Tulsi Gabbard snubbed by the DNC at the convention

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

How many Republicans who don't toe the line with Trump will be speaking at the RNC convention? The same number as spoke at the Democrat convention. None.
She polled at less than one percent and is resigning.

Why give her visibility?
..of course they don't like the hot white babes--they like the fat, ugly black lesbos --no wonder they are in a bad mood
View attachment 377921
Dont think that is Tulsi, though there is a strong resemblance. That is Padma Lakshmi and her scar on her arm is from an auto accident.

This is Tulsi

View attachment 378048

Yeah, they'd rather give this visibility:


Way more of these lawsuit's should be filed (especially by the Trump's who have been attacked relentlessly since before 2016), and all because Democrat's are out of their mind's with (TDS) trying to use smear and fear instead of policy to win their arguments or debates.

It's really amazing.

There is a difference in having to play defense when the Democrat's strike the blow's in hopes of no response back. It worked until they met Trump. They strike a blow, and he blocks therefore taking them off of their feet with a succession of blows quickly afterwards, then they cry foul.

They got use to no one fighting back, and therefore apologising to them constantly. Trump wasn't, and never will be that guy, and they hate him for it.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
No...............Romney is RINO to the core...............The Tea Party managed to take a few out................here in Alabama we didn't let Sessions back in.....................some try to get rid of the establishment still................not enough though.

So he didn't toe the tard herd line and he is out. ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
Romney's cronies in the RNC snubbed Ron Paul and Rick Santorum in '12, so the precedent has been set....A taste of his own medicine for completely misrepresenting himself to the voters of Utah would be very apropos.

Just pointing out how RethugiKKKons eat their own.
I voted Maga last time.............will do so again.............even had Tulsi been the candidate............this is about the hypocrites of the left and nothing more.................

She went against them.........and they shunned her for it.........which is the point.............and it doesn't hurt that she's hot.

Noticed how you conveiniently left off how RethugiKKKons eat their own.

That is MAGA!!!
Another lame ass ..........fitting symbol of the DNC ......attempt to shift the narrative to your social Warrior victim narrative.

Sorry............we don't buy lemons here.........try to sell that car somewhere else.

Way to keep delecting. It shows that you are the lemon.
This thread shows why your side will lose..............Tulsi might have won it...........but she wouldn't march lock and step with you........You fucked up.........and now you will pay for it in November.......

Should be fun watching the river of tears.

Romney wouldn't lockstep and now he will be shunned. Tulsi wasn't winning anything, she barely got 1% of the vote.

You underestimate the anti establishment in this country..............well done............you chose POORLY............

I didn't choose either iI have done well, you not so much. You chose tRump!!!

And you will lose again...........because your elitist club of career politicians chose POORLY.......why they are desperate to get the mail in vote................

You fucked up.

Why are you so desperate to stop mail in voting? tRump is voting mail in but YOUR ELITIST is against you voting the same way.

It doesn't get more MAGA than that!!!
We aren't pussies in this state.............and we don't vote for them or quid pro quo hair sniffers..............we will vote.........in person as always.......

The only ones whining like bitches is the DNC ............your side always whines and bitches when you don't get your way........brain washed emotional idiots from LSD hippie parents...............perhaps one day there will be a cure for you.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
Yeah... She at least had a chance to get my vote. Elected Democrats don't run their own party. I don't know who does... But... Ya'll gotta start putting up serious contenders for the middle.
Stop thinking with your penis. If she looked like Lizzy Warren, no one would give her the time of day!
..of course they don't like the hot white babes--they like the fat, ugly black lesbos --no wonder they are in a bad mood
View attachment 377921
Dont think that is Tulsi, though there is a strong resemblance. That is Padma Lakshmi and her scar on her arm is from an auto accident.

This is Tulsi

View attachment 378048
..you might be right--but the thought is the same --hahahahahah
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

How many Republicans who don't toe the line with Trump will be speaking at the RNC convention? The same number as spoke at the Democrat convention. None.
The conventions are infomercials

They are not supposed to be “fair”
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

How many Republicans who don't toe the line with Trump will be speaking at the RNC convention? The same number as spoke at the Democrat convention. None.
The conventions are infomercials

They are not supposed to be “fair”
aka.........programming for the fools...............I never watch them anyways...........just look for high lights later...........and then see if they are taken out of context...........which the media always does...................bottom line.........your side doesn't even allow a candidate that did get some votes an invitation because she dared to not be YOUR SHEEP......

Imagine that.......
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

How many Republicans who don't toe the line with Trump will be speaking at the RNC convention? The same number as spoke at the Democrat convention. None.

Which only goes to condemn both parties.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
Yeah... She at least had a chance to get my vote. Elected Democrats don't run their own party. I don't know who does... But... Ya'll gotta start putting up serious contenders for the middle.
Stop thinking with your penis. If she looked like Lizzy Warren, no one would give her the time of day!

No, not even close.

Gabbard Condemns Obama's ISIS Strategy, Again

She was absolutely correct. We accomplished nothing with Obama's wasteful wars.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
No...............Romney is RINO to the core...............The Tea Party managed to take a few out................here in Alabama we didn't let Sessions back in.....................some try to get rid of the establishment still................not enough though.

So he didn't toe the tard herd line and he is out. ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
Romney's cronies in the RNC snubbed Ron Paul and Rick Santorum in '12, so the precedent has been set....A taste of his own medicine for completely misrepresenting himself to the voters of Utah would be very apropos.

Just pointing out how RethugiKKKons eat their own.
I voted Maga last time.............will do so again.............even had Tulsi been the candidate............this is about the hypocrites of the left and nothing more.................

She went against them.........and they shunned her for it.........which is the point.............and it doesn't hurt that she's hot.

Noticed how you conveiniently left off how RethugiKKKons eat their own.

That is MAGA!!!
Another lame ass ..........fitting symbol of the DNC ......attempt to shift the narrative to your social Warrior victim narrative.

Sorry............we don't buy lemons here.........try to sell that car somewhere else.

Way to keep delecting. It shows that you are the lemon.
This thread shows why your side will lose..............Tulsi might have won it...........but she wouldn't march lock and step with you........You fucked up.........and now you will pay for it in November.......

Should be fun watching the river of tears.

Romney wouldn't lockstep and now he will be shunned. Tulsi wasn't winning anything, she barely got 1% of the vote.

You underestimate the anti establishment in this country..............well done............you chose POORLY............

I didn't choose either iI have done well, you not so much. You chose tRump!!!

And you will lose again...........because your elitist club of career politicians chose POORLY.......why they are desperate to get the mail in vote................

You fucked up.

Why are you so desperate to stop mail in voting? tRump is voting mail in but YOUR ELITIST is against you voting the same way.

It doesn't get more MAGA than that!!!
We aren't pussies in this state.............and we don't vote for them or quid pro quo hair sniffers..............we will vote.........in person as always.......

The only ones whining like bitches is the DNC ............your side always whines and bitches when you don't get your way........brain washed emotional idiots from LSD hippie parents...............perhaps one day there will be a cure for you.

You mean like your snowflake President calling for the boycotting of companies that hurt his lil feelings?
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
No...............Romney is RINO to the core...............The Tea Party managed to take a few out................here in Alabama we didn't let Sessions back in.....................some try to get rid of the establishment still................not enough though.

So he didn't toe the tard herd line and he is out. ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
Romney's cronies in the RNC snubbed Ron Paul and Rick Santorum in '12, so the precedent has been set....A taste of his own medicine for completely misrepresenting himself to the voters of Utah would be very apropos.

Just pointing out how RethugiKKKons eat their own.
I voted Maga last time.............will do so again.............even had Tulsi been the candidate............this is about the hypocrites of the left and nothing more.................

She went against them.........and they shunned her for it.........which is the point.............and it doesn't hurt that she's hot.

Noticed how you conveiniently left off how RethugiKKKons eat their own.

That is MAGA!!!
Another lame ass ..........fitting symbol of the DNC ......attempt to shift the narrative to your social Warrior victim narrative.

Sorry............we don't buy lemons here.........try to sell that car somewhere else.

Way to keep delecting. It shows that you are the lemon.
This thread shows why your side will lose..............Tulsi might have won it...........but she wouldn't march lock and step with you........You fucked up.........and now you will pay for it in November.......

Should be fun watching the river of tears.

Romney wouldn't lockstep and now he will be shunned. Tulsi wasn't winning anything, she barely got 1% of the vote.

You underestimate the anti establishment in this country..............well done............you chose POORLY............

I didn't choose either iI have done well, you not so much. You chose tRump!!!

And you will lose again...........because your elitist club of career politicians chose POORLY.......why they are desperate to get the mail in vote................

You fucked up.

Why are you so desperate to stop mail in voting? tRump is voting mail in but YOUR ELITIST is against you voting the same way.

It doesn't get more MAGA than that!!!
We aren't pussies in this state.............and we don't vote for them or quid pro quo hair sniffers..............we will vote.........in person as always.......

The only ones whining like bitches is the DNC ............your side always whines and bitches when you don't get your way........brain washed emotional idiots from LSD hippie parents...............perhaps one day there will be a cure for you.

You mean like your snowflake President calling for the boycotting of companies that hurt his lil feelings?
Awe .......it's so righteous when your side does it.............LOL

Then you get butt hurt when karma comes back.............oh well..............they got caught pandering to BLM riots......

Up their's..................now reap the karma
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
Yeah... She at least had a chance to get my vote. Elected Democrats don't run their own party. I don't know who does... But... Ya'll gotta start putting up serious contenders for the middle.
Stop thinking with your penis. If she looked like Lizzy Warren, no one would give her the time of day!

No, not even close.

Gabbard Condemns Obama's ISIS Strategy, Again

She was absolutely correct. We accomplished nothing with Obama's wasteful wars.
Gah! I just read the other day that the U.S. is still backing the SDF..and that's fail.

IF there's any good side in that whole deal, it's Assad's own army.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
Yeah... She at least had a chance to get my vote. Elected Democrats don't run their own party. I don't know who does... But... Ya'll gotta start putting up serious contenders for the middle.
Stop thinking with your penis. If she looked like Lizzy Warren, no one would give her the time of day!

No, not even close.

Gabbard Condemns Obama's ISIS Strategy, Again

She was absolutely correct. We accomplished nothing with Obama's wasteful wars.
Gah! I just read the other day that the U.S. is still backing the SDF..and that's fail.

IF there's any good side in that whole deal, it's Assad's own army.
Better to back Assad than ISIS
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
Yeah... She at least had a chance to get my vote. Elected Democrats don't run their own party. I don't know who does... But... Ya'll gotta start putting up serious contenders for the middle.
Stop thinking with your penis. If she looked like Lizzy Warren, no one would give her the time of day!

No, not even close.

Gabbard Condemns Obama's ISIS Strategy, Again

She was absolutely correct. We accomplished nothing with Obama's wasteful wars.
Gah! I just read the other day that the U.S. is still backing the SDF..and that's fail.

IF there's any good side in that whole deal, it's Assad's own army.
Better to back Assad than ISIS

Better yet to mind our own business.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
Yeah... She at least had a chance to get my vote. Elected Democrats don't run their own party. I don't know who does... But... Ya'll gotta start putting up serious contenders for the middle.
Stop thinking with your penis. If she looked like Lizzy Warren, no one would give her the time of day!

No, not even close.

Gabbard Condemns Obama's ISIS Strategy, Again

She was absolutely correct. We accomplished nothing with Obama's wasteful wars.
Gah! I just read the other day that the U.S. is still backing the SDF..and that's fail.

IF there's any good side in that whole deal, it's Assad's own army.
Better to back Assad than ISIS
Bottom line: Assad's army kills ISIS and rescues civilians.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
Yeah... She at least had a chance to get my vote. Elected Democrats don't run their own party. I don't know who does... But... Ya'll gotta start putting up serious contenders for the middle.
Stop thinking with your penis. If she looked like Lizzy Warren, no one would give her the time of day!

No, not even close.

Gabbard Condemns Obama's ISIS Strategy, Again

She was absolutely correct. We accomplished nothing with Obama's wasteful wars.
Gah! I just read the other day that the U.S. is still backing the SDF..and that's fail.

IF there's any good side in that whole deal, it's Assad's own army.
Better to back Assad than ISIS
Obama policy was another vacuum cleaner sale for the industrial complex...............he ran guns and ignored ISIS being supplied by Turkey..................ending in the Assad has to go..............with Turkey invading off and on............and smuggling arms to ISIS..............

U.S weapons were in ISIS hands dropped by our own military for the so called Freedom fighters........who were championed by McLame..................

Trump ended that.............said NO........we are not overthrowing..........and that was the correct choice.....

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
No...............Romney is RINO to the core...............The Tea Party managed to take a few out................here in Alabama we didn't let Sessions back in.....................some try to get rid of the establishment still................not enough though.

So he didn't toe the tard herd line and he is out. ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
Romney's cronies in the RNC snubbed Ron Paul and Rick Santorum in '12, so the precedent has been set....A taste of his own medicine for completely misrepresenting himself to the voters of Utah would be very apropos.

Just pointing out how RethugiKKKons eat their own.
I voted Maga last time.............will do so again.............even had Tulsi been the candidate............this is about the hypocrites of the left and nothing more.................

She went against them.........and they shunned her for it.........which is the point.............and it doesn't hurt that she's hot.

Noticed how you conveiniently left off how RethugiKKKons eat their own.

That is MAGA!!!
Another lame ass ..........fitting symbol of the DNC ......attempt to shift the narrative to your social Warrior victim narrative.

Sorry............we don't buy lemons here.........try to sell that car somewhere else.

Way to keep delecting. It shows that you are the lemon.
This thread shows why your side will lose..............Tulsi might have won it...........but she wouldn't march lock and step with you........You fucked up.........and now you will pay for it in November.......

Should be fun watching the river of tears.

Romney wouldn't lockstep and now he will be shunned. Tulsi wasn't winning anything, she barely got 1% of the vote.

You underestimate the anti establishment in this country..............well done............you chose POORLY............

I didn't choose either iI have done well, you not so much. You chose tRump!!!

And you will lose again...........because your elitist club of career politicians chose POORLY.......why they are desperate to get the mail in vote................

You fucked up.

Why are you so desperate to stop mail in voting? tRump is voting mail in but YOUR ELITIST is against you voting the same way.

It doesn't get more MAGA than that!!!
We aren't pussies in this state.............and we don't vote for them or quid pro quo hair sniffers..............we will vote.........in person as always.......

The only ones whining like bitches is the DNC ............your side always whines and bitches when you don't get your way........brain washed emotional idiots from LSD hippie parents...............perhaps one day there will be a cure for you.

You mean like your snowflake President calling for the boycotting of companies that hurt his lil feelings?
His little feelings ??? Ok so where did his base go ?? It's not just about his feelings, but it's about America's feelings which is why he has the job. Duh !!!

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