Tucker Leaving Fox

Carlson costs FOX a lot of money. He is a serial liar. Where ever he goes, he will st I ll be a liar.
jim in political shows if you notice....they all bring their biases to front and center...and that includes those people you watch daily....95% of the talking heads seem like they are just saying what they feel their listeners want to hear....and if it borders on lying they dont seem to care because if they get ratings thats all they care about...
No one is safe from the political class. They will be treated like kings and if you do not agree with them... They will cancel you... Murdock needs to grow a damn set of balls. FOX news is being forced hard left...

When your employer argues in court that no reasonable person would take you seriously, your time there is probably limited
So is it for sure that FOX fired Tucker?... maybe he quit in protest of his network settling.....
Well, once Trump is back in office.....He will make sure that Fox or no other media company is able to fire people who are willing to stand up to corporate owned media, elitist globalist jews and the woke left.
Yeah, put Trump back in office and he can tell companies who they can fire and hire. He can tell them what products to produce, how much to produce, and what price they can sell it for too. He will tell the media companies what stories they can produce and create a central censorship board, Ron DeSantis can head that board up. He can eliminate the Department of Education and replace it with the Department of Uneducation. Move all those new Department of Treasury employees over to this department and send them in to schools to confiscate all banned books. I suggest Boebert to head up this department.

Finally, we replace the Constitution with the following.

  1. We must give our all in the struggle to unify the entire society with the revolutionary ideology of the Great Leader Donald Trump
  2. We must honor the Great Leader comrade Donald Trump with all our loyalty.
  3. We must make absolute the authority of the Great Leader comrade Donald Trump.
  4. We must make the Great Leader comrade Donald Trump revolutionary ideology our faith and make his instructions our creed.
  5. We must adhere strictly to the principle of unconditional obedience in carrying out the Great Leader comrade Donald Trump instructions.
  6. We must strengthen the entire party's ideology and willpower and revolutionary unity, centering on the Great Leader comrade Donald Trump.
  7. We must learn from the Great Leader comrade Donald Trump and adopt the communist look, revolutionary work methods and people-oriented work style.
  8. We must value the political life we were given by the Great Leader comrade Donald Trump, and loyally repay his great political trust and thoughtfulness with heightened political awareness and skill.
  9. We must establish strong organizational regulations so that the entire party, nation and military move as one under the one and only leadership of the Great Leader comrade Donald Trump.
  10. We must pass down the great achievement of the revolution by the Great Leader comrade Donald Trump from generation to generation, inheriting and completing it to the end.
All Citizens will be required to memorize the above and recite it in front of the Board of Elections prior to any vote. Anyone found in violation of any of those ten principals will be sent to work in a forced labor camp.
Newsflash.....he was not a frugal man.......

O'Reilly lost his spot because he was a sexual harasser......ironically, Tucker was the guy who got his spot next...and even Tucker knew O'Reilly was fake.....

"Carlson, who joined Fox News in May 2009, has called O'Reilly a “thin-skinned blowhard” and a “humorless phony” who talks “about himself so goddamn much,” and said of The O'Reilly Factor: “I don't know who would want to watch that shit. Do you?” Carlson has also criticized O'Reilly's Fox News colleagues for tolerating him, remarking that “Only masochists would go on his show--or watch it” and “network handlers” flatter O'Reilly's ego too much."

And fast forward to today...and now Tucker is out.......and he too was also a phony....playing a role to appease fragile minded morons like you.......in fact, whoever replaces Tucker will also be phony....and playing a role for fragile minded morons like you...and you will love it...because yall are reprogrammable meatbags....
When you're making 25 million ... you can afford to splurge a bit. When you're not ... you adjust. But he still has 85 million. More than enough to live very comfortably for the rest of his life. Better than you and me combined by a long shot.

And it's very possible that he used that airline because it was the quickest, direct flight to his destination at the time. Or perhaps other airlines were shut down due to the fake "pandemic." We don't know all the facts.
jim in political shows if you notice....they all bring their biases to front and center...and that includes those people you watch daily....95% of the talking heads seem like they are just saying what they feel their listeners want to hear....and if it borders on lying they dont seem to care because if they get ratings thats all they care about...
jimboliar knows he watches Fox every day and night.
Maybe Fox can replace Tucker with Don Lemon...since he too is out of work.....

....all Don has to do is renounce being gay and say black people need to pay reparations to white folks for being free and stuff.....I think that will be sufficient enough to win over the racist demographic that Fox has pandered to for so long....

By the way, did Biden force CNN to fire Don too??
So is it for sure that FOX fired Tucker?... maybe he quit in protest of his network settling.....
Yes........it is for sure....he was fired..

I just posted a story about CNN firing Don Lemon and I guarantee you that you won't be saying "are we sure he was fired and blah blah blah"

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