Tucker on Twitter


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
So far the first episode of Tucker on Twitter has got nearly 70,000,000 views.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr">Ep. 1 <a href="https://t.co/O7CdPjF830">pic.twitter.com/O7CdPjF830</a></p>&mdash; Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) <a href="">June 6, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I’m able to watch the episodes by streaming them on my computer. I have an HDMI cable running from my computer to my television monitor ….so I get a great picture I don’t have to watch it on my cell phone.

It’s incredible Tucker is able to get this many views on Twitter. Considering the format is a bit challenging. We will see how things go and moving forward with regards to Tucker’s new show, I suspect that he will command the ratings and will do even better than he did when he was on Fox. It will be interesting to see what type of guests come on Tucker.

This is excellent news for America. It gives hope to many people. While many from the mass media engage in 1984 style tactics… we get an independent style of journalism from Tucker.

And this is it he has his own show here he saying what he wants he’s covering who he wants. Everything that the naysayers have said about Tucker from the start was false. Tucker is not perfect Nobody is but he’s probably the best thing we have on the media right now.

Carlson is kind of like Bill Maher from 2003. Carlson and the millions of Americans that watch him represent the type of working class Democrats we saw back in the early 2000s.
So far the first episode of Tucker on Twitter has got nearly 70,000,000 views.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr">Ep. 1 <a href="https://t.co/O7CdPjF830">pic.twitter.com/O7CdPjF830</a></p>&mdash; Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) <a href="">June 6, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I’m able to watch the episodes by streaming them on my computer. I have an HDMI cable running from my computer to my television monitor ….so I get a great picture I don’t have to watch it on my cell phone.

It’s incredible Tucker is able to get this many views on Twitter. Considering the format is a bit challenging. We will see how things go and moving forward with regards to Tucker’s new show, I suspect that he will command the ratings and will do even better than he did when he was on Fox. It will be interesting to see what type of guests come on Tucker.

This is excellent news for America. It gives hope to many people. While many from the mass media engage in 1984 style tactics… we get an independent style of journalism from Tucker.

And this is it he has his own show here he saying what he wants he’s covering who he wants. Everything that the naysayers have said about Tucker from the start was false. Tucker is not perfect Nobody is but he’s probably the best thing we have on the media right now.

Carlson is kind of like Bill Maher from 2003. Carlson and the millions of Americans that watch him represent the type of working class Democrats we saw back in the early 2000s.

LOL. "independent'????? :auiqs.jpg:
Carlson represents the alt-right. Now..he just has a platform that will let him spew whatever lie he wants to tell.

But Twitter..isn't Fox News. :)
Powerful! He's blown holes in the entire US propaganda package.
Government is going to have a hard job of discrediting this one!
America's propagandists will be desperate to defuse the truth that the Ukraine was responsible and they will have to move fast.

But the truth is out now and they will never be able to counterspin it completely against Russia.

Slamdunk by Tucker but he should have stopped short of the UFO fantasies. They'll use that against him.
This is too big to be ignored. If Tucker go over 70M views then he's becoming a serious threat to America's war against Russia.

Ritter has suggested that this act of terrorism changes everything. That's probably no exaggeration. He knows that Putin is dead serious on the necessity of never accepting defeat of Mother Russia. If it becomes necessary he'll turn to going to war and all the force available to him.

As a point to discuss: Will this be so big an issue that it brings China into the war?
LOL. "independent'????? :auiqs.jpg:
Carlson represents the alt-right. Now..he just has a platform that will let him spew whatever lie he wants to tell.

But Twitter..isn't Fox News. :)

70 million views. What does CNN get.

I saw an article by some dumb ass cult fuck saying Tucker is nothing without Fox news.

You cult fucks are so stupid.
70 million views. What does CNN get.

I saw an article by some dumb ass cult fuck saying Tucker is nothing without Fox news.

You cult fucks are so stupid.
Who gives a shit how many "views" he gets? He still doesn't get the exposure he'd get on Fox.
Stupid? I would say the same thing about you simpering cucks on the alt-right.
Any fuckhead could come along and spew a lie (like Tuck does) and you lemmings will lap it up.
You do understand that's why your ideology and belief system is on its way to extinction..right?...no one takes your ilk seriously anymore. :)
Who gives a shit how many "views" he gets? He still doesn't get the exposure he'd get on Fox.
Stupid? I would say the same thing about you simpering cucks on the alt-right.
Any fuckhead could come along and spew a lie (like Tuck does) and you lemmings will lap it up.
You do understand that's why your ideology and belief system is on its way to extinction..right?...no one takes your ilk seriously anymore. :)
The CIA will become quickly involved in counter spinning this terrorist act against Russia, and Tucker Carlson will be one of the main targets to be squelched. This could even cause MSNBC to bring Maddow back out before she's scheduled on Monday.

Watch Tucker now for signs of fading or growing in popularity.

And watch to see if Trump has the courage to get into it?
Who gives a shit how many "views" he gets? He still doesn't get the exposure he'd get on Fox.
Stupid? I would say the same thing about you simpering cucks on the alt-right.
Any fuckhead could come along and spew a lie (like Tuck does) and you lemmings will lap it up.
You do understand that's why your ideology and belief system is on its way to extinction..right?...no one takes your ilk seriously anymore. :)
This is some kind of interesting level of wishful thinking by you . There is a major trend occurring before our very eyes, and that is the change of power between the traditional media corporations and independent news outlets on, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram.

It’s like you’re trying to say 4+4 = 9. If we compare Tucker‘s debut on Twitter to his debut on Fox, it is quite easy to see that Tucker got a larger audience on Twitter compared to Fox News by a massive margin and that cannot be stressed enough that word massive. . So he’s actually getting more exposure on Twitter. Of course, Twitter is free and people are able to watch his episodes on Twitter for free. They cannot do that on Fox News although Tucker was so incredibly popular that his shows on fox were rebroadcast on YouTube and they got millions of views before they were taken down.

Everything your side thinks about Tucker Carlson, Fox News and the dominion lawsuit is easily countered. CNN has been sued successfully before for defamation. Tucker Carlson and Fox News corporation are not the same thing by the way. Tucker Carlson did not lie to his viewers. He said something about Donald Trump , He criticized the man and he has also praised him.

Tucker has criticized Russia and the Soviet union history Many times before…. so for people to like a zombie Keep on saying that “Tucker is a Russian Agent” is so laughable it’s not even really worth responding to anymore

Most Americans get their news from YouTube, rumble, Twitter, and other social media outlets. Cable news is losing that battle right now maybe they will regain it in the future who knows.

The numbers don’t lie. Tucker Carlson is appreciated by Americans of all background. You just don’t like it. We get it OK. We get that there are people who don’t like Tucker Carlson, Joe Biden, Donald Trump you name it that’s how things work in America. And on the other end there are Americans of all different types of backgrounds that agree with Tucker.
This is some kind of interesting level of wishful thinking by you . There is a major trend occurring before our very eyes, and that is the change of power between the traditional media corporations and independent news outlets on, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram.

It’s like you’re trying to say 4+4 = 9. If we compare Tucker‘s debut on Twitter to his debut on Fox, it is quite easy to see that Tucker got a larger audience on Twitter compared to Fox News by a massive margin and that cannot be stressed enough that word massive. . So he’s actually getting more exposure on Twitter. Of course, Twitter is free and people are able to watch his episodes on Twitter for free. They cannot do that on Fox News although Tucker was so incredibly popular that his shows on fox were rebroadcast on YouTube and they got millions of views before they were taken down.

Everything your side thinks about Tucker Carlson, Fox News and the dominion lawsuit is easily countered. CNN has been sued successfully before for defamation. Tucker Carlson and Fox News corporation are not the same thing by the way. Tucker Carlson did not lie to his viewers. He said something about Donald Trump , He criticized the man and he has also praised him.

Tucker has criticized Russia and the Soviet union history Many times before…. so for people to like a zombie Keep on saying that “Tucker is a Russian Agent” is so laughable it’s not even really worth responding to anymore

Most Americans get their news from YouTube, rumble, Twitter, and other social media outlets. Cable news is losing that battle right now maybe they will regain it in the future who knows.

The numbers don’t lie. Tucker Carlson is appreciated by Americans of all background. You just don’t like it. We get it OK. We get that there are people who don’t like Tucker Carlson, Joe Biden, Donald Trump you name it that’s how things work in America. And on the other end there are Americans of all different types of backgrounds that agree with Tucker.
No wishful thinking necessary. Twitter is not "butts on the couch" watching Tuck's mug for an hour on prime time every weeknight. They're people surfing the Internet, maybe giving Tuck a few minutes and then moving on. Sure, they'll be some that stay and listen/watch. Tucker Carlson CONSTANTLY lied to his viewers..and they ate it up. And that was good for Fox for many years...until it cost them a shit ton of money and bad press because..well, Tucker is a slimebag. Who knew? :)

What rock have you been living under for the last decade? There has been an ongoing shift in media for some time now. How do you think we ended up with Donald Trump?...answer? (a good deal of), Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms that people I largely identify as the Alt-Right get their "news" from. This includes Internet rags and other fringe websites.

Twitter is not a news feed. It is a cesspool. Has been since the day it went live. I know, I was there. :)
No wishful thinking necessary. Twitter is not "butts on the couch" watching Tuck's mug for an hour on prime time every weeknight. They're people surfing the Internet, maybe giving Tuck a few minutes and then moving on. Sure, they'll be some that stay and listen/watch. Tucker Carlson CONSTANTLY lied to his viewers..and they ate it up. And that was good for Fox for many years...until it cost them a shit ton of money and bad press because..well, Tucker is a slimebag. Who knew? :)

What rock have you been living under for the last decade? There has been an ongoing shift in media for some time now. How do you think we ended up with Donald Trump?...answer? (a good deal of), Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms that people I largely identify as the Alt-Right get their "news" from. This includes Internet rags and other fringe websites.

Twitter is not a news feed. It is a cesspool. Has been since the day it went live. I know, I was there. :)
I’m not on Twitter. Im Not much into social media. But there are legitimate news sources on the social media sites., and there are plenty of folks on the mass traditional media who are clearly agenda driven at the detriment of our country. One can make the argument that there is more informed journalism on social media sites like YouTube or Twitter compared to traditional media sites like CNN or MSNBC.

There’s another argument to be made that Twitter and youtube have her downfalls for example… but the same thing to be sad for cable, news and cable in general. And we can also say that there are beneficial and informative programs on social media sites.

You may view Tucker Carlson as a liar… well other people believe Anderson Cooper of cnn is a liar. But most Americans choose Tucker Carlson for their news. And Americans will vote based in part on what they see on Twitter or Instagram.

your description of trump voters and opinion of Tucker Carlson is your own viewpoint and is disagreed with by many Americans.

Most segments on Fox News or CNN are only about 2 to 12 minutes. It’s the same thing so far with the first episode of Tucker Carlson. It was a 10 minute segment. So I think you’re getting your analysis a bit wrong here. I think you’re underestimating the power of Tucker Carlson on Twitter. The production capabilities for Tucker Carlson’s first episode weren’t the same as what he had on Fox but on that point give it some time and let’s see what happens on Twitter. ….Either way pay attention to the number of viewers , I bet Tucker Carlson on Twitter is going to outperform every talking head on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News on a huge level.

Most important give Tucker Carlson a shot. … I don’t agree with everything the guy says, but he covers a broad range of important topics some of which are barely mentioned by the mass media .
No wishful thinking necessary. Twitter is not "butts on the couch" watching Tuck's mug for an hour on prime time every weeknight. They're people surfing the Internet, maybe giving Tuck a few minutes and then moving on. Sure, they'll be some that stay and listen/watch. Tucker Carlson CONSTANTLY lied to his viewers..and they ate it up. And that was good for Fox for many years...until it cost them a shit ton of money and bad press because..well, Tucker is a slimebag. Who knew? :)

What rock have you been living under for the last decade? There has been an ongoing shift in media for some time now. How do you think we ended up with Donald Trump?...answer? (a good deal of), Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms that people I largely identify as the Alt-Right get their "news" from. This includes Internet rags and other fringe websites.

Twitter is not a news feed. It is a cesspool. Has been since the day it went live. I know, I was there. :)
The MSM is a cesspool, just one you like swimming in. Butts on the couch is history, why would I do that when I can get someone I like in 15 minutes when I’m ready to watch it? No fillers, no segment teases, right to the point.

I will tell you what your true fear is. CNN and its lefty cohorts get about 1/2 a million viewers. Carlson got 92 million. What is a Woman got 173 million. The advertising money that keeps CNN afloat is going to move. They will want 184 times as many views as they get on CNN. 346 times as many for a documentary. This is what causes your panic.
Episode 3.....

The decision to get Trump was made long ago, after he spoke out against the all-powerful forces who take us to war.

They classify everything, even though we pay for it. There are over one billion classified documents, and many are meaningless. They classify them to keep power an control. And we little people who pay for it all have no right to see any of it.

Last year, we spent $6.5T ($6,500,000,000,000). More than any country has ever spent. Everything should be pristine if this money was used wisely, but all you have to do is look around. Where did the money go? To DC and the Ukraine, which are more important than us.

We should be upset. All of us, even if we are not voting for Trump. Yes, Trump is a flawed man, but his sins are minor compared to those of his persecutors.

Democracy is at stake.

Episode 3.....

The decision to get Trump was made long ago, after he spoke out against the all-powerful forces who take us to war.

They classify everything, even though we pay for it. There are over one billion classified documents, and many are meaningless. They classify them to keep power an control. And we little people who pay for it all have no right to see any of it.

Last year, we spent $6.5T ($6,500,000,000,000). More than any country has ever spent. Everything should be pristine if this money was used wisely, but all you have to do is look around. Where did the money go? To DC and the Ukraine, which are more important than us.

We should be upset. All of us, even if we are not voting for Trump. Yes, Trump is a flawed man, but his sins are minor compared to those of his persecutors.

Democracy is at stake.

Just about to watch the episode now. I’m just glad Carlson is back. Fox News doesn’t stand a chance against Tucker. They made a big mistake letting him go.

Going to be really interesting to see how Tucker covers Trump in going forward.

I like the ending credits of Tucker on Twitter, where it shows him in that sort of fishing pose … Tucker is not what a lot of left wing people think …the guy is really into fishing, outdoor activities and history. I think he has a much better grasp of current events compared to other Talking Heads on TV.
Episode three is a much watch for every American. Just like Tucker said Trump is a flawed man but his sins hail in comparison to the sins of others in the US government.

I’ll add or reiterate some of what Jim H - VA USA said

I really liked how Tucker showed a clip from Fox News …where Mike Pompeo denigrated Donald Trump the very man that brought him up to power. Pompeo is a guy that will not be getting a vote from me.

I think the Takeaway here is that hopefully Trump can find better people to work with in 2024.

Tucker Carlson is today the guy who is standing up to the man …. And he is more free on Twitter. I believe Tucker will get more and more Democrats and liberals to follow him once they see that the things he says on Twitter coincide with their views. Look at Tucker criticized Hillary Clinton, Paul Ryan, and Dick Cheney for sending American troops to Iraq.

And yes, it’s 100% true the tens of millions of Americans that voted in the 2020 election did not vote to send massive amounts of money to Ukraine.

And yes, Tucker is right. I drove across our country about 10 months ago. You see poverty all over the place. We got a lot of work to do in this country. I am positive like I said in the other threads this will be a great summer for America. It’s Tucker, Carlson, Andrew Tate and Donald Trump. I think it’s going to be a positive summer for all of them … they will provide positive influence to people across the country.

For those on the left that might disagree. What do you think about the boycott of Budweiser and target. You see to my friends on the far left we Americans want equality we stand against racism. And we’re asking left wing Democrats to reject the squad, reject race division.
Episode 8...



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