Tucker Leaving Fox

Not saying they're the only one but arguably the worst. Let's not bullshit ourselves here: Fox News has been a favorite among conservatives ever since it came out because it was identified as conservative news.

Most of the talking heads on FOX are just as rabidly statist as the quislings on the other networks.
That's really quite silly!

And that's even sillier! Fox gambled with extremist nonsense and lost, but they may have still broken even on paper.

It's their public image that's been ripped to pieces just temporarily.
Tucker is so popular that everyone recognizes him even by his first name. Can anyone name an equally popular news analyst on any of the liberal networks? CNN let Don Lemon go after 17 years and nobody even noticed.
if his motive is to help America, Tucker needs to either run for president or launch The Daily Caller as it's own TV station with Tucker as it's flagship program
Last time I had Fox News on, it had an infomercial for donating to Jews in Israel.

I guess Jews all around the world are too poor to take care of their own?
They're just carnies. Whip the crowd into a frenzy and collect their money!

I discovered a long time ago that if you want to watch what CNN is saying, just turn on FOX.

It's like they spend most of their time citing the talking heads on other networks just to maintain controlled opposition talking points.
Long overdue from the Trump propaganda network. They are laying ground for the next lawsuit thanks to their Trumpian election lies. Hopefully Semantic will completely shut them down. Of course, the question then becomes "where do the suckers who got their marching directions from them go? No problem, they will find plenty of far far right wing networks to worship.

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