the real Nazis are leftists !

tell that to goya foods , chick fillet , hobby lobby ,and the list goes on and on !
The OP is talking about using the government to go after political enemies.

And that is Disney.

Try again.
We see who is flying the swastikas.
We see who invites the white supremacists to events.
We see who makes the covert and overt anti-Semite comments.

We see you.

The Blm, antifa and FBI agents are flying flags at Trump rallies and other locations....

No one is inviting white supremacists to events...

However, you have to explain why it is that Barak Obama and the congressional black caucus held a dinner for louis farakhan, racist and anti-semite......

Why did they do that?

Also, why did barak obama attend an openly racist and anti-semitic church for 20 years, call the openly racist and anti-semitic pastor, jeremiah wright his good friend, and had the guy marry him and michelle and baptize their children?

And why did barak obama have racist and anti-semite, and homophobe, al sharpton to the White House over and over again?

You have to explain that before you lie about republicans.....

tell that to Elon Musk after he restored freedom of speech on twitter !

BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! You really drank the Kool-Aid on that one!

Elon Musk bans several prominent journalists from Twitter, calling into question his commitment to free speech

Twitter on Thursday evening banned the accounts of several high-profile journalists from the nation’s top news organizations, marking a significant attempt by new owner and self-described free speech absolutist Elon Musk to wield his unilateral authority over the platform to censor the press.

The accounts belonging to CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan, The New York Times’ Ryan Mac, The Washington Post’s Drew Harwell and other journalists who have covered Musk aggressively in recent weeks were all abruptly permanently suspended. The account of progressive independent journalist Aaron Rupar was also banned.

Elon Musk Blocks Likes And Replies To Tweets That Link To Substack In A Pique Of Pettiness

Poor Matt Taibbi. He destroyed his credibility to take on the Twitter Files, and did so in part to raise the profile of his Substack site, Racket News. Indeed, Substack has become a home for nonsense peddlers of all kinds to create their own little bubbles of nonsense. In congressional testimony, Taibbi admitted that having Elon Musk hand pick him to deliver the “Twitter Files” has increased the number of paying subscribers to his Substack (though he defended it by claiming that the money has all gone towards journalism).

But… apparently Elon has decided that no one on Twitter is allowed to even like or reply to any tweet that links to a Substack site. Including to Taibbi’s. Oops.

Elon Musk’s Free-Speech Charade Is Over

During his tenure at Twitter, Musk has suspended reporters and left-wing accounts that drew his ire, retaliated against media organizations perceived as liberal, ordered engineers to boost his tweets after he was humiliated when a tweet from President Joe Biden about the Super Bowl did better than his own, secretly promoted a list of accounts of his choice, and turned the company’s verification process into a subscription service that promises increased visibility to Musk sycophants and users desperate enough to pay for engagement. At the request of the right-wing government in India, the social network has blocked particular tweets and accounts belonging to that government’s critics, a more straightforward example of traditional state censorship. But despite all of that, he has yet to face state legislation alleging that what he does with the website he owns is unconstitutional.
the left banned many of those books idiot ! throw in huckleberry fin while your at it ! oh and DR Seuss for crying out loud !
Stop lying. All of those books were banned by the Right not the Left.

The general public knows these things.

The general lying of the Right is only one of many reasons why it will lose so big next year.

Just watch the Right get louder and madder over the next year; they know their time is over.
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! You really drank the Kool-Aid on that one!

Elon Musk bans several prominent journalists from Twitter, calling into question his commitment to free speech

Twitter on Thursday evening banned the accounts of several high-profile journalists from the nation’s top news organizations, marking a significant attempt by new owner and self-described free speech absolutist Elon Musk to wield his unilateral authority over the platform to censor the press.

The accounts belonging to CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan, The New York Times’ Ryan Mac, The Washington Post’s Drew Harwell and other journalists who have covered Musk aggressively in recent weeks were all abruptly permanently suspended. The account of progressive independent journalist Aaron Rupar was also banned.

Elon Musk Blocks Likes And Replies To Tweets That Link To Substack In A Pique Of Pettiness

Poor Matt Taibbi. He destroyed his credibility to take on the Twitter Files, and did so in part to raise the profile of his Substack site, Racket News. Indeed, Substack has become a home for nonsense peddlers of all kinds to create their own little bubbles of nonsense. In congressional testimony, Taibbi admitted that having Elon Musk hand pick him to deliver the “Twitter Files” has increased the number of paying subscribers to his Substack (though he defended it by claiming that the money has all gone towards journalism).

But… apparently Elon has decided that no one on Twitter is allowed to even like or reply to any tweet that links to a Substack site. Including to Taibbi’s. Oops.

Elon Musk’s Free-Speech Charade Is Over

During his tenure at Twitter, Musk has suspended reporters and left-wing accounts that drew his ire, retaliated against media organizations perceived as liberal, ordered engineers to boost his tweets after he was humiliated when a tweet from President Joe Biden about the Super Bowl did better than his own, secretly promoted a list of accounts of his choice, and turned the company’s verification process into a subscription service that promises increased visibility to Musk sycophants and users desperate enough to pay for engagement. At the request of the right-wing government in India, the social network has blocked particular tweets and accounts belonging to that government’s critics, a more straightforward example of traditional state censorship. But despite all of that, he has yet to face state legislation alleging that what he does with the website he owns is unconstitutional.
Stop lying. All of those books were banned by the Right not the Left.

The general public knows these things.

The general lying of the Right is only one of many reasons why it will lose so big next year.

Just watch the Right get louder and madder over the next year; they know their time is over.
wow ! you are an idiot ! the democrats have been banning books and boycotting companies for decades ! face it ! your party is the party that uses Nazi tactics ! just ask parents that complained at school board meetings about what their kids were being taught !

yidnar is
wow ! you are an idiot ! the democrats have been banning books and boycotting companies for decades ! face it ! your party is the party that uses Nazi tactics ! just ask parents that complained at school board meetings about what their kids were being taught !
there is only one party practicing censorship and using the gov to go after political enemies ! there is only one party that embraces cancel culture and believes in more government control over private business and monitoring everything American citizens say ! there is only one party trying to disarm the public and punish those [whether its getting them fired from their job or getting them canceled from social and msm] who disagree with them ! there is only one party that claims they have more jurisdiction than parents over their children ! and there are many more examples ! and the party that pracitices and endorses said things like the NAZI party of old is the modern democrat party !

Nazis, Marxists, pretty much the same thing, and Democrats are it !!
I prefer to consider leftists as retarded little Stalinists. It's not ideological for them, it's more about retaining power.

Control over public money.

It's a very bad idea giving leftards control over public money.
the leftists are Marxist's using nazi tactics .
The MAGA and tea party right are anti-democratic, anti-woman, racialist, ethnocentric, etc.

Hitler killed socialists, communists, democrats, people like me who love the Constitution and our civil liberties.

Hitler would love MAGA and the Tea Party.
the Americans that fought the Nazi's in WW2 were conservatives not blue haired, leftwing, limp wristed, gender confused, safe space demanding, wimps .

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