Tulsi!!! Tulsi!!!! I'm thinking a DeSantis Gabbard ticket takes all 50 states in 2024

Tulsi Gabbard is a woman of color that is a threat to Democrats because she thinks for herself and has no problem calling bullshit on the party.
How will you feel after he off-shores your job?
He won't. Because I work for a German owned company. They set up a HQ in America. So they employ Americans to sell to Americans. Only thing is, the machines come from Germany and China.

You Republicans are such sheep. First you wanted to send all the jobs overseas, even though we told you that we sent too many and too many vital jobs overseas. Now you want to bring all the jobs back. You don't have brains. You're not realistic. And you can't keep fucking with the economy like this every 10 or 20 years and change things up. We accepted Reagan/Bush's invention that we now today call NAFTA. It's the law of the land. It's a global economy.

And now you want us to protect blue collar Americans who need jobs? Bullshit.

Plus, those jobs left were paying $30 hr and full benefits. You want to bring them back now and pay blue collar $15 hr. Maybe $20 now because of inflation. Thanks. Thanks for nothing. Or almost nothing.

Oh, and my German owners send people over here to see how I do what I do. They say it can't be done in Germany. Bullshit. If I spoke German it could be done.
He won't. Because I work for a German owned company. They set up a HQ in America. So they employ Americans to sell to Americans. Only thing is, the machines come from Germany and China.

You Republicans are such sheep. First you wanted to send all the jobs overseas, even though we told you that we sent too many and too many vital jobs overseas. Now you want to bring all the jobs back. You don't have brains. You're not realistic. And you can't keep fucking with the economy like this every 10 or 20 years and change things up. We accepted Reagan/Bush's invention that we now today call NAFTA. It's the law of the land. It's a global economy.

And now you want us to protect blue collar Americans who need jobs? Bullshit.

Plus, those jobs left were paying $30 hr and full benefits. You want to bring them back now and pay blue collar $15 hr. Maybe $20 now because of inflation. Thanks. Thanks for nothing. Or almost nothing.

Oh, and my German owners send people over here to see how I do what I do. They say it can't be done in Germany. Bullshit. If I spoke German it could be done.
The only people who wanted jobs sent overseas were business owners.
I think the Democrats should nominate Romney. He would get all our votes and 25% of Republicans would vote for him.

Which I would think would make conservatives happy.
We'd be more than happy for you folks to take him and no, he would certainly not get 25% of the Republican vote if he ran as a dem.
We'd be more than happy for you folks to take him and no, he would certainly not get 25% of the Republican vote if he ran as a dem.

Yes you guys would be very happy to see Trump go away. Don't believe me?

Fox News Analyst: Republicans Will Secretly Be 'Glad' If Jan. 6 Panel Damages Trump​

Brit Hume predicted "a great many Republicans would privately be very glad" if the findings made Trump's possible 2024 candidacy "go away."
i like it, but there are plenty of other quality candidates out there...i'm more of a Christie/Cotton guy so far
The EPA, clean air and clean water acts did that along with NAFTA.
And you object to a clean environment, clean air and clean water?

P.S. Reagan/Bush invented NAFTA. More Republicans in the Senate and House voted for it than did Democrats. Republicans GOT Clinton to sign it. It wasn't his beast. It was the Republicans monster. My how much your party has changed.

It was us liberals who said don't sign it. It was unions who said don't sign it. Now you agree with us? How many fucking years later? Too late stupid. Now you want to undo NAFTA? Fucking idiot. Certainly you aren't a captain of industry. The corporations you worship say it's a very bad idea to "bring jobs back home". Some jobs should come back home. Those high paying union jobs? Bring those back. But you won't. You'll bring them back at $15 hr.
Don't kid yourself. The Chinese got us hooked on cheap disposable crap that consumers never ceased bitching about but bought up by the truck load because of the price.
I know…but the business owners had to go to China to get the goods.
i like it, but there are plenty of other quality candidates out there...i'm more of a Christie/Cotton guy so far
Biden did cause inflation with all his stimulus checks to everyone like a fucking idiot. So I would vote for Christie now over him. Please Republicans get rid of Trump. PLEASE!

You already own the Supreme Court for the next 30 years so I'm not worried about who a Republican would appoint to the Supreme Court.

Companies already pay zero taxes. Can't go any lower.

The planet is already doomed. Fuck it. I'm 51. The planet only needs to last another 50 years imo. And the planet will be fine. It's humans who will be fucked. But I'll already be dead.

I have a lot invested so I'm half labor and half investor. Starting to become more investor class and less labor. I'm considered upper class. Not rich but upper class. Barely. Rich people do fine under Republicans not named Trump or Bush right? I think Christie would be great.
Biden did cause inflation with all his stimulus checks to everyone like a fucking idiot.
Flooding the economy with trillions of borrowed dollars always drives up inflation.

Other factors certainly figure in as well but waterfalls and skyfalls of free money always have and always will drive up inflation.

That's why we're about to see a major increase in interest rates in an attempt to reduce the money supply and bring inflation rates down.
Flooding the economy with trillions of borrowed dollars always drives up inflation.

Other factors certainly figure in as well but waterfalls and skyfalls of free money always have and always will drive up inflation.

That's why we're about to see a major increase in interest rates in an attempt to reduce the money supply and bring inflation rates down.
Yea he did way too much. For example, I got a stimulus. The first one at least. I was only furloughed 3 days and I make around $100K. Why did I get a stimulus? Why did my retired dad get stimulus money? What changed in his life? Nothing. And why give unemployed people extra money? I was unemployed. It was just as bad for me as it was for all the people who were unemployed because of covid. I had to live on $750 every two weeks why did they get more? That was bullshit!!

I think what Biden tried to do was instead of giving the rich all the money and hope it trickles down, he wanted to give money directly to the people. What he didn't realize is that money would cause inflation and go towards beer and weed.

I love it that interest rates are going up. Even Trump said Obama's economy was fake because he had to keep interest rates down. And then Trump kept it too low too. It's overdue for going up.

I am not looking to buy a home. So I don't care to see interest at zero. Raise it. Maybe we will start getting more interest in our savings accounts. People who don't have debt don't care what interest rates are.
He won't. Because I work for a German owned company. They set up a HQ in America. So they employ Americans to sell to Americans. Only thing is, the machines come from Germany and China.

You Republicans are such sheep. First you wanted to send all the jobs overseas, even though we told you that we sent too many and too many vital jobs overseas. Now you want to bring all the jobs back. You don't have brains. You're not realistic. And you can't keep fucking with the economy like this every 10 or 20 years and change things up. We accepted Reagan/Bush's invention that we now today call NAFTA. It's the law of the land. It's a global economy.

And now you want us to protect blue collar Americans who need jobs? Bullshit.

Plus, those jobs left were paying $30 hr and full benefits. You want to bring them back now and pay blue collar $15 hr. Maybe $20 now because of inflation. Thanks. Thanks for nothing. Or almost nothing.

Oh, and my German owners send people over here to see how I do what I do. They say it can't be done in Germany. Bullshit. If I spoke German it could be done.
I would be a sheep to believe much of what you claim about employment
I would be a sheep to believe much of what you claim about employment
I'm in MI. Every time a Republican is in office, Michigan gets fucked. They hate manufacturing and unions.

After the signing of the Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement in 1988, the administrations of U.S. president George H. W. Bush, Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, and Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney agreed to negotiate what became NAFTA.

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