to live BECAUSE of its success. Lots of people can’t hang and are moving elsewhere .

BY THAT LOGIC, Timmy, then Big Government is so expensive because it too is a flaming success! Actually, historically, when something has a high cost per user, that is a sign of trouble. Look at any product and the maker's ability to BRING COST DOWN is a big factor in its succeeding, because part of success is one's ability to create wide appeal and market demand. Bad weather, mudslides, fires, etc., aside, high crime aside, overcrowding and traffic aside, more and more people are moving out of California because they are NOT buying what the State is selling, very high cost, lack of representation, confiscatory laws and over-regulation and lack of competitiveness to what other states can offer for a lot less money.
we could probably come up with at least 12 "Welcome To California" signs that we could put on the southern border,,,,like,,,Welcome to California, excuse the mess, It's always like this.
California is an expensive place to live BECAUSE of its success. Lots of people can’t hang and are moving elsewhere .
why cant they "hang" timmy?.....does it have anything to do with after you work there and pay taxes all your life and you retire you cant afford to live there because of high taxes and over priced costs of living expenses?....
California is a far more economically advanced state than most Red States. Mississippi is a crap hole in comparison.

Trump's biggest state is WV which is an opioid addiction hole with the lowest health rates, highest infant mortality, highest rates of smoking, heart disease and alcohol abuse.

Are you trying to suggest California is economically blessed because of liberals as opposed geography? Cause and effect. Hate to break it to you, but they have the economic potential BECAUSE of geography and climate. People are responsible for it's decay, and liberals are leading the charge.
Generally speaking I can do without Tucker Carlson, but he was at his best last night. This helps explain how liberals have ruined the State of Ca. Mark 15:00 discusses the exodus. Even better, mark 18:20 demonstrates how this occurred. ILMAO @ immigrants are the victims.

Find ANOTHER source, any source and I'll be glad to discuss!

This is a good example of the left dismissing all opinions that aren't in-tune with liberal indoctrination. The truth is unimportant if it conflicts with left testament.

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