Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same ‘Core Principles’ As Hitler and Nazis

I will not help change your lie into the truth. Primary reason being it is not the truth. Those people telling you that there was no fraud have no integrity. They have been caught lying too many times for anyone but a fool to believe. You are just afraid to disagree.

Wow...it must be frustrating that nobody believes you.

Of course most people base their beliefs on evidence....you ain't got none. So you're all alone.

1. obsessed with gun control
2. both are collectivists
3. Overarching philosophy of both>Centralized control
4. See force as a means to political power.

see more at link.

Put all of this together, and you'll come to the inescapable conclusion that all of these parallels make the ironclad case that both parties are all too similar.

With with modern surveillance technology and tyrannical "innovations" like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), the Democrats could make the Nazis look like amateurs. This is why they have to be opposed with cultural guerrilla warfare every step of the way.


i think we've passed number 10 for the covid scamdemic.
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You can't blame me, I'm not the one who said this. It was Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democrat.

"Ex-Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard claimed on Friday that President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party share the same “core principles” of Adolf Hitler and Nazism.

The Democratic Party’s “agenda of identity politics” is one of the main reasons Gabbard left, she told Fox News’s Jesse Watters Primetime. She argued that doing so undermined “the traditional democratic values” expressed by Dr. Martin Luther King, that being United States residents should judge each other based off of character rather than race, the former Hawaii representative said on Fox News.

“It’s based on genetics, race, based on your blood, your genes,” Gabbard explained. “And where do we see that connection? Well, these are the very same geneticist core principles embodied by Nazism and Adolf Hitler. This should be something that is sickening and alarming to every single Democrat and every single American.”

Host Jesse Watters said he took some issue with Gabbard’s Germany comparison, but agreed with her sentiment that Democrats were “putting themselves first,” which Gabbard argued is “a huge disqualifyer.”

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same 'Core Principles' As Hitler and Nazis (VIDEO)

I know this may be a long shot, but I've wondered if Trump might pick Tulsi as a running mate. Her pinky finger is smarter than Biden and Harris combined and now that she's dumped the Marxist-Dems and has changed her stance on several issues, she may draw the one or two sensible Dems away from the current Potato in Chief. Could be a decent strategy.
I know this may be a long shot, but I've wondered if Trump might pick Tulsi as a running mate. Her pinky finger is smarter than Biden and Harris combined and now that she's dumped the Marxist-Dems and has changed her stance on several issues, she may draw the one or two sensible Dems away from the current Potato in Chief. Could be a decent strategy.

Zero chance she accepts.
You can't blame me, I'm not the one who said this. It was Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democrat.

"Ex-Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard claimed on Friday that President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party share the same “core principles” of Adolf Hitler and Nazism.

The Democratic Party’s “agenda of identity politics” is one of the main reasons Gabbard left, she told Fox News’s Jesse Watters Primetime. She argued that doing so undermined “the traditional democratic values” expressed by Dr. Martin Luther King, that being United States residents should judge each other based off of character rather than race, the former Hawaii representative said on Fox News.

“It’s based on genetics, race, based on your blood, your genes,” Gabbard explained. “And where do we see that connection? Well, these are the very same geneticist core principles embodied by Nazism and Adolf Hitler. This should be something that is sickening and alarming to every single Democrat and every single American.”

Host Jesse Watters said he took some issue with Gabbard’s Germany comparison, but agreed with her sentiment that Democrats were “putting themselves first,” which Gabbard argued is “a huge disqualifyer.”

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same 'Core Principles' As Hitler and Nazis (VIDEO)

She's not very bright. You should have noticed that a few years ago.
Plenty believe Elvis is alive and bagging groceries in Montana
you’re the first person i’ve heard that from…he’d be nearly 90…i guess it’s possible he’d still be working, lots of americans have had to put off retirement in xiden’s economy
She's not very bright. You should have noticed that a few years ago.

To point out that Joe Biden and the Democratic Party share the same “core principles” of Adolf Hitler and Nazism when you sloths can't figure that out, makes her a fuckin' genius.
To point out that Joe Biden and the Democratic Party share the same “core principles” of Adolf Hitler and Nazism when you sloths can't figure that out, makes her a fuckin' genius.
You cucks love your projections. Again, there is no brainwashing needed for right wingers. You've done it yourself. You've bought the lies. You've consumed your own dog food. You've assimilated your own hype...100%. :auiqs.jpg:
You can't blame me, I'm not the one who said this. It was Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democrat.

"Ex-Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard claimed on Friday that President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party share the same “core principles” of Adolf Hitler and Nazism.

The Democratic Party’s “agenda of identity politics” is one of the main reasons Gabbard left, she told Fox News’s Jesse Watters Primetime. She argued that doing so undermined “the traditional democratic values” expressed by Dr. Martin Luther King, that being United States residents should judge each other based off of character rather than race, the former Hawaii representative said on Fox News.

“It’s based on genetics, race, based on your blood, your genes,” Gabbard explained. “And where do we see that connection? Well, these are the very same geneticist core principles embodied by Nazism and Adolf Hitler. This should be something that is sickening and alarming to every single Democrat and every single American.”

Host Jesse Watters said he took some issue with Gabbard’s Germany comparison, but agreed with her sentiment that Democrats were “putting themselves first,” which Gabbard argued is “a huge disqualifyer.”

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden and Democrats Now Share Same 'Core Principles' As Hitler and Nazis (VIDEO)

Tulsi Gabbards is pro-Nazi and pro-Hitler because she supports Republicans. Republicans are attacking our country and taking away the rights of Americans.

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