Tulsi Gabbard snubbed by the DNC at the convention

I don't trust Tulsi Gabbard i think she's as much of a radical leftist as any other Communist Democrat.:smoke: I remember seeing her awhile ago on Fox News and she ducked questions about her opinions on abortion and other policy things. :icon_rolleyes:
She also lied during the debates, lumping President Trump in with Bush and Clinton for “regime change wars”, while leaving the Hussein off her list. What regime change wars has President Trump started? None.

She slammed Obama when Obama was still president.

Are you saying that Trump isn't still over all the lame wars?
Did he START any? No, he is cleaning the Hussein’s mess. ISIS wiped off the map. He is drawing us down on all fronts, even Germany.
trump is not cleaning any messes. As evidenced by the recent U.N. Security Council vote, trump has made a huge mess..

That vote was because of more than Trump.
I don't trust Tulsi Gabbard i think she's as much of a radical leftist as any other Communist Democrat.:smoke: I remember seeing her awhile ago on Fox News and she ducked questions about her opinions on abortion and other policy things. :icon_rolleyes:
She also lied during the debates, lumping President Trump in with Bush and Clinton for “regime change wars”, while leaving the Hussein off her list. What regime change wars has President Trump started? None.
Yes she did........but Trump did reverse policy on Syria...............Obama royally fucked that up with the gun running from Libya..............and his BS red line.
Obama didn't do the shit you just claimed. Meanwhile trump moved our troops and let Putin and Erdogan in control.

Yes Obama did.
He did draw the red line but gun running? And nobody in America but the far right who talk shit about fighting because they won't have to do it wanted another war. trump did remove our troops and left the region for Putin and Erdogan.

No Trump did not remove the troops. It was another of his lies. He moved troops, he did not remove troops. He should have. I might have liked him a little if he had actually did it.

Though President Donald Trump ordered the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, the next mission in the country has already begun. As troops have left northern Syria over the past few weeks, new soldiers have begun moving in, heading to a remote base in the eastern part of the country.

As U.S. troops withdraw, others move into Syria to guard oil fields

Nothing more than a shell game.

As far as arming ISIS out of Libya.

How ISIS got weapons from U.S. and used them to take Iraq and Syria
So they armed Khaddafis opposition.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
No...............Romney is RINO to the core...............The Tea Party managed to take a few out................here in Alabama we didn't let Sessions back in.....................some try to get rid of the establishment still................not enough though.

So he didn't toe the tard herd line and he is out. ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.

You think the RNC will snub Romney?
Romney's cronies in the RNC snubbed Ron Paul and Rick Santorum in '12, so the precedent has been set....A taste of his own medicine for completely misrepresenting himself to the voters of Utah would be very apropos.

Just pointing out how RethugiKKKons eat their own.
I voted Maga last time.............will do so again.............even had Tulsi been the candidate............this is about the hypocrites of the left and nothing more.................

She went against them.........and they shunned her for it.........which is the point.............and it doesn't hurt that she's hot.

Noticed how you conveiniently left off how RethugiKKKons eat their own.

That is MAGA!!!
Another lame ass ..........fitting symbol of the DNC ......attempt to shift the narrative to your social Warrior victim narrative.

Sorry............we don't buy lemons here.........try to sell that car somewhere else.

Way to keep delecting. It shows that you are the lemon.
This thread shows why your side will lose..............Tulsi might have won it...........but she wouldn't march lock and step with you........You fucked up.........and now you will pay for it in November.......

Should be fun watching the river of tears.

Romney wouldn't lockstep and now he will be shunned. Tulsi wasn't winning anything, she barely got 1% of the vote.

You underestimate the anti establishment in this country..............well done............you chose POORLY............

I didn't choose either iI have done well, you not so much. You chose tRump!!!

And you will lose again...........because your elitist club of career politicians chose POORLY.......why they are desperate to get the mail in vote................

You fucked up.

Why are you so desperate to stop mail in voting? tRump is voting mail in but YOUR ELITIST is against you voting the same way.

It doesn't get more MAGA than that!!!
I don't trust Tulsi Gabbard i think she's as much of a radical leftist as any other Communist Democrat.:smoke: I remember seeing her awhile ago on Fox News and she ducked questions about her opinions on abortion and other policy things. :icon_rolleyes:
She also lied during the debates, lumping President Trump in with Bush and Clinton for “regime change wars”, while leaving the Hussein off her list. What regime change wars has President Trump started? None.

She slammed Obama when Obama was still president.

Are you saying that Trump isn't still over all the lame wars?
Did he START any? No, he is cleaning the Hussein’s mess. ISIS wiped off the map. He is drawing us down on all fronts, even Germany.
trump is not cleaning any messes. As evidenced by the recent U.N. Security Council vote, trump has made a huge mess..

That vote was because of more than Trump.
The vote was in opposition to what America wanted. This is where our country stands now because of trump.
I don't trust Tulsi Gabbard i think she's as much of a radical leftist as any other Communist Democrat.:smoke: I remember seeing her awhile ago on Fox News and she ducked questions about her opinions on abortion and other policy things. :icon_rolleyes:
She also lied during the debates, lumping President Trump in with Bush and Clinton for “regime change wars”, while leaving the Hussein off her list. What regime change wars has President Trump started? None.
Yes she did........but Trump did reverse policy on Syria...............Obama royally fucked that up with the gun running from Libya..............and his BS red line.
Obama didn't do the shit you just claimed. Meanwhile trump moved our troops and let Putin and Erdogan in control.

Yes Obama did.
He did draw the red line but gun running? And nobody in America but the far right who talk shit about fighting because they won't have to do it wanted another war. trump did remove our troops and left the region for Putin and Erdogan.

No Trump did not remove the troops. It was another of his lies. He moved troops, he did not remove troops. He should have. I might have liked him a little if he had actually did it.

Though President Donald Trump ordered the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, the next mission in the country has already begun. As troops have left northern Syria over the past few weeks, new soldiers have begun moving in, heading to a remote base in the eastern part of the country.

As U.S. troops withdraw, others move into Syria to guard oil fields

Nothing more than a shell game.

As far as arming ISIS out of Libya.

How ISIS got weapons from U.S. and used them to take Iraq and Syria
So they armed Khaddafis opposition.

They armed ISIS. That's what the article notes. They then used those arms against our soldiers. We had NO business being involved in any of it.
I don't trust Tulsi Gabbard i think she's as much of a radical leftist as any other Communist Democrat.:smoke: I remember seeing her awhile ago on Fox News and she ducked questions about her opinions on abortion and other policy things. :icon_rolleyes:
She also lied during the debates, lumping President Trump in with Bush and Clinton for “regime change wars”, while leaving the Hussein off her list. What regime change wars has President Trump started? None.

She slammed Obama when Obama was still president.

Are you saying that Trump isn't still over all the lame wars?
Did he START any? No, he is cleaning the Hussein’s mess. ISIS wiped off the map. He is drawing us down on all fronts, even Germany.
trump is not cleaning any messes. As evidenced by the recent U.N. Security Council vote, trump has made a huge mess..

That vote was because of more than Trump.
The vote was in opposition to what America wanted. This is where our country stands now because of trump.

No, it's because of Bush/Obama/Trump.
I don't trust Tulsi Gabbard i think she's as much of a radical leftist as any other Communist Democrat.:smoke: I remember seeing her awhile ago on Fox News and she ducked questions about her opinions on abortion and other policy things. :icon_rolleyes:
She also lied during the debates, lumping President Trump in with Bush and Clinton for “regime change wars”, while leaving the Hussein off her list. What regime change wars has President Trump started? None.
Yes she did........but Trump did reverse policy on Syria...............Obama royally fucked that up with the gun running from Libya..............and his BS red line.
Obama didn't do the shit you just claimed. Meanwhile trump moved our troops and let Putin and Erdogan in control.

Yes Obama did.
He did draw the red line but gun running? And nobody in America but the far right who talk shit about fighting because they won't have to do it wanted another war. trump did remove our troops and left the region for Putin and Erdogan.
Iran has always run Syria, and Russia has been in bed with Iran forever. Why the fuck should we care if Iran and Russia are “running” Syria? Can’t Syria decide for itself?
You always have an excuse for trump. Why?
I don't trust Tulsi Gabbard i think she's as much of a radical leftist as any other Communist Democrat.:smoke: I remember seeing her awhile ago on Fox News and she ducked questions about her opinions on abortion and other policy things. :icon_rolleyes:
She also lied during the debates, lumping President Trump in with Bush and Clinton for “regime change wars”, while leaving the Hussein off her list. What regime change wars has President Trump started? None.
Yes she did........but Trump did reverse policy on Syria...............Obama royally fucked that up with the gun running from Libya..............and his BS red line.
Obama didn't do the shit you just claimed. Meanwhile trump moved our troops and let Putin and Erdogan in control.

Yes Obama did.
He did draw the red line but gun running? And nobody in America but the far right who talk shit about fighting because they won't have to do it wanted another war. trump did remove our troops and left the region for Putin and Erdogan.

No Trump did not remove the troops. It was another of his lies. He moved troops, he did not remove troops. He should have. I might have liked him a little if he had actually did it.

Though President Donald Trump ordered the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, the next mission in the country has already begun. As troops have left northern Syria over the past few weeks, new soldiers have begun moving in, heading to a remote base in the eastern part of the country.

As U.S. troops withdraw, others move into Syria to guard oil fields

Nothing more than a shell game.

As far as arming ISIS out of Libya.

How ISIS got weapons from U.S. and used them to take Iraq and Syria
So they armed Khaddafis opposition.

They armed ISIS. That's what the article notes. They then used those arms against our soldiers. We had NO business being involved in any of it.
They armed a part of ISIS that was not in Iraq. I agree that we should not be over there, but had Bush not decided to start a war, there would have been no ISIS. Had our allies not voted for UN resolution 1973, we probably would not have armed the opposition in Libya.
I don't trust Tulsi Gabbard i think she's as much of a radical leftist as any other Communist Democrat.:smoke: I remember seeing her awhile ago on Fox News and she ducked questions about her opinions on abortion and other policy things. :icon_rolleyes:
She also lied during the debates, lumping President Trump in with Bush and Clinton for “regime change wars”, while leaving the Hussein off her list. What regime change wars has President Trump started? None.
Yes she did........but Trump did reverse policy on Syria...............Obama royally fucked that up with the gun running from Libya..............and his BS red line.
Obama didn't do the shit you just claimed. Meanwhile trump moved our troops and let Putin and Erdogan in control.

Yes Obama did.
He did draw the red line but gun running? And nobody in America but the far right who talk shit about fighting because they won't have to do it wanted another war. trump did remove our troops and left the region for Putin and Erdogan.

No Trump did not remove the troops. It was another of his lies. He moved troops, he did not remove troops. He should have. I might have liked him a little if he had actually did it.

Though President Donald Trump ordered the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, the next mission in the country has already begun. As troops have left northern Syria over the past few weeks, new soldiers have begun moving in, heading to a remote base in the eastern part of the country.

As U.S. troops withdraw, others move into Syria to guard oil fields

Nothing more than a shell game.

As far as arming ISIS out of Libya.

How ISIS got weapons from U.S. and used them to take Iraq and Syria
So they armed Khaddafis opposition.

They armed ISIS. That's what the article notes. They then used those arms against our soldiers. We had NO business being involved in any of it.
They armed a part of ISIS that was not in Iraq. I agree that we should not be over there, but had Bush not decided to start a war, there would have been no ISIS. Had our allies not voted for UN resolution 1973, we probably would not have armed the opposition in Libya.

We armed ISIS in Syria. Bush did not put us there. Obama did.
Your side fucked up on it's choice............and you know it............only decent candidate you had was snubbed and attacked.

Which is why you need deodorant these days for the MAIL IN VIRUS VOTE.........you know people have turned against you...............and you have done this to yourselves.
Right, this is why Trump and his Republicans are doing their best to SUPRESS the vote, because "people have turned against [the Democrats]"


You guys have no problem with BURN LOOT MURDER.......but if you have to go out to vote you might get sick.........

Who buys your BS snake oil...........LOL
You have been shown that white supremacists have been doing the BURN LOOT MURDER. There is no excuse for suppressing votes.
Did he say black, white or yellow ?? Maybe I missed it.
Your side fucked up on it's choice............and you know it............only decent candidate you had was snubbed and attacked.

Which is why you need deodorant these days for the MAIL IN VIRUS VOTE.........you know people have turned against you...............and you have done this to yourselves.
Right, this is why Trump and his Republicans are doing their best to SUPRESS the vote, because "people have turned against [the Democrats]"


You guys have no problem with BURN LOOT MURDER.......but if you have to go out to vote you might get sick.........

Who buys your BS snake oil...........LOL
You have been shown that white supremacists have been doing the BURN LOOT MURDER. There is no excuse for suppressing votes.
Who is stopping you from going to the polls and vote..........yawn......the black panthers change sides or something......

When you turn black and have seen all the things whites have done to blacks from our perspective instead of telling us our perspective isn't real only yours is, ask me that question.
I've seen first hand what happens when blacks move into your neighborhood as a kid..........where I grew up and shopped as a kid........are SHIT HOLES NOW.........same with my mother n law as they killed her neighbor for prescription drugs in his own bed..............she had to leave

Pardon me.......when I'm not impressed with your BS............Black on black crime is the real problem.......not us.
Not picking on color, but actually you are right, and I've seen this as well in my lifetime. Not sure why it is, but for some reason it just is. Maybe IM2 or Marc can enlighten us as to why this is.Their are many great black folks, and I know them well, but their are many bad one's also. The white's are no different, but I think that bad whites aren't tolerated as much as the bad blacks are in this country by their own race.

If were the opposite, then Southside Chicago would be a neighborhood nerd center, otherwise instead of being one of the biggest crime/murder capital's in the country.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
She was only useful to them right after she was shot. Now they throw her under the bus; just like Democrats do to black voters.
I don't trust Tulsi Gabbard i think she's as much of a radical leftist as any other Communist Democrat.:smoke: I remember seeing her awhile ago on Fox News and she ducked questions about her opinions on abortion and other policy things. :icon_rolleyes:
She also lied during the debates, lumping President Trump in with Bush and Clinton for “regime change wars”, while leaving the Hussein off her list. What regime change wars has President Trump started? None.
Yes she did........but Trump did reverse policy on Syria...............Obama royally fucked that up with the gun running from Libya..............and his BS red line.
Obama didn't do the shit you just claimed. Meanwhile trump moved our troops and let Putin and Erdogan in control.

Yes Obama did.
He did draw the red line but gun running? And nobody in America but the far right who talk shit about fighting because they won't have to do it wanted another war. trump did remove our troops and left the region for Putin and Erdogan.
Iran has always run Syria, and Russia has been in bed with Iran forever. Why the fuck should we care if Iran and Russia are “running” Syria? Can’t Syria decide for itself?
You always have an excuse for trump. Why?
What is there to excuse? As usual, you can’t make a coherent point.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
She's a RWNJ plant.
LOL that's great! Any Democrat who doesn't sing off of the DNC song sheet is a plant by the right wing. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
Yeah... She at least had a chance to get my vote. Elected Democrats don't run their own party. I don't know who does... But... Ya'll gotta start putting up serious contenders for the middle.
The D Party is trying to purge itself of progressives. The party is doing it’s best imitation of the R Party. After all Joe is more conservative than Don, but libs and cons are unaware.
It's not purging itself of progressives....The nutbars infesting the party are the natural end product of the progressive mindset.
Yes it is. Picking Biden is all the proof you need. Old man conservative senile white dude. This after picking Her and Ears, all non-progressives and totally corporatist warmongers.

They purged Bernie, Tulsi, AOC, etc.
Um, I don't know how to break this to you...But progressives have always been corporatists and warmongers.

Biden is a sock puppet....Bernie and AOC are being pushed aside because they're too up front about who they are and what they represent.....But make no mistake about it, the party is full-on progressive
No way. If that were true, we’d have universal HC when O had full control of Congress in his first two years. Instead, they passed an R HC plan devised by Romney in MA.
Yes.............she refused to toe the line and march in lock step with the DNC.........which is why they didn't give her the time of day.

Now their true colors come out..............they eat their own...........OBEY or be snubbed..........or run over by a greyhound bus.

This is how they treat probably the best candidate they had.............LOL

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) confirmed Thursday night, just before the last night of the Democratic National Convention, that she was completely snubbed by the party, despite being a Democrat presidential candidate and receiving delegates.
She's a RWNJ plant.
She must be pretty good if Creepy doesn't like her! :abgg2q.jpg:

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