Tucker Leaving Fox

Who cares what airline he uses? If he's a frugal man ... it's wise to save when and where you can. He's worth 85 millions bucks. He's doing just fine:
Newsflash.....he was not a frugal man.......

O'Reilly lost his spot because he was a sexual harasser......ironically, Tucker was the guy who got his spot next...and even Tucker knew O'Reilly was fake.....

"Carlson, who joined Fox News in May 2009, has called O'Reilly a “thin-skinned blowhard” and a “humorless phony” who talks “about himself so goddamn much,” and said of The O'Reilly Factor: “I don't know who would want to watch that shit. Do you?” Carlson has also criticized O'Reilly's Fox News colleagues for tolerating him, remarking that “Only masochists would go on his show--or watch it” and “network handlers” flatter O'Reilly's ego too much."

And fast forward to today...and now Tucker is out.......and he too was also a phony....playing a role to appease fragile minded morons like you.......in fact, whoever replaces Tucker will also be phony....and playing a role for fragile minded morons like you...and you will love it...because yall are reprogrammable meatbags....
So, where will Tucker go? Who can afford him (and the accompanying lawsuits)?
If you like hard news and less commentary try watching News Nation.

I hate watching news. You don't get the details that you get in an article or series of article. About the only news I have patience for is local news and even then I have my bullshit meter on.
I answered it, dumbass. Fox News has always marketed bullshit to its viewers because that's what its viewers want. People these days watch news that reinforces their biases and agrees with them. MSNBC is the same. I don't watch either for that reason. In fact I hardly watch any news, preferring instead to read it online from sources that are credible and don't confuse opinionated horse shit with fact-based who, what, where, when, why? reporting.

You answered nothing. Go back to reading your kook sites online. It shows in every post you make.
What lie.... IT is all provable right down to the ballot box stuffing..... You people are arrogant fools...
That has not been proven ONCE. All 60 times that Trump attorneys took his case to the courts, mostly with Republican judges.

Fox owned up to lying about Dominion, about the machines being wrong.

You, yourself, cannot show one proof of it right now. Not one of his lawyers actually showing any proof.
Maybe Fox can replace Tucker with Alex Jones?

Tucker used to be moderate/Conservative

In recent years he has gone full out Crazy Train
I don’t know if he was fired for going off the deep end or fired for criticizing Trump.

He went Crazy Train because his audience went Crazy Train. Just read this place.

Tucker didn’t believe much of what he said.

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