Tulsi Gabbard snubbed by the DNC at the convention

I don't trust Tulsi Gabbard i think she's as much of a radical leftist as any other Communist Democrat.:smoke: I remember seeing her awhile ago on Fox News and she ducked questions about her opinions on abortion and other policy things. :icon_rolleyes:
Here policy is to the left.......I know that....wouldn't vote for it....................but she wasn't the establishment..........and wouldn't toe the line.................because of that...........they threw here out JUST LIKE they threw out the Blue Dogs with Obamacare...........they sacrifice their own...............

The machine attacked this woman...............which means to me she wasn't with them............
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
Yeah... She at least had a chance to get my vote. Elected Democrats don't run their own party. I don't know who does... But... Ya'll gotta start putting up serious contenders for the middle.
The D Party is trying to purge itself of progressives. The party is doing it’s best imitation of the R Party. After all Joe is more conservative than Don, but libs and cons are unaware.
They created the progs........and now don't know what to do about them.............LOL
disgruntled DNC.......harris pounds Biden.......now his VP.............and Tulsi pounds Harris.........

Only non establishment candidate they had..............and since she didn't toe the line..........not even invited to the convention.

The DNC eats their own.

Thanks for your input. Your opinion is valued almost as much as my ex-mother-in law's opinion of my new haircut.

Well...........you got Creepy Joe a hiding..............now the only chance for you to win...........is.............THE MAIL IN VIRUS...........

Only way you win........you have overplayed your violent ones this time..............too bad.
She polled at less than one percent and is resigning.

Why give her visibility?
who would you rather look at and listen to?


or THIS!!!!!!!!!
She polled at less than one percent and is resigning.

Why give her visibility?
Polls are bullshit. She was given a shit ton more money than hell.. Even Joe at one time. Same with Yang. Sooner or later you guys are going to get it through your heads that those polls mean shit. I would have thought after 2016 you all would get a clue.

It'll take another one I guess... *shrugs*
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
disgruntled DNC.......harris pounds Biden.......now his VP.............and Tulsi pounds Harris.........

Only non establishment candidate they had..............and since she didn't toe the line..........not even invited to the convention.

The DNC eats their own.

Thanks for your input. Your opinion is valued almost as much as my ex-mother-in law's opinion of my new haircut.

Well...........you got Creepy Joe a hiding..............now the only chance for you to win...........is.............THE MAIL IN VIRUS...........

Only way you win........you have overplayed your violent ones this time..............too bad.

I watched Joe's speech. He's not the sleepy old man that Trump has been calling him. He's awake enough to kick Trump's ass.
She polled at less than one percent and is resigning.

Why give her visibility?
Polls are bullshit. She was given a shit ton more money than hell.. Even Joe at one time. Same with Yang. Sooner or later you guys are going to get it through your heads that those polls mean shit. I would have thought after 2016 you all would get a clue.

It'll take another one I guess... *shrugs*
Actual votes and contributions are even better
Tulsi received little money and no votes

Most of the contributions she received came from Republicans
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
No...............Romney is RINO to the core...............The Tea Party managed to take a few out................here in Alabama we didn't let Sessions back in.....................some try to get rid of the establishment still................not enough though.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
Yeah... She at least had a chance to get my vote. Elected Democrats don't run their own party. I don't know who does... But... Ya'll gotta start putting up serious contenders for the middle.
The D Party is trying to purge itself of progressives. The party is doing it’s best imitation of the R Party. After all Joe is more conservative than Don, but libs and cons are unaware.
It's not purging itself of progressives....The nutbars infesting the party are the natural end product of the progressive mindset.
disgruntled DNC.......harris pounds Biden.......now his VP.............and Tulsi pounds Harris.........

Only non establishment candidate they had..............and since she didn't toe the line..........not even invited to the convention.

The DNC eats their own.

Thanks for your input. Your opinion is valued almost as much as my ex-mother-in law's opinion of my new haircut.

Well...........you got Creepy Joe a hiding..............now the only chance for you to win...........is.............THE MAIL IN VIRUS...........

Only way you win........you have overplayed your violent ones this time..............too bad.

I watched Joe's speech. He's not the sleepy old man that Trump has been calling him. He's awake enough to kick Trump's ass.

BS.............he should be tried and convicted for quid pro quo right now.............and he's senile and everyone knows it............the Presidential candidate for the DNC is Harris.........Joe is just a show face to try and get independent votes and moderates....................aka..........THE BLUE DOGS that got run over by a greyhound bus after Obamacare.
She polled at less than one percent and is resigning.

Why give her visibility?
Polls are bullshit. She was given a shit ton more money than hell.. Even Joe at one time. Same with Yang. Sooner or later you guys are going to get it through your heads that those polls mean shit. I would have thought after 2016 you all would get a clue.

It'll take another one I guess... *shrugs*
Actual votes and contributions are even better
Tulsi received little money and no votes
The response has nothing to do with what I said. Try again, or don't bother quoting if you don't address what is said.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
Just dreadful. Tulsi is the ONLY sane Democrat I've seen these last few years. She made the HUGE mistake of talking badly about the Hildebeast. This pretty much sealed her fate and reputation with the Dim Dems.

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