"Tucker: The uncivil left reveals their real strategy"

I am talking about Tucker. You brought up the 3rd party forum. Who has a short attention span?
You confusion. That comment was rhetorical. But as you obviously didn't even read my link, I can understand your confusion. You have to READ everything before commenting. I'm talking about "tactics", I have no idea what you are going on about.

First, Tucker frames the discussion with distorted logic. Next, depending on the guest's reaction, he draws on a range of rhetorical devices designed to frustrate or infuriate the guest. The main purpose is presumably to entertain his viewers, usually at the expense of the merest semblance of truth.

In brief, Carlson's style is palpably dishonest, pompous, smug, (right-wing) group-think, and bullying. This can only be accomplished in his own studio, like O'Reilly was famous for for, cutting people off or cutting their mics.
He must be pretty damn effective if they have actually expended time to form a strategy to beat him. Me, I just go with the truth and let that be the winning hand.AS for 3rd party forum....get back to Me when you demand the same of those who do worse on the alphabet soup networks.
Short attention span? This thread is about Tucker. Keep to the topic please.
He answered the points you raised. Were you off topic?
I am talking about Tucker. You brought up the 3rd party forum. Who has a short attention span?
You confusion. That comment was rhetorical. But as you obviously didn't even read my link, I can understand your confusion. You have to READ everything before commenting. I'm talking about "tactics", I have no idea what you are going on about.

First, Tucker frames the discussion with distorted logic. Next, depending on the guest's reaction, he draws on a range of rhetorical devices designed to frustrate or infuriate the guest. The main purpose is presumably to entertain his viewers, usually at the expense of the merest semblance of truth.

In brief, Carlson's style is palpably dishonest, pompous, smug, (right-wing) group-think, and bullying. This can only be accomplished in his own studio, like O'Reilly was famous for for, cutting people off or cutting their mics.
Now you know why I did not read the link. This entire reply is chock full of fallacies and a nonsensical approach to some kind of omnipotence to what Carlson thinks and how he strategizes.

So, you claim it was rhetorical, which is really just a way to say that I was pointing out a flaw in the guy I'm talking about without inviting any kind reply that shows how shallow my statements truly are.

So, while you are trying to frame the discussion regarding Carlson's strategy and how he is insignificant because he isn't on some third party forum and isn't really being challenged, I have to wonder if you've ever actually listened to his arguments? Because simply put, he is no conservative; he just sticks it to silly progressive talking points.
He must be pretty damn effective if they have actually expended time to form a strategy to beat him. Me, I just go with the truth and let that be the winning hand.AS for 3rd party forum....get back to Me when you demand the same of those who do worse on the alphabet soup networks.
Short attention span? This thread is about Tucker. Keep to the topic please.
He answered the points you raised. Were you off topic?
I was wondering that too.
Now you know why I did not read the link. This entire reply is chock full of fallacies and a nonsensical approach to some kind of omnipotence to what Carlson thinks and how he strategizes.<snip>
I'll give you points for being honest, you don't read links. Then, you concoct some kind of wild ultra partisan (goofy) excuse for not doing it. You only discuss OPINIONS, not facts. Good to know.
Now you know why I did not read the link. This entire reply is chock full of fallacies and a nonsensical approach to some kind of omnipotence to what Carlson thinks and how he strategizes.<snip>
I'll give you points for being honest, you don't read links. Then, you concoct some kind of wild ultra partisan (goofy) excuse for not doing it. You only discuss OPINIONS, not facts. Good to know.
I read your reply, which I assumed was a summary of the link you provided. Gave Me all the information I required on the information. However, I'll give you what I often get from the left.

I'll read any credible link you may have.

So, when you post some facts, let Me know. I've got an audiobook playing (Belgarath the Sorcerer) in the background as I surf the webs. So, knock yourself out and find some facts we can talk about; from a credible source.
I read your reply, which I assumed was a summary of the link you provided. Gave Me all the information I required on the information. However, I'll give you what I often get from the left.I'll read any credible link you may have.So, when you post some facts, let Me know. I've got an audiobook playing (Belgarath the Sorcerer) in the background as I surf the webs. So, knock yourself out and find some facts we can talk about; from a credible source.
You can't tell the difference between facts and opinions.
I read your reply, which I assumed was a summary of the link you provided. Gave Me all the information I required on the information. However, I'll give you what I often get from the left.I'll read any credible link you may have.So, when you post some facts, let Me know. I've got an audiobook playing (Belgarath the Sorcerer) in the background as I surf the webs. So, knock yourself out and find some facts we can talk about; from a credible source.
You can't tell the difference between facts and opinions.
I certainly can. For instance, "Politco", IS opinion. Posting the words of the person under discussion as HIS words is fact.
I don’t waste my time watching ANY opinion tv shows. They are all propaganda IMO.

If you like it, so be it.

It does seem 24 hour news programming has made many on the Left and right hysterical.
The left doesn't want to debate ideas, they simply want to kill those that disagree!

That was chilling. The most troubling thing early in the video was a mob going after an innocent person's automobile, and one man screamed "get the license plate number!" What? Does the left look up citizens who support a different party by a "Support Our Troops" or similar sticker, integrate themselves into public records to get revenge against someone who did well in life and earned a pretty car, just because they disagree with their politics in this used-to-be free land? Isn't that against the law to contact a car license state bureau to obtain information that will result in someone's house being burned to the ground, their murder, property damage to their home? That's criminal use of a congressional seat, when you consider the source, a congresscritter calling her constituents to harass American citizens who pay her excessive salary to represent her constituents in such a vile, criminal manner. It's criminal when one of her sicko attack dogs goes out and hurts elected officials on account of being told to get even now if someone opposes her royal highness who inspired the act that put more than one of her political opponents in the hospital. I'm sick of reading about Maxine Watters' version of anarchy as a means to an end.

It seems like if you get pictures of what the Democrats do and say to their fellow Americans who support what America stood for at the time of the Revolutionary War--freedom from being harassed and ignored by a king who has absolutely nothing but snubbery for millions of people--they are going to extract a price from you if you let anyone know that you are a Republican.

I hope Americans are paying attention and vote this kind of hatred out of this country. Maxine Watters started this a few months back when she charged her blind followers to do extremist-type harassment of Americans who don't kiss her patootie. Now, she has another instigator of violence against Republicans in the Senate. For Pete's sake, we need to pass laws to reduce the power of people using a seat in Congress to punish their fellow Americans. To quote a character in Gone with the Wind, "That ain't fittin'. It just ain't fittin'."

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