Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same ‘Core Principles’ As Hitler and Nazis

I have been saying for some time-- The Left is losing.
They are losing the culture. They are losing.

The thing is Sue, they have supplanted stealing elections for winning now. So they don't need to care a whole lot about winning if they know the election is in the bag anyway. Which is how you get campaigns and elections like Katie Hobbs and presidents like Biden who don't even show up for much less order the clean up of national disasters then goes to some shithole corrupt foreign country like Ukraine to piss in America's eye or bow to a terrorist while bad mouthing your own country because you know that with the election now /arranged/, you can AFFORD TO.
Why would it not be true?

Are these people not women? They're just women who want to date lesbians. I mean look at Zachary. Clearly a woman.

Why would you be trolling Twitter for confirmation bias?..oh yeah..just to justify your bigotry and intolerance. So you can feel "Christian" good about supporting politicians who are going to stamp out anything "woke". :)

Just when I think the hole can't get any deeper, you break the shovel out and start digging. :auiqs.jpg:
What you call "identity politics"..is just a group of people asking for basic dignity and respect from you.


That's a malicious leftard lie.

Which makes you a malicious leftard liar.

=> YOU <= fucking LIE.

Goddamn scumbag leftfucks.

I hope no one's swallowing their bullshit.
The thing is Sue, they have supplanted stealing elections for winning now. So they don't need to care a whole lot about winning if they know the election is in the bag anyway. Which is how you get campaigns and elections like Katie Hobbs and presidents like Biden who don't even show up for much less order the clean up of national disasters then goes to some shithole corrupt foreign country like Ukraine to piss in America's eye or bow to a terrorist while bad mouthing your own country because you know that with the election now /arranged/, you can AFFORD TO.

I would agree with you if Biden had cheated and we had Obama, say, in 2010 or something. Even with the economy at that time, he was popular.

But we don't. It's Biden. They "won", but it's a Pyrrhic victory.

Sadly, everyone loses. What they have broken is trust in everything, all govt institutions. That kills their party--they are the party of big govt. But of course, it hurts us all. You wonder how a nation comes back from it.
Why would you be trolling Twitter for confirmation bias?..oh yeah..just to justify your bigotry and intolerance. So you can feel "Christian" good about supporting politicians who are going to stamp out anything "woke". :)

Just when I think the hole can't get any deeper, you break the shovel out and start digging. :auiqs.jpg:

Your name-calling means less than nothing to me.

Tell me why a lesbian should date Zachary. If she doesn't want to, is she a bigot?

That's a malicious leftard lie.

Which makes you a malicious leftard liar.

=> YOU <= fucking LIE.

Goddamn scumbag leftfucks.

I hope no one's swallowing their bullshit.
Wow, the word left in half your sentences. Do do you need to wipe your mouth from all the spittle coming out of it? :)

You're a bigot. I get that. You rail against anything that doesn't conform to your narrow Judeo-Christian "values".
Again, it's fortunate that you are in the minority. You won't win. Not the war anyway. There just aren't enough of you to go around.
Well..except..I don't see ANY Democrats trying to ban books because they make a race of people uncomfortable
No, just democrats shadow banning people and elected politicians and subjects and opinions on Twitter and social media because they can't stand free speech.

waging a war against trans or gay people because they don't approve of their lifestyle.
Just democrats waging war against gun owners and conservatives, and church goers and southern people and women and children and white people and gasoline automobile drivers and meat eaters because they don't approve of their lifestyle.

approving of police brutality because they consider a race of people animals
While democrats approve of police persecution and mass, organized rioting and looting, violence, crime and burning injuring thousands doing billions in damage because they consider one person an animal, and use one person committing an act of racial violence to justify labeling half the nation.

or suppressing a legitimate press because they won't print their lies or propaganda.
While democrats try to chase away advertisers and shut down news operations and pillow companies and end people's careers for telling the truth about the things democrats don't want people told.

The Nazis did all of these things.
Screen Shot 2022-09-02 at 3.02.09 PM.png

And Republicans seem to be the only ones engaged in the practice.
Must be some damn fine polarized lenses you wear there. Bet they are made in China just like you.

All while decrying legitimate elections and threatening violence..because they didn't win.
While democrats decry legitimate elections like 2016 and threaten violence then carried it out for months and years because they didn't win. At least 2016 was a normal and legal election without 10,000 violations of state law.

Yeah..I'm thinking Tulsi just needs to lie in the bed she made and shut up.
Gee, Jack, she must not be all bad then.
Wow, the word left in half your sentences. Do do you need to wipe your mouth from all the spittle coming out of it? :)

You're a bigot. I get that. You rail against anything that doesn't conform to your narrow Judeo-Christian "values".
Again, it's fortunate that you are in the minority. You won't win. Not the war anyway. There just aren't enough of you to go around.

Look at Zachary.

Should a lesbian want to date Zachary?

Should she be forced to date Zachary?

Why or why not?

These questions are not about ME or my supposed "bigotry". Why don't you tell us why lesbians should be forced to date, or even WANT to date, these prospects.

Your name-calling means less than nothing to me.

Tell me why a lesbian should date Zachary. If she doesn't want to, is she a bigot?
Well, the answer is they shouldn't. It's a friggin dating app. :auiqs.jpg:Swipe away...LOL. How old are you anyway???
The bigger question is..."why do YOU care?". The answer is, you care because it reviles you and you will use any means necessary to make it go away.
So, it's a good source of outrage for you. Keeps you in that "always offended" mode. Makes you more pliant to your alt-right media masters.
No, just democrats shadow banning people and elected politicians and subjects and opinions on Twitter and social media because they can't stand free speech.

Just democrats waging war against gun owners and conservatives, and church goers and southern people and women and children and white people and gasoline automobile drivers and meat eaters because they don't approve of their lifestyle.

While democrats approve of police persecution and mass, organized rioting and looting, violence, crime and burning injuring thousands doing billions in damage because they consider one person an animal, and use one person committing an act of racial violence to justify labeling half the nation.

While democrats try to chase away advertisers and shut down news operations and pillow companies and end people's careers for telling the truth about the things democrats don't want people told.

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Must be some damn fine polarized lenses you wear there.

While democrats decry legitimate elections like 2016 and threaten violence then carried it out for months and years because they didn't win. At least 2016 was a normal and legal election without 10,000 violations of state law.

Gee, Jack, she must not be all bad then.
Y-A-W-N. (Consider yourself lucky you got this). :)
Well, the answer is they shouldn't. It's a friggin dating app. :auiqs.jpg:Swipe away...LOL. How old are you anyway???
The bigger question is..."why do YOU care?". The answer is, you care because it reviles you and you will use any means necessary to make it go away.
So, it's a good source of outrage for you. Keeps you in that "always offended" mode. Makes you more pliant to your alt-right media masters.

I could not care less EXCEPT for the bind it puts YOU in.

How much of a bind? Well look at all these posts name-calling me and deflecting, when all you needed to say was, "Zachary is clearly a man with a full beard and he/him pronouns and, since lesbians are attracted to women, I can't imagine why she would want to date him."

But that would require to much sense, which is why everyone is rejecting Woke-ism. It's ridiculous. Entertaining, but ridiculous.
Wow, the word left in half your sentences. Do do you need to wipe your mouth from all the spittle coming out of it? :)

You're a bigot. I get that. You rail against anything that doesn't conform to your narrow Judeo-Christian "values".
Again, it's fortunate that you are in the minority. You won't win. Not the war anyway. There just aren't enough of you to go around.
Gee, look everyone,


This motherfucking leftard moron thinks I'm a bigot for calling him out on his leftard bullshit.

This is the way the leftfucks roll

Call em out, and suddenly you're a racist and a bigot.

Leftards are bankrupt. They haven't had a good idea since 1968.

When Johnson decided not to run again.
Gabbard is completely full of shit.

For all of their fault, the Democratic party is not remotely in the same class as the GOP in supporting Nazi principles.

Just consider...David Duke ran for the nomination of which political party?

Who called the Atomwaffen enfused tiki-torch paraders "very fine people"?
I've always said that the democrats talk more about race than Hitler ever did.

But the comparison does not end there. The Nazi Party were the National Socialist party. This meant German citizens had free everything and enjoyed a standard of living that was higher than any other place on earth, right up until the end of the war. Hitler threw all of his money at the military and entitlements. Why entitlements? Because he did not want any uprisings within Germany like they had during WW1 due to poor living standards. This is how the US is run as well.

Essentially, the German party bought the collective souls of the German people, who then agreed to endure a society emersed in mass genocide and constant war, which sounds kind of like the US with abortion after some 60 million have lost their lives to economic convenience, and wars that seemingly never end without any wars even being declared. Make no mistake, the persecution of the Jews was just a money-making scheme since they were a rich minority in Germany. They just took their gold and sent them off to die. Hitler then raised taxes on the top 4% of Germans about 80% of Germans did not have to pay taxes at all. Despite all this though, Hitler did not have the money for all this, no one does, so he just started printing money out of thin air. Had the Germans not gone to war, it would have led to economic ruin. Hitler merely burned all their bridge, it was world conquest or economic ruin, much how the US does things today. It is a system that by all accounts is not sustainable and can now only lead to economic ruin with the largest debt in human history.

But the comparisons don't end there either. The Nazi party were cutting edge conservationists. Nazi soldiers were ordered to plant trees, and the first Europeans to establish nature reserves and order protection of hedgerows and other wildlife habitats. They were horrified at the idea of a hydroelectric dam on the Rhine, and Hillter and other Nazis were vegetarians as they passed cutting edge legislation to protect animals. Himmler even ran a campaign to end the hunting of all animals and Goering ended the use of animals for scientific experimentation.

But the comparison does not end there. Here is Hitler talking about gun control. "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"

Or how about the love Hiter had for National socialism
. "Believe me, National Socialism would not be worth anything if it were to be to be confined to Germany" The Left is all about the one world order, just like Adolf.

But the argument has always been that Hitler did not run industry by directly taking it over, so he can't be a socialist. However, Hitler also said, "Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people? This is the model the US has, as they let the expert's run industry while telling them what to do and how to think, which is why industry in the US is now all woke.

It was a superior model to the USSR were bureaucrats tried to manage industry, something there were not experts in. It was just common sense really.
Yeah I saw that and thought that it was over the top. Even Watters called her on it. When people start throwing around the Hitler analogy they immediately start losing credibility with me.

Get back to me when the US starts ethnic cleansing.
Sorry to say, there aren't enough you angry alt-right humpers to make a majority anymore. You might win some small victories here and there, but you'll lose the war. Too many sane and rational people out there just want to move on.
Until those people grow up and begin to see through the games you play as we do, the corruption and destruction to countries and lives to become the next great generation of angry alt-right humpers just as Tulsi has become who will eventually screw you up the ass! :auiqs.jpg:

What you call "identity politics"..is just a group of people asking for basic dignity and respect from you.
While already getting it all along to where they've been given the highest jobs and offices in the land only to run them badly while never giving any dignity nor respect in return.

And you can't even bring your supposedly "Christian" self to give that.
You wouldn't know the first thing about being a good Christian.

Well...then...to ash heap of history you go. Don't say you weren't warned.
Famous last words to remember when everything comes full circle again to bite you in the ass. And we give no fair warning. You won't see it coming Jack just like you didn't see Trump coming in 2016 which is fine by me! Hearing you squeal like a pig when the time comes will be reward enough. :eusa_dance:
I could not care less EXCEPT for the bind it puts YOU in.

How much of a bind? Well look at all these posts name-calling me and deflecting, when all you needed to say was, "Zachary is clearly a man with a full beard and he/him pronouns and, since lesbians are attracted to women, I can't imagine why she would want to date him."

But that would require to much sense, which is why everyone is rejecting Woke-ism. It's ridiculous. Entertaining, but ridiculous.
It doesn't put me in any sort of bind. I ignore it. Because it doesn't affect me. And I don't spend hours of my day haunting social media and alt-right Internet sites searching for things that will confirm my bias.
Again, it's a dating app. You don't like it, swipe...wherever and move on. But people like you can't just move on. You need to be outraged by it. You need give it a "woke" label (a term that the right wing has weaponized).
It gives you something to rally around. Problem is, your rallies are getting smaller and smaller. :)
Yeah I saw that and thought that it was over the top. Even Watters called her on it. When people start throwing around the Hitler analogy they immediately start losing credibility with me.

Get back to me when the US starts ethnic cleansing.
You dumb fucking retard, you're gonna wait that long?
Gee, look everyone,


This motherfucking leftard moron thinks I'm a bigot for calling him out on his leftard bullshit.

This is the way the leftfucks roll

Call em out, and suddenly you're a racist and a bigot.

Leftards are bankrupt. They haven't had a good idea since 1968.

When Johnson decided not to run again.
Wow, now the word "left" in four of your sentences. Hey, I got a box of Kleenex. It's getting kind messy in here and I really don't want any germs flying about. :)

BTW, just for your edification, conservatism hasn't had a successful policy implementation since 1974.

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