Turkey’s Armenians Rediscover Their Identity


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
In a way, this reminds me of some Catholics in the American Southwest who are sending in samples of their DNA and finding out that they have Jewish roots. Now they know why every Friday night there was a clean white tablecloth set out and candles lit. I would imagine that many Muslims in the Middle East would find out that they actually have Christian roots since the lands were invaded by the Muslims who left the Saudi Peninsula and forced the ancestors of these Christians to convert.

Turkey’s Armenians Rediscover Their Identity
April 23, 2015 - 1:25pm, by Gayane Abrahamyan

A family of Muslim Armenians gather in their home in the Turkish village of Norshen, where 2,150 Armenians used to live in 1914. The family’s oldest members converted to Islam after the 1915 massacre by the Ottoman Empire. Many Islamized Armenians in Turkey are discovering their pre-1915 roots, getting baptized as Christians, and no longer concealing their Armenian identity. (Photo: Anahit Hayrapetyan)

Five years ago, 53-year-old freelance columnist Miran Pirgiç, a resident of the eastern Turkish region of Tunceli, decided to disclose a tightly held secret — his Armenian ethnicity. Increasingly, scores of ethnic Armenians whose ancestors survived the 1915 massacre and were raised as Turks, Kurds or Alevis are choosing to do the same.

For decades, fearing repercussions, many of Turkey’s ethnic Armenians have kept themselves concealed; observing religious rituals and Armenian customs such as coloring eggs for Easter privately, if at all. But the 2007 assassination of ethnic Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, an outspoken, Istanbul-based advocate for reconciliation between Turks and Armenians, proved a catalyst for change.

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Turkey s Armenians Rediscover Their Identity EurasiaNet.org
interesting , all the Armenians I ever met and I met lots of them were very proud to tell me the Armenia is Christian and I think the claim was that it was a very old Christian country . Don't know much more than that except they treated my wife and I very generously throughout the year but especially around both Christmas dates !! I remember them marching in remembrance of the Armenian genocide . ------------- above was in the USA Sally !!
My Armenian grandmother told me that during Turkey's reoccupation of Smyrna (Izmir) the Armenians there spoke only Turkish and Armenian. Some of them only spoke Turkish and pretended to be Turkish and thus not Christians so as not to become refugees along with the Greeks as they were being expelled or killed. Her (my) family were ratted out by a Turkish gardener and were forced to flee to Greece.

Great Fire of Smyrna - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
interesting , all the Armenians I ever met and I met lots of them were very proud to tell me the Armenia is Christian and I think the claim was that it was a very old Christian country . Don't know much more than that except they treated my wife and I very generously throughout the year but especially around both Christmas dates !! I remember them marching in remembrance of the Armenian genocide . ------------- above was in the USA Sally !!

I think they are talking about the Armenians who live in Turkey. One Armenian told me that the family was forced to drop their Armenian name and take a Turkish one instead. This family speaks Turkish as well as Armenian, and still has relatives in Turkey whom they visit for weddings and such. There are loads of Armenians out here in the Los Angeles area, especially in Glendale, California.

Glendale contains the largest Diaspora of Armenians anywhere in the world—in fact, it is the second largest Armenian community in the world, after Yerevan. The 30 square miles that make up the city is home to nearly 200,000 residents, of which 80,000 are estimated to be of Armenian decent (Covarrubias). It is home to numerous Armenian churches, shops, restaurants, and businesses. Take a walk in any of the city's streets and it's hard not to run into an Armenian owned establishment or to hear passersbys speaking their native Armenian tongue. Glendale is a microcosm of the Diaspora: Armenians from all walks of life and from all around the world can be found here. Over the last few decades, Glendale's strong Armenian community has flourished on many levels. It has produced authors, artists, theater and dance groups, newspapers and magazines, organizations, and various businesses.
Armenians were forcibly moved to make room for the Muslims living in the Balkans and Greece. Over a million died and their lands and homes were given to the Muslims from the Balkans. Since there were only about 2 million Armenians, they lost more of their population per capita than the Jews did during the holocaust. The Pope has called it genocide, it's time everyone calls it a genocide.
Armenians were forcibly moved to make room for the Muslims living in the Balkans and Greece. Over a million died and their lands and homes were given to the Muslims from the Balkans. Since there were only about 2 million Armenians, they lost more of their population per capita than the Jews did during the holocaust. The Pope has called it genocide, it's time everyone calls it a genocide.
Armenians were forcibly moved to make room for the Muslims living in the Balkans and Greece. Over a million died and their lands and homes were given to the Muslims from the Balkans. Since there were only about 2 million Armenians, they lost more of their population per capita than the Jews did during the holocaust. The Pope has called it genocide, it's time everyone calls it a genocide.

Is there any particular reason why you had to drag in the Jews? Both the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust (in which not only millions of Jews were killed but others too) are horrific events, and no one should forget either one of them.
My Armenian grandmother told me that during Turkey's reoccupation of Smyrna (Izmir) the Armenians there spoke only Turkish and Armenian. Some of them only spoke Turkish and pretended to be Turkish and thus not Christians so as not to become refugees along with the Greeks as they were being expelled or killed. Her (my) family were ratted out by a Turkish gardener and were forced to flee to Greece.

Great Fire of Smyrna - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It was a horrific time and sadly to be repeated in so many ways by the nazis against the jews of europe.
Even to day it is hard to imagine that a tenth of the world's population are refugees or displaced, and without action it will get worse.

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