Tulsi Gabbard, whose policies are more in line with folks like Bernie, to headline CPAC! (Glenn Beck to keynote)

yeah i'm gonna post her big speech on this thread. stay tuned, folks!
I dont expect too much but she’s there for a reason

However if see just tells them what they want to hear she might as well stay home
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A big tent party? Can you name one thing, other than support of all things Trump that the right still stands for?
* Equal Economic Opportunity. Why do you think Immigrants flee failed Socialist, Communist, and Dictator countries?

* Small Business - many immigrants and people of color are owners of small businesses. The GOP is pro small business. Democrats do nothing for small businesses.

* Affordable Energy - many people across the working class are different colors and creeds. What are Democrats doing for affordable energy now besides begging foreign oil for more output?
Right, that's why she has had so much political success. What office does she hold, again?
Hey genius she may have left the US House to run for POTUS in 2020, but if she had been elected we would be better off to some extent than with Thief in Chief Biden who does not know his head from a hole in the ground.. Mind you I disagree with about 80 percent of what she stands for but I have more regard for her than 90 percent of the demrat party in DC.
What Tulsi going to CPAC shows is just how huge the conservative tent can become. Meanwhile, Democrats require proof of pronouns, privilege, and vaccination for entry.
Gabbard calls Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal "a disaster from start to finish"...i hope she raises the issue in her speech

This is good news. I'm a staunch Republican and Conservative, but I like Tulsi. I agree with her on some of her policies. She's soft-spoken and attractive, and appears to be the only sane Democrat.

The democrats outlawed sanity about the time the GOP outlawed conservatism.
Right, that's why she has had so much political success. What office does she hold, again?

The only way to succeed with this government is to be as corrupt as the rest of them. So measuring her lack of influence against a corrupt government, is ridiculous.
That's like judging a cyclist who who comes in last place, when all those in front are on roids.
What Tulsi going to CPAC shows is just how huge the conservative tent can become. Meanwhile, Democrats require proof of pronouns, privilege, and vaccination for entry.

It certainly hints toward what I've been telling folks around here for some time.

But I digress.

Though I'd disagree with you about any so-called conservative tent becoming bigger. The so-called 'conservative' tent, particularly leadership at higher levels of political office, has been allowing progressives to continue edging society further into deviancy, completely unchecked, for quite some time. They've lost their balls. They're too preoccupied with talking about it rather than getting busy beeing about it.

A storm is coming...
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Well Trump supports most of the things the party supports...sort of a silly qualifier.

Allowing people to keep more of the money they earned, equal opportunity for all Americans, world peace...you know the opposite of what the demafascit believe
You don't think Democrats want money, equal opportunity, and world peace? That's just stupid on your part. I noticed you didn't offer a real answer to my quetion though.
Yet I haven't received any answers. Seems to be a simple strait forward question.
You probably meant “straightforward.” And you’re wrong. I have provided some answers, already. Step away from your crack pipe.

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