Turkey shoots down Russian jet for violating its' air space.

I wasn't aware Obama was Turkey or Russia. :dunno:

The Russians assume that we control our allies like they control theirs, but we use our autonomous structure of alliances as a cover for what we secretly instigate.

Since Obama is a complete coward, in the Russian view, this means that our allies wouldnt dare to shoot down a Russian plane, but they had to test the matter.

So yes, Obama's ineffectiveness as a military leader and a coward has encouraged the Russians to treat us and our allies with contempt.
Read here for a journalistic report. If true, Erdogan needs to be punished.

"Moments ago, video footage surfaced from several Turkish media pages of an alleged Russian military aircraft being shot down near the Turkish border with the Latakia Governorate of northern Syria.

Several reports indicate that the Russian military aircraft was in fact an SU-24; however, there has been no proof provided other than claims made by social media activists and foreign journalists that have no information regarding the plane crash.

According to several social media activists, the Russian fighter jet crashed in Jabal Al-Turkmen (Turkmen Mountains in northern Latakia) after the two Russian pilots ejected, parachuting their way to safety.

As of now, all of this information is considered speculative – the Russian Defense Minister stated that preliminary reports assert an SU-24 was shot down before entering Turkish airspace; there has also been no official word from the Turkish Military Command regarding this alleged act of aggression against the Russian Federation.

The Russian Air Force has violated Turkish airspace before, but they were never confronted or fired on by the Turkish Air Defense’s; moreover, this alleged assault would likely create friction between these two superpowers in the region.

Turkish social media activists have alleged that 1 of the 2 pilots have been captured by the local Turkmen population; this is also based on speculation and not backed by fact."

More Obama legacy.

Are you a Republican? What do you think of Trump? Personally I'm not a big fan. Sometimes he does get it right though, like last month on Fox News when he called GWB "a disaster". Yes, he said "I think [Bush] was a disaster, and I think it (invading Iraq) was one of the worst decisions ever made,” Trump said. “[Bush] has totally destabilized the Middle East....." Again he said this last month, not years ago.
You can add that to Trumps previous statement to
O'Reilly that GW "didn't have the IQ " to handle Putin
and "the last thing we need in the White House is another Bush". He may be a clown but at least he knew cause and effect in this case. You can draw a straight line from Bush's decision to invade Iraq and the turmoil engulfing the M.E. right now. That's Bush's legacy and hey, don't blame me - the guy leading the race to become your next candidate for prez said it.
In Crimea, the Ukrainian radicals committed a terrorist act, leaving the peninsula without electricity.
In Syria, shoot down aircraft.
Ukrainian troops shelled Donetsk.

It seems to me or someone provokes Russia?
More Obama legacy.

Are you a Republican? What do you think of Trump? Personally I'm not a big fan. Sometimes he does get it right though, like last month on Fox News when he called GWB "a disaster". Yes, he said "I think [Bush] was a disaster, and I think it (invading Iraq) was one of the worst decisions ever made,” Trump said. “[Bush] has totally destabilized the Middle East....." Again he said this last month, not years ago.
You can add that to Trumps previous statement to
O'Reilly that GW "didn't have the IQ " to handle Putin
and "the last thing we need in the White House is another Bush". He may be a clown but at least he knew cause and effect in this case. You can draw a straight line from Bush's decision to invade Iraq and the turmoil engulfing the M.E. right now. That's Bush's legacy and hey, don't blame me - the guy leading the race to become your next candidate for prez said it.


roflmao, when will the Obamy regime grow up and accept responsibility for their stupid shit?
Some people are of the opinion that Turkey, is the little horn in the book of revelations.

I think itt is safe to say that you u can find some Christian wack-job that thinks just about anything on any topic anywhere.

They dont speak for the rest of us, thank God.
More Obama legacy.

Are you a Republican? What do you think of Trump? Personally I'm not a big fan. Sometimes he does get it right though, like last month on Fox News when he called GWB "a disaster". Yes, he said "I think [Bush] was a disaster, and I think it (invading Iraq) was one of the worst decisions ever made,” Trump said. “[Bush] has totally destabilized the Middle East....." Again he said this last month, not years ago.
You can add that to Trumps previous statement to
O'Reilly that GW "didn't have the IQ " to handle Putin
and "the last thing we need in the White House is another Bush". He may be a clown but at least he knew cause and effect in this case. You can draw a straight line from Bush's decision to invade Iraq and the turmoil engulfing the M.E. right now. That's Bush's legacy and hey, don't blame me - the guy leading the race to become your next candidate for prez said it.


roflmao, when will the Obamy regime grow up and accept responsibility for their stupid shit?

They are pretty simplistic aren't they. Good=Obama, Bad=Bush. Wasn't GW responsible for slavery in the 1700-1800's? :lmao:
Well....depends if Russia wants revenge on Turkey.

Oh....and Turkey is in NATO. Meaning Obama is obligated to defend them if they enter a conflict with Russia.

Remember....President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton allowed the situation over there to deteriorate to this. When they raised their hand and said they wanted to be the most powerful 2 people on Earth....this responsibility came with it.
It's nice to know that what bucs90 has to say is meaningless, as meaningless as the nutcase keys.
This wont be good. I am anxious to see how Russia will handle this. Turkey and the rebels... Allah Akbar!

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