Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same ‘Core Principles’ As Hitler and Nazis

She blew up her own political future and now she's desperately searching for some traction that will give her relevance with Republicans.

Being honest is what ruined her with the party. She was truthful about Obama and Harris both. That didn't play well in the party.

Because she's already burnt her bridges with Democrats. Problem with that is, Republicans aren't gonna give her the time of day either.

She's making a good living, I just wish she hadn't sold out like this.
Why do you keep coming back to this nonsense? Where are these books banned? (Hint..I know what you're going to post as a response :)).
Well as a Seer it should be common knowledge to you where these books banned. Maybe those basement walls are blocking your senses.
Well as a Seer it should be common knowledge to you where these books banned. Maybe those basement walls are blocking your senses.
Post a link with proof...or it didn't happen. Again, just warning, I already know what you're going to post. ;)
This has been true of both left and right wing elites since the 19th Century. Gabbard just conveniently leaves out the GOP's long love affair with the marriage of big govt. and big business. Lincoln was a railroad lawyer and friend of big banks and big industrialists, Teddy Roosevelt was a great protector of J.P. Morgan's monopolist agenda,. Harding didn't see a crooked scam he didn't approve of, even putting Andrew Mellon in chrge of the Treasury for his $1.5 million 'campaign contribution' and of course Hoover's plans were the bail out the big bankers with taxpayer cash. Eisenhower never lifted a finger agains that 'military -industrial complex' he claimed to disapprove of after he left office, Nixon made the racial quotas and voting rights laws LBJ is so hated for permanent and applying to all states instead of just the 7 southern states, and of course REagan was just a gun running dope dealer and fraudster. Bush? lol lol lol

Dump the two Parties.
The GOP is not really an opposition party, rather, they are there just to kick around and blame.

Someone has to assume the position, and they are paid well to do it and are happy to do it.
Yeah, he let the holocaust do his talking.

PS...how many interviews did you ever see Hitler give?
I assume you are questioning the validity of the quote? Is that it?

Then again, Hitler never admitted to knowing anything about the Holocaust. He made sure there was nothing leading back to himself much like Hillary with bleach bit.

Do you believe he did not know then?
You can't blame me, I'm not the one who said this. It was Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democrat.

"Ex-Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard claimed on Friday that President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party share the same “core principles” of Adolf Hitler and Nazism.

The Democratic Party’s “agenda of identity politics” is one of the main reasons Gabbard left, she told Fox News’s Jesse Watters Primetime. She argued that doing so undermined “the traditional democratic values” expressed by Dr. Martin Luther King, that being United States residents should judge each other based off of character rather than race, the former Hawaii representative said on Fox News.

“It’s based on genetics, race, based on your blood, your genes,” Gabbard explained. “And where do we see that connection? Well, these are the very same geneticist core principles embodied by Nazism and Adolf Hitler. This should be something that is sickening and alarming to every single Democrat and every single American.”

Host Jesse Watters said he took some issue with Gabbard’s Germany comparison, but agreed with her sentiment that Democrats were “putting themselves first,” which Gabbard argued is “a huge disqualifyer.”

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same 'Core Principles' As Hitler and Nazis (VIDEO)

They conducted a J6 Reichstag Fire, they view East Palestine Republicans as "untermenschen", they want to disarm the people they intend to eradicate, so yeah, sure!
Yeah, he let the holocaust do his talking.

PS...how many interviews did you ever see Hitler give?
she is right.....its all about what you look like to democrats...nothing else matters

Right? F no she is not right, she is full of stupid bullshit.

The core principle of Nazism was superiority of their race, not trying to make sure minorities are well represented in government.

Even her fellow Democrat basher Jessie wanted nothing to do with her batshit crazy comments.

Use your damn head.
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No she not right dumbass, she is full of stupid bullshit.

The core principle of Nazism was superiority of their race, not trying to make sure minorities are well represented in government.
Rumor has it Hillter had Jewish blood in him.

If so, would they have cared? No, the information would have been suppressed and conveniently "lost" had it been found out as they would hail any accusations as fake news, and probably have that fake news supported in the fact checking web sites around the world today.

It is the same with democrats purporting to love people of color. When we see people of color running for office as a conservative, they are treated worse than white folk in the GOP.

So, the real issue is political power and the said political party. Race is simply a tool to conquer and divide in politics, most don't really buy into it.

But the Left disagrees as Whoopie would say, the Holocaust was just a white thing.

Rumor has it Hillter had Jewish blood in him.

If so, would they have cared? No, the information would have been suppressed and "lost"

It is the same with democrats purporting to love people of color. When we see people of color running for office as a conservative, they are treated worse than white folk in the GOP.

So, the real issue is political power and the said political party. Race is simply a tool to conquer and divide, most don't really buy into it.

But the Left disagrees as Whoopie would say, the Holocaust was just a white thing.


You didn't address a single word of what I've said.

There is no racial superiority component in affirmative action, Tulsi is full of crazy shit.
it’s refreshing to see someone speak the truth about the demafascist party
You can't blame me, I'm not the one who said this. It was Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democrat.

"Ex-Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard claimed on Friday that President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party share the same “core principles” of Adolf Hitler and Nazism.

The Democratic Party’s “agenda of identity politics” is one of the main reasons Gabbard left, she told Fox News’s Jesse Watters Primetime. She argued that doing so undermined “the traditional democratic values” expressed by Dr. Martin Luther King, that being United States residents should judge each other based off of character rather than race, the former Hawaii representative said on Fox News.

“It’s based on genetics, race, based on your blood, your genes,” Gabbard explained. “And where do we see that connection? Well, these are the very same geneticist core principles embodied by Nazism and Adolf Hitler. This should be something that is sickening and alarming to every single Democrat and every single American.”

Host Jesse Watters said he took some issue with Gabbard’s Germany comparison, but agreed with her sentiment that Democrats were “putting themselves first,” which Gabbard argued is “a huge disqualifyer.”

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same 'Core Principles' As Hitler and Nazis (VIDEO)

She has too much common-sense to remain a Democrat.
Right? F no she is not right, she is full of stupid bullshit.

The core principle of Nazism was superiority of their race, not trying to make sure minorities are well represented in government.

Even her fellow Democrat basher Jessie wanted nothing to do with her batshit crazy comments.

Use your damn head.
The only time race matters in life is when it comes to two things, the medical field and politics

In the medical field they need to have an assessment of a genetics background, to know what you might be susceptible to as a patient.

But in politics, it matters only to divide and conquer. When immigrants came to the US this could plainly be seen. At Jamestown they had both black and white slaves working side by side, but then there was a slave revolt which scared the poo out of them. The decision was then made to do away with the white slaves in favor of all black slaves, since the white folk outnumbered the black folk. They then made an effort to make black people subhuman, and more like a glorified ape to justify treating them that way. Next thing you know the laws began to become racial in nature, allowing such things as a negro to be counted a certain percentage human being.

And as we all know, the darker skinned Indians had all that land the white immigrants wanted, so the schemed to take it from them in the same manner, as they demonized the Native Americans as savages that needed to be killed. From a Machivellian perspective, it made the most sense. Human beings are essentially stupid sheep that lap up the propaganda, and the white immigrants had enough man power and weaponary to easitly take care of the job, so it was only a matter of time

But today, the brown skins outnumber the white folk, so the racial shift has begun to swing the other direction. Now politicians are favoring the brown and dark skin folk against the white folk, seeing that racially this is the shift of power that is coning as white folk no longer outnumber the darker skin folk.

And this is also why the Germans picked on the Jews. They were a rich minority, a minority Jews had been hated due to the populace of Europe coveting their wealth, hence the thousands of years of persecution in Europe that occurred up until the Holocaust occurred. Everything that happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany, rounding them up to be killed, putting them in ghettos, and making them wear garb that identified them as Jews was done before the Holocaust. The Holocaust was merely the climax of it, something the Nazi party did not create, rather, they simply latched onto.

But the special garb was necessary because it was hard to tell the difference between a Jew and a white person, especially for people like Whoopie. It is far easier to use skin color to create divisions, so the US model is far easier to maintain without making people have to wear special garb. But today, they would probably all take a genetics test to find out instead.

No, not everyone who disagrees with you is Hitler. It's thrown around too loosely and too often.

But boy..it's tough to look at someone like Ron DeSantis and not see some scary parallels.
You have no idea what a Nazi is.
Does anyone know what the dems did to her to make her turn on them so completely?

I mean they must have really pissed in her cornflakes.

I don't trust ex-dems anymore than regular dems so I never really looked into it.
Does anyone know what the dems did to her to make her turn on them so completely?

I mean they must have really pissed in her cornflakes.

I don't trust ex-dems anymore than regular dems so I never really looked into it.

She was truthful about Obama and Harris.
Does anyone know what the dems did to her to make her turn on them so completely?

I mean they must have really pissed in her cornflakes.

I don't trust ex-dems anymore than regular dems so I never really looked into it.
Any Democrats that think for themselves are not welcome in that party.

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