the real Nazis are leftists !

We see who is flying the swastikas

Thanks for demonstrating how utterly stupid and ignorant you truly are.

A handful of shaved headed morons are of no consequence.

But your democrat party, which implements actual fascist and Marxist policies, is the threat to America.

"Villains who twirl their moustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged"
Stop lying. All of those books were banned by the Right not the Left.

The general public knows these things.

The general lying of the Right is only one of many reasons why it will lose so big next year.

Just watch the Right get louder and madder over the next year; they know their time is over.

Prove it or just shut up.
there is only one party practicing censorship and using the gov to go after political enemies ! there is only one party that embraces cancel culture and believes in more government control over private business and monitoring everything American citizens say ! there is only one party trying to disarm the public and punish those [whether its getting them fired from their job or getting them canceled from social and msm] who disagree with them ! there is only one party that claims they have more jurisdiction than parents over their children ! and there are many more examples ! and the party that pracitices and endorses said things like the NAZI party of old is the modern democrat party !

There is only one party which is LYING to the American people about "stolen elections", and "going after your political enemies", and basically everything else in your post.

The NAZI flags are flying at your white supremacist . . . er . . . . Unite the Right rallies, with their chants of "The Jews will not replace us". They were flying at your "anti-mask" and "anti-vax" rallies.

Which party used the slogan "Lock her up!!!" and then when they won the election spent the next 4 years trying to prosecute Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, and the Biden family?
There is only one party which is LYING to the American people about "stolen elections", and "going after your political enemies", and basically everything else in your post.

The NAZI flags are flying at your white supremacist . . . er . . . . Unite the Right rallies, with their chants of "The Jews will not replace us". They were flying at your "anti-mask" and "anti-vax" rallies.

Which party used the slogan "Lock her up!!!" and then when they won the election spent the next 4 years trying to prosecute Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, and the Biden family?
lies ! the Trump admin never tried to indict Clinton ,Obama, or Briben ! the only party prosecuting political adversaries is the nazi left !

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