Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same ‘Core Principles’ As Hitler and Nazis


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
You can't blame me, I'm not the one who said this. It was Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democrat.

"Ex-Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard claimed on Friday that President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party share the same “core principles” of Adolf Hitler and Nazism.

The Democratic Party’s “agenda of identity politics” is one of the main reasons Gabbard left, she told Fox News’s Jesse Watters Primetime. She argued that doing so undermined “the traditional democratic values” expressed by Dr. Martin Luther King, that being United States residents should judge each other based off of character rather than race, the former Hawaii representative said on Fox News.

“It’s based on genetics, race, based on your blood, your genes,” Gabbard explained. “And where do we see that connection? Well, these are the very same geneticist core principles embodied by Nazism and Adolf Hitler. This should be something that is sickening and alarming to every single Democrat and every single American.”

Host Jesse Watters said he took some issue with Gabbard’s Germany comparison, but agreed with her sentiment that Democrats were “putting themselves first,” which Gabbard argued is “a huge disqualifyer.”

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same 'Core Principles' As Hitler and Nazis (VIDEO)

You can't blame me, I'm not the one who said this. It was Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democrat.

"Ex-Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard claimed on Friday that President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party share the same “core principles” of Adolf Hitler and Nazism.

The Democratic Party’s “agenda of identity politics” is one of the main reasons Gabbard left, she told Fox News’s Jesse Watters Primetime. She argued that doing so undermined “the traditional democratic values” expressed by Dr. Martin Luther King, that being United States residents should judge each other based off of character rather than race, the former Hawaii representative said on Fox News.

“It’s based on genetics, race, based on your blood, your genes,” Gabbard explained. “And where do we see that connection? Well, these are the very same geneticist core principles embodied by Nazism and Adolf Hitler. This should be something that is sickening and alarming to every single Democrat and every single American.”

Host Jesse Watters said he took some issue with Gabbard’s Germany comparison, but agreed with her sentiment that Democrats were “putting themselves first,” which Gabbard argued is “a huge disqualifyer.”

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same 'Core Principles' As Hitler and Nazis (VIDEO)

she is right.....its all about what you look like to democrats...nothing else matters
When we have far, far leftoids like her, RFK jr, and Naomi Wolf saying that the democrats have slipped into Naziville, that's saying something.
Tulsi Gabbard is a pure leftist from universal healthcare to stimulus spending to cashless bail to free college tuition for all to pro climate change initatives/banning fracking and such etc. etc. etc.

But she is one of the few well known leftists capable of and brave enough to engage in intellectual honesty and critical thinking which is very refreshing. Add to that she is beautiful, well spoken, and very likable.

She probably was engaging in a bit of hyperbole with her Nazi comparison, but everybody understands why she made it and how many leftists do you know who would have done so?

I would not want her to be in high office replacing a Republican, even a RINO, but if most of the Democrats were like her we could be America again.
Tulsi Gabbard is a pure leftist from universal healthcare to stimulus spending to cashless bail to free college tuition for all to pro climate change initatives/banning fracking and such etc. etc. etc.

But she is one of the few well known leftists capable of and brave enough to engage in intellectual honesty and critical thinking which is very refreshing. Add to that she is beautiful, well spoken, and very likable.

She probably was engaging in a bit of hyperbole with her Nazi comparison, but everybody understands why she made it and how many leftists do you know who would have done so?

I would not want her to be in high office replacing a Republican, even a RINO, but if most of the Democrats were like her we could be America again.
The rare leftist who can see for herself, and think for herself.

The one in a million who perceives the horrible institutional ROT in the Democratic party.

The one who evolved beyond a lemming.

Good on her.

Too bad more Democrats don't have brains anymore.
Gabbard is completely full of shit.

For all of their fault, the Democratic party is not remotely in the same class as the GOP in supporting Nazi principles.

Just consider...David Duke ran for the nomination of which political party?

Who called the Atomwaffen enfused tiki-torch paraders "very fine people"?
Tulsi Gabbard is a pure leftist from universal healthcare to stimulus spending to cashless bail to free college tuition for all to pro climate change initatives/banning fracking and such etc. etc. etc.

But she is one of the few well known leftists capable of and brave enough to engage in intellectual honesty and critical thinking which is very refreshing. Add to that she is beautiful, well spoken, and very likable.

She probably was engaging in a bit of hyperbole with her Nazi comparison, but everybody understands why she made it and how many leftists do you know who would have done so?

I would not want her to be in high office replacing a Republican, even a RINO, but if most of the Democrats were like her we could be America again.
Put another way, she's a lying know-nothing...much like yourself.
You can't blame me, I'm not the one who said this. It was Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democrat.

"Ex-Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard claimed on Friday that President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party share the same “core principles” of Adolf Hitler and Nazism.

The Democratic Party’s “agenda of identity politics” is one of the main reasons Gabbard left, she told Fox News’s Jesse Watters Primetime. She argued that doing so undermined “the traditional democratic values” expressed by Dr. Martin Luther King, that being United States residents should judge each other based off of character rather than race, the former Hawaii representative said on Fox News.

“It’s based on genetics, race, based on your blood, your genes,” Gabbard explained. “And where do we see that connection? Well, these are the very same geneticist core principles embodied by Nazism and Adolf Hitler. This should be something that is sickening and alarming to every single Democrat and every single American.”

Host Jesse Watters said he took some issue with Gabbard’s Germany comparison, but agreed with her sentiment that Democrats were “putting themselves first,” which Gabbard argued is “a huge disqualifyer.”

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same 'Core Principles' As Hitler and Nazis (VIDEO)

I have been saying for some time--

The Left is losing.

They are losing the culture. They are losing.

Sure, they managed to eke out the Senate in the midterms, whatever. Still losing. I believe it was Steven Spielberg that said the new Tom Cruise movie Maverick basically saved the cinema. And look at the content of that movie.

Americans reject all the woke nonsense, all the identity politics BS. This rock has just started rolling downhill. In another ten years or so, no one, not a single cretin on this board or anywhere, will ever admit they subscribed to identity politics.
Our political public environment already has far more than enough flamethrowers. Tribe irrelevant. Now we have another one.

Still no hope for improvement on the horizon.
The rare leftist who can see for herself, and think for herself.

The one in a million who perceives the horrible institutional ROT in the Democratic party.

The one who evolved beyond a lemming.

Good on her.

Too bad more Democrats don't have brains anymore.
Check out Jimmy Dore.........he's a douche as he says himself but if he ever comes to Oz I'd have a beer with him. He comes across as thinking conservatives are WRONG, but not evil. I can handle a lefty like that. And no; I wouldn't piss in his glass before I gave it to him....tempting though.

You can't blame me, I'm not the one who said this. It was Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democrat.

"Ex-Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard claimed on Friday that President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party share the same “core principles” of Adolf Hitler and Nazism.

The Democratic Party’s “agenda of identity politics” is one of the main reasons Gabbard left, she told Fox News’s Jesse Watters Primetime. She argued that doing so undermined “the traditional democratic values” expressed by Dr. Martin Luther King, that being United States residents should judge each other based off of character rather than race, the former Hawaii representative said on Fox News.

“It’s based on genetics, race, based on your blood, your genes,” Gabbard explained. “And where do we see that connection? Well, these are the very same geneticist core principles embodied by Nazism and Adolf Hitler. This should be something that is sickening and alarming to every single Democrat and every single American.”

Host Jesse Watters said he took some issue with Gabbard’s Germany comparison, but agreed with her sentiment that Democrats were “putting themselves first,” which Gabbard argued is “a huge disqualifyer.”

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same 'Core Principles' As Hitler and Nazis (VIDEO)

Well..except..I don't see ANY Democrats trying to ban books because they make a race of people uncomfortable, waging a war against trans or gay people because they don't approve of their lifestyle. approving of police brutality because they consider a race of people animals, or suppressing a legitimate press because they won't print their lies or propaganda. The Nazis did all of these things. And Republicans seem to be the only ones engaged in the practice. All while decrying legitimate elections and threatening violence..because they didn't win.

Yeah..I'm thinking Tulsi just needs to lie in the bed she made and shut up. :)
I have been saying for some time--

The Left is losing.

They are losing the culture. They are losing.

Sure, they managed to eke out the Senate in the midterms, whatever. Still losing. I believe it was Steven Spielberg that said the new Tom Cruise movie Maverick basically saved the cinema. And look at the content of that movie.

Americans reject all the woke nonsense, all the identity politics BS. This rock has just started rolling downhill. In another ten years or so, no one, not a single cretin on this board or anywhere, will ever admit they subscribed to identity politics.
Sorry to say, there aren't enough you angry alt-right humpers to make a majority anymore. You might win some small victories here and there, but you'll lose the war. Too many sane and rational people out there just want to move on.

What you call "identity politics"..is just a group of people asking for basic dignity and respect from you. And you can't even bring your supposedly "Christian" self to give that.
Well...then...to ash heap of history you go. Don't say you weren't warned. :)
Sorry to say, there aren't enough you angry alt-right humpers to make a majority anymore. You might win some small victories here and there, but you'll lose the war. Too many sane and rational people out there just want to move on.

What you call "identity politics"..is just a group of people asking for basic dignity and respect from you. And you can't even bring your supposedly "Christian" self to give that.
Well...then...to ash heap of history you go. Don't say you weren't warned. :)

I'll leave you to agonize over this then.

The rare leftist who can see for herself, and think for herself.
Which means she really isn't a leftist. But that doesn't make her a conservative neither. Funny--- they howled "Dictator!" when Trump merely had a group moved away from a church across from the WH so he could go take a picture there (actually they say it wasn't even Trump whop moved them), yet now that they have Biden literally TALKING like a Nazi, acting like one and pushing fascist agendas almost daily, they are as happy as a pig in mud. Go figure. Tells me that leftists today no longer operate in reality.

Too bad more Democrats don't have brains anymore.
They have brains. They operate as one mind like the Borg getting their marching orders daily from central command on what to think, where to act, what to say, and how to catch the bus to the next protest and get paid for it.

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