Tulsi Gabbard snubbed by the DNC at the convention

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
Romney's cronies in the RNC snubbed Ron Paul and Rick Santorum in '12, so the precedent has been set....A taste of his own medicine for completely misrepresenting himself to the voters of Utah would be very apropos.
disgruntled DNC.......harris pounds Biden.......now his VP.............and Tulsi pounds Harris.........

Only non establishment candidate they had..............and since she didn't toe the line..........not even invited to the convention.

The DNC eats their own.

Thanks for your input. Your opinion is valued almost as much as my ex-mother-in law's opinion of my new haircut.

Well...........you got Creepy Joe a hiding..............now the only chance for you to win...........is.............THE MAIL IN VIRUS...........

Only way you win........you have overplayed your violent ones this time..............too bad.

I watched Joe's speech. He's not the sleepy old man that Trump has been calling him. He's awake enough to kick Trump's ass.

BS.............he should be tried and convicted for quid pro quo right now.............and he's senile and everyone knows it............the Presidential candidate for the DNC is Harris.........Joe is just a show face to try and get independent votes and moderates....................aka..........THE BLUE DOGS that got run over by a greyhound bus after Obamacare.

What drugs are you taking right now?
She polled at less than one percent and is resigning.

Why give her visibility?
Polls are bullshit. She was given a shit ton more money than hell.. Even Joe at one time. Same with Yang. Sooner or later you guys are going to get it through your heads that those polls mean shit. I would have thought after 2016 you all would get a clue.

It'll take another one I guess... *shrugs*
Actual votes and contributions are even better
Tulsi received little money and no votes
.....good lookers like Tulsi are not angry haters ....angry haters like blacks and LGBTQ base their policies on emotion and not common sense
You think the RNC will snub Romney?

Romney, Bush, Colin Powell, Palin

Who will actually endorse Trump?
The only endorsement Trump needs are the people of this country...............elitist pricks don't matter to us............in the end the voters will decide............unless the Corrupt DNC and establishment GOP get the mail in votes to cheat their asses off...........

You are fucked without the mail in vote.............
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
No...............Romney is RINO to the core...............The Tea Party managed to take a few out................here in Alabama we didn't let Sessions back in.....................some try to get rid of the establishment still................not enough though.

So he didn't toe the tard herd line and he is out. ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
Romney's cronies in the RNC snubbed Ron Paul and Rick Santorum in '12, so the precedent has been set....A taste of his own medicine for completely misrepresenting himself to the voters of Utah would be very apropos.

Just pointing out how RethugiKKKons eat their own.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
  1. Tulsi is WAY too smart to be a Democrat, she scares us.
  2. Tulsi promotes the dangerous concept of independent thought.
  3. Tulsi would be well-advised to reflect on this, rethink her position and realize she is really a latent republican. Some of your BEST conservatives are former Democrats once singed and burned by the very ideology they once wrongly supported and thought was right and best.
Because she's a progressive....She's just not a wild-eyed crackpot like the rest of them.
disgruntled DNC.......harris pounds Biden.......now his VP.............and Tulsi pounds Harris.........

Only non establishment candidate they had..............and since she didn't toe the line..........not even invited to the convention.

The DNC eats their own.

Thanks for your input. Your opinion is valued almost as much as my ex-mother-in law's opinion of my new haircut.

Well...........you got Creepy Joe a hiding..............now the only chance for you to win...........is.............THE MAIL IN VIRUS...........

Only way you win........you have overplayed your violent ones this time..............too bad.

I watched Joe's speech. He's not the sleepy old man that Trump has been calling him. He's awake enough to kick Trump's ass.

BS.............he should be tried and convicted for quid pro quo right now.............and he's senile and everyone knows it............the Presidential candidate for the DNC is Harris.........Joe is just a show face to try and get independent votes and moderates....................aka..........THE BLUE DOGS that got run over by a greyhound bus after Obamacare.

What drugs are you taking right now?

Sorry.............you mistake me for a coke head named Hunter........who was needed by a gas giant in the Ukraine to help them sell their product.............LMAO

Naw..........no corruption there...........or in China................you are laughable.........sell that to your brain dead minions.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
No...............Romney is RINO to the core...............The Tea Party managed to take a few out................here in Alabama we didn't let Sessions back in.....................some try to get rid of the establishment still................not enough though.

So he didn't toe the tard herd line and he is out. ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
Romney's cronies in the RNC snubbed Ron Paul and Rick Santorum in '12, so the precedent has been set....A taste of his own medicine for completely misrepresenting himself to the voters of Utah would be very apropos.

Just pointing out how RethugiKKKons eat their own.
the Dems/blacks are the racist haters--not the Rs
Why give visibility to speakers nobody had ever heard of?

Because you give visibility to speakers who will help you

Like her?

“She was behind bars for her role in the grisly murder and torture of Thomas Vigliarolo, a balding New York businessman found stuffed inside a steamer trunk and left to rot in Harlem.”

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
No...............Romney is RINO to the core...............The Tea Party managed to take a few out................here in Alabama we didn't let Sessions back in.....................some try to get rid of the establishment still................not enough though.

So he didn't toe the tard herd line and he is out. ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
Romney's cronies in the RNC snubbed Ron Paul and Rick Santorum in '12, so the precedent has been set....A taste of his own medicine for completely misrepresenting himself to the voters of Utah would be very apropos.

Just pointing out how RethugiKKKons eat their own.
I voted Maga last time.............will do so again.............even had Tulsi been the candidate............this is about the hypocrites of the left and nothing more.................

She went against them.........and they shunned her for it.........which is the point.............and it doesn't hurt that she's hot.
"I will not put party interests first, I will put the interests of the American people above all else" ~ Tulsi

Of course they are not going to invite her. The Democratic party establishment absolutely despises the American people with an incensed certifiably deranged demented diabolical and wrathful passion.

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