Turkey's Teachers are Toast

This was the insult of them mocking prayer. They were caught and forced to repent.
I imagine most boys who are beaten and castrated would be apologizing. Heck even the dog who got fixed after going down the road on the morning he was scheduled to get fixed never left the yard again.

Castrations has only just been approved for pedophiles, as of may. It is not used in other cases.

This was the insult of them mocking prayer. They were caught and forced to repent.
I imagine most boys who are beaten and castrated would be apologizing. Heck even the dog who got fixed after going down the road on the morning he was scheduled to get fixed never left the yard again.

Castrations has only just been approved for pedophiles, as of may. It is not used in other cases.
Being nurtured is the same thing whether approved or not that is what the article stated that they did to the boys.

This was the insult of them mocking prayer. They were caught and forced to repent.
I imagine most boys who are beaten and castrated would be apologizing. Heck even the dog who got fixed after going down the road on the morning he was scheduled to get fixed never left the yard again.

Castrations has only just been approved for pedophiles, as of may. It is not used in other cases.
Being nurtured is the same thing whether approved or not that is what the article stated that they did to the boys.

Four articles were posted of the translations from their original sources.
Don't rely on facebook or propaganda blogs. Use the Indonesian news papers.

This was the insult of them mocking prayer. They were caught and forced to repent.
I imagine most boys who are beaten and castrated would be apologizing. Heck even the dog who got fixed after going down the road on the morning he was scheduled to get fixed never left the yard again.

Castrations has only just been approved for pedophiles, as of may. It is not used in other cases.
Being nurtured is the same thing whether approved or not that is what the article stated that they did to the boys.

Four articles were posted of the translations from their original sources.
Don't rely on facebook or propaganda blogs. Use the Indonesian news papers.
I copied that text word for word from the original article before it was changed. I came across the original article looking for something else. Just because facebook removes or deletes something does not mean that it is not true. It means that someone changed an article and made a complaint in this particular case. Your are basically saying do you believe your lying eyes or do you believe the later versions put online. I believe the original text and photos in this case.
This was the insult of them mocking prayer. They were caught and forced to repent.
I imagine most boys who are beaten and castrated would be apologizing. Heck even the dog who got fixed after going down the road on the morning he was scheduled to get fixed never left the yard again.

Castrations has only just been approved for pedophiles, as of may. It is not used in other cases.
Being nurtured is the same thing whether approved or not that is what the article stated that they did to the boys.

Four articles were posted of the translations from their original sources.
Don't rely on facebook or propaganda blogs. Use the Indonesian news papers.
I copied that text word for word from the original article before it was changed. I came across the original article looking for something else. Just because facebook removes or deletes something does not mean that it is not true. It means that someone changed an article and made a complaint in this particular case. Your are basically saying do you believe your lying eyes or do you believe the later versions put online. I believe the original text and photos in this case.

pengebirian, mengebiri, kebiri, kasim

Don't just assume a translations is correct
From Fox News Wednesday 7/20/16:
Turkish Higher Ed Council bans academics from traveling abroad and urges those overseas to return home immediately...Move comes as the gov't engages in widespread crackdown on those it suspects of involvement in Fri's failed coup...On Tuesday, authorities demanded resignation of 1,577 university deans, revoked licenses of 21,000 teachers and suspended 15,000 education ministry officials...

It's all over; freedom of thought is no longer legal in Turkey. From now on, It will be History, Philosophy and Civics according to Erdogan. Some will blame it on the Evil Muslims, but it's the same move that was made by China, by Russia, and probably by every other country that devolved into authoritarian rule. What will the next generation of Turkey's people believe? What they have learned, what is available for them to discover. The lights are going out in Turkey.

Let's make sure that never happens in our country. When some of you call our education system sheer shit and call our schools "indoctrination camps," think about what a real indoctrination camp is. Think about what is actually at stake when you call for making the public school curriculum and colleges less liberal-minded. Liberal-minded education gives both sides of the story, the winners and the losers. The people can decide if they want to take a side or just understand both. We would not have had a Revolution or be a country founded on the principles of the Enlightenment if our founding fathers had not learned the philosophies that shaped our Constitution and our country. The kings may not have been crazy about these ideas, but the words of the philosophers were in our libraries and were discussed by the thinkers of the time.

Why do I worry? What happened in Turkey can't happen here; that's absurd, right? On Wednesday, Trump told the New York Times “I give great credit to [Erdogan] for being able to turn that around,” praising Erdogan’s crackdown in response to an attempted military coup last week. Trump has shown admiration for Putin and Saddam Hussein, as well I do worry.

Read more: Trump Doesn’t Care About Erdogan’s Purges, Says He May Not Honor NATO Treaty

Trump said? as a person I ADMIRE SADAAM? or did he comment on one item of his actions that seemed effective?

Trump said? as a person I Admire Putin?-----or did he comment on one item of his actions that seemed effective?

----even a broken clock is right two times pre day
What I don't like is that Trump commented on strongarm tactics by all of these men he thought were effective--worthy of his admiration. They were tactics by dictators that would never fly in this democratic country. No one denies they are effective but I sure as hell don't want a leader here who uses them.
I think his comment was that it has now been demonstrated that some places NEED such leaders and they should have been left alone. He's right.
As a Monday morning quarterback, he's dead on, isn't he? But his comments were not to demonstrate that point.
I have to tell you that you are allegedly so ignorant that you drive me nuts.
Yet another poster with serious reading challenges.
really?....care to show me were i said cruz is the problem?...i can show you were you said it....
Would you please, Harry? That would clear up a lot for me.
so you just throw shit out there about people that isnt true?......i did not think you were like that....but hey,as Gomer Pyle used to say...."surprise,surprise".....
Quit goofin' on me, Harry.
ok....if you say so.....
You have the patience of a saint. God bless you - I'm an agnostic but I still haven't worked out ..... Stuff
I would shitcan the union my first day on the throne. Why? They protect the incompetent and make it more about a good job instead of what should come first, the kids. I would also let parents send kids to a school of their choosing. That would create competition, empty schools get no funds.
I believe Erdogan could have done that without firing 38,000 people and, according to Aris2, killing the majority of them. Why do you think he has taken over higher education? There is something in the content he finds threatening to his cause. Do you see how I might worry that some people in this country would like to eliminate all competing views in the education system, too?
I was commenting on this place, not Turkey. I don't like a dictator turning a secular culture into yet another Islamofascist stronghold. Where's the UN? What are they good for?
I wasn't really expecting an answer, so that's okay. I don't like what he's doing either, so mark the calendar. Iceweasel and OldLady agree on something for the first time in history.
I gave you an answer. I was also clearly talking about the US. Can you READ?
If I misunderstood you, my suggestion is to write more clearly.
My suggestion is to pull your head out of your arrogant ass and quit being such a liberal. I wrote to where a 4th grader could understand it. YOU are what's wrong with education in America. You are intellectually dishonest and only care to push agendas.

I said I wish we could do that HERE. What part of HERE was too complex for you? You asked what I would do if appointed king and I listed three or four things, none of which you responded to, instead you claimed I didn't give you an answer.

Let's make sure that never happens in our country.

That academia is dominated by certain groups with specific agendas? That part happened decades ago.

Liberal-minded education gives both sides of the story, the winners and the losers.

"Liberal" is the opposite of open mindedness.
Let's make sure that never happens in our country.

That academia is dominated by certain groups with specific agendas? That part happened decades ago.

Liberal-minded education gives both sides of the story, the winners and the losers.

"Liberal" is the opposite of open mindedness.
What are they "closed" to? What is not being taught that needs to be taught? I graduated college 20 years ago, and I'm in Adult Ed, not high school anymore, so what is going on?
I believe Erdogan could have done that without firing 38,000 people and, according to Aris2, killing the majority of them. Why do you think he has taken over higher education? There is something in the content he finds threatening to his cause. Do you see how I might worry that some people in this country would like to eliminate all competing views in the education system, too?
I was commenting on this place, not Turkey. I don't like a dictator turning a secular culture into yet another Islamofascist stronghold. Where's the UN? What are they good for?
I wasn't really expecting an answer, so that's okay. I don't like what he's doing either, so mark the calendar. Iceweasel and OldLady agree on something for the first time in history.
I gave you an answer. I was also clearly talking about the US. Can you READ?
If I misunderstood you, my suggestion is to write more clearly.
My suggestion is to pull your head out of your arrogant ass and quit being such a liberal. I wrote to where a 4th grader could understand it. YOU are what's wrong with education in America. You are intellectually dishonest and only care to push agendas.

I said I wish we could do that HERE. What part of HERE was too complex for you? You asked what I would do if appointed king and I listed three or four things, none of which you responded to, instead you claimed I didn't give you an answer.

I asked you to tell me one thing that is NOT BEING TAUGHT that should be, or one thing that is being taught that shouldn't. This thread was about what Erdogan seems to be doing -- removing anyone who teaches things he doesn't agree with. So when you chimed in that you'd like to do that here, I asked you what isn't being taught that should be, or that is being taught that shouldn't. You told me you'd get rid of unions and have competitive schools. There's nothing wrong with that, but it didn't answer my question. And I didn't call you names for it, did I? Who's being the asshole here?
I was commenting on this place, not Turkey. I don't like a dictator turning a secular culture into yet another Islamofascist stronghold. Where's the UN? What are they good for?
I wasn't really expecting an answer, so that's okay. I don't like what he's doing either, so mark the calendar. Iceweasel and OldLady agree on something for the first time in history.
I gave you an answer. I was also clearly talking about the US. Can you READ?
If I misunderstood you, my suggestion is to write more clearly.
My suggestion is to pull your head out of your arrogant ass and quit being such a liberal. I wrote to where a 4th grader could understand it. YOU are what's wrong with education in America. You are intellectually dishonest and only care to push agendas.

I said I wish we could do that HERE. What part of HERE was too complex for you? You asked what I would do if appointed king and I listed three or four things, none of which you responded to, instead you claimed I didn't give you an answer.

I asked you to tell me one thing that is NOT BEING TAUGHT that should be, or one thing that is being taught that shouldn't. This thread was about what Erdogan seems to be doing -- removing anyone who teaches things he doesn't agree with. So when you chimed in that you'd like to do that here, I asked you what isn't being taught that should be, or that is being taught that shouldn't. You told me you'd get rid of unions and have competitive schools. There's nothing wrong with that, but it didn't answer my question. And I didn't call you names for it, did I? Who's being the asshole here?
Wrong, post #74 proves you're a liar. I said what my beef was and answered clearly. You don't get to pretend some other conversation took place and claim victory. I said you were dishonest for a reason and will call a spade a spade.
From Fox News Wednesday 7/20/16:
Turkish Higher Ed Council bans academics from traveling abroad and urges those overseas to return home immediately...Move comes as the gov't engages in widespread crackdown on those it suspects of involvement in Fri's failed coup...On Tuesday, authorities demanded resignation of 1,577 university deans, revoked licenses of 21,000 teachers and suspended 15,000 education ministry officials...

It's all over; freedom of thought is no longer legal in Turkey. From now on, It will be History, Philosophy and Civics according to Erdogan. Some will blame it on the Evil Muslims, but it's the same move that was made by China, by Russia, and probably by every other country that devolved into authoritarian rule. What will the next generation of Turkey's people believe? What they have learned, what is available for them to discover. The lights are going out in Turkey.

Let's make sure that never happens in our country. When some of you call our education system sheer shit and call our schools "indoctrination camps," think about what a real indoctrination camp is. Think about what is actually at stake when you call for making the public school curriculum and colleges less liberal-minded. Liberal-minded education gives both sides of the story, the winners and the losers. The people can decide if they want to take a side or just understand both. We would not have had a Revolution or be a country founded on the principles of the Enlightenment if our founding fathers had not learned the philosophies that shaped our Constitution and our country. The kings may not have been crazy about these ideas, but the words of the philosophers were in our libraries and were discussed by the thinkers of the time.

Why do I worry? What happened in Turkey can't happen here; that's absurd, right? On Wednesday, Trump told the New York Times “I give great credit to [Erdogan] for being able to turn that around,” praising Erdogan’s crackdown in response to an attempted military coup last week. Trump has shown admiration for Putin and Saddam Hussein, as well I do worry.

Read more: Trump Doesn’t Care About Erdogan’s Purges, Says He May Not Honor NATO Treaty

Trump said? as a person I ADMIRE SADAAM? or did he comment on one item of his actions that seemed effective?

Trump said? as a person I Admire Putin?-----or did he comment on one item of his actions that seemed effective?

----even a broken clock is right two times pre day
What I don't like is that Trump commented on strongarm tactics by all of these men he thought were effective--worthy of his admiration. They were tactics by dictators that would never fly in this democratic country. No one denies they are effective but I sure as hell don't want a leader here who uses them.
I think his comment was that it has now been demonstrated that some places NEED such leaders and they should have been left alone. He's right.
As a Monday morning quarterback, he's dead on, isn't he? But his comments were not to demonstrate that point.
I have to tell you that you are allegedly so ignorant that you drive me nuts.
If you think it's ignorant to be concerned that Trump is currently criticizing our allies and holding up our enemies for their "good qualities," so be it.
I wasn't really expecting an answer, so that's okay. I don't like what he's doing either, so mark the calendar. Iceweasel and OldLady agree on something for the first time in history.
I gave you an answer. I was also clearly talking about the US. Can you READ?
If I misunderstood you, my suggestion is to write more clearly.
My suggestion is to pull your head out of your arrogant ass and quit being such a liberal. I wrote to where a 4th grader could understand it. YOU are what's wrong with education in America. You are intellectually dishonest and only care to push agendas.

I said I wish we could do that HERE. What part of HERE was too complex for you? You asked what I would do if appointed king and I listed three or four things, none of which you responded to, instead you claimed I didn't give you an answer.

I asked you to tell me one thing that is NOT BEING TAUGHT that should be, or one thing that is being taught that shouldn't. This thread was about what Erdogan seems to be doing -- removing anyone who teaches things he doesn't agree with. So when you chimed in that you'd like to do that here, I asked you what isn't being taught that should be, or that is being taught that shouldn't. You told me you'd get rid of unions and have competitive schools. There's nothing wrong with that, but it didn't answer my question. And I didn't call you names for it, did I? Who's being the asshole here?
Wrong, post #74 proves you're a liar. I said what my beef was and answered clearly. You don't get to pretend some other conversation took place and claim victory. I said you were dishonest for a reason and will call a spade a spade.
You still haven't answered my question, I'm guessing because you don't know the answer. Neither do 90% of the posters on this board who slam American education.
Trump said? as a person I ADMIRE SADAAM? or did he comment on one item of his actions that seemed effective?

Trump said? as a person I Admire Putin?-----or did he comment on one item of his actions that seemed effective?

----even a broken clock is right two times pre day
What I don't like is that Trump commented on strongarm tactics by all of these men he thought were effective--worthy of his admiration. They were tactics by dictators that would never fly in this democratic country. No one denies they are effective but I sure as hell don't want a leader here who uses them.
I think his comment was that it has now been demonstrated that some places NEED such leaders and they should have been left alone. He's right.
As a Monday morning quarterback, he's dead on, isn't he? But his comments were not to demonstrate that point.
I have to tell you that you are allegedly so ignorant that you drive me nuts.
If you think it's ignorant to be concerned that Trump is currently criticizing our allies and holding up our enemies for their "good qualities," so be it.
When did he do that? I heard the exact opposite.
I gave you an answer. I was also clearly talking about the US. Can you READ?
If I misunderstood you, my suggestion is to write more clearly.
My suggestion is to pull your head out of your arrogant ass and quit being such a liberal. I wrote to where a 4th grader could understand it. YOU are what's wrong with education in America. You are intellectually dishonest and only care to push agendas.

I said I wish we could do that HERE. What part of HERE was too complex for you? You asked what I would do if appointed king and I listed three or four things, none of which you responded to, instead you claimed I didn't give you an answer.

I asked you to tell me one thing that is NOT BEING TAUGHT that should be, or one thing that is being taught that shouldn't. This thread was about what Erdogan seems to be doing -- removing anyone who teaches things he doesn't agree with. So when you chimed in that you'd like to do that here, I asked you what isn't being taught that should be, or that is being taught that shouldn't. You told me you'd get rid of unions and have competitive schools. There's nothing wrong with that, but it didn't answer my question. And I didn't call you names for it, did I? Who's being the asshole here?
Wrong, post #74 proves you're a liar. I said what my beef was and answered clearly. You don't get to pretend some other conversation took place and claim victory. I said you were dishonest for a reason and will call a spade a spade.
You still haven't answered my question, I'm guessing because you don't know the answer. Neither do 90% of the posters on this board who slam American education.
I said what my beef was in response to your question now you want to pretend I was dodging a question you didn't ask. You should not be teaching anybody anything. You are corrupt!
Universities in the US and the U.K. have been infested with leftards. They need to be more balanced, much more so. Safe spaces, trigger words, speech codes, cultural appropriation crap, trying to cancel/bar right wing speakers, and destroying free speech - just a few examples that come to mind.

How Liberals Ruined College

...On today’s campuses, left-leaning administrators, professors, and students are working overtime in their campaign of silencing dissent, and their unofficial tactics of ostracizing, smearing, and humiliation are highly effective. But what is even more chilling—and more far reaching—is the official power they abuse to ensure the silencing of views they don’t like. They’ve invented a labyrinth of anti-free speech tools that include “speech codes,” “free speech zones,” censorship, investigations by campus “diversity and tolerance offices,” and denial of due process. They craft “anti-harassment policies” and “anti-violence policies” that are speech codes in disguise. According to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education’s (FIRE) 2014 report on campus free speech, “Spotlight on Speech Codes,” close to 60 percent of the four hundred–plus colleges they surveyed “seriously infringe upon the free speech rights of students.” Only 16 of the schools reviewed in 2014 had no policies restricting protected speech. Their 2015 report found that of the 437 schools they surveyed, “more than 55 percent maintain severely restrictive, ‘red light’ speech codes—policies that clearly and substantially prohibit protected speech.” FIRE’s Greg Lukianoff attributed the slight drop to outside pressure from free-speech groups and lawsuits....

How Liberals Ruined College
From the same article:

...For many Americans the term “speech code” sends shivers up the spine. Yet these noxious and un-American codes have become commonplace on college campuses across the United States. They are typically so broad that they could include literally anything and are subject to the interpretation of school administrators, who frequently fail to operate as honest brokers. In the hands of the illiberal left, the speech codes are weapons to silence anyone—professors, students, visiting speakers—who expresses a view that deviates from the left’s worldview or ideology. Speech that offends them is redefined as “harassment” or “hate speech” both of which are barred by most campus speech codes. At Colorado College, a private liberal arts college, administrators invented a “violence” policy that was used to punish non-violent speech. The consequences of violating a speech code are serious: it can often lead to public shaming, censoring, firings, suspensions, or expulsions, often with no due process.

How Liberals Ruined College
Last edited:
And more:

...Instead, the politically correct university is a world of land mines, where faculty and students have no idea what innocuous comment might be seen as an offense. In December 2014, the president of Smith College, Kathleen McCartney, sent an email to the student body in the wake of the outcry over two different grand juries failing to indict police officers who killed African-American men. The subject heading read “All Lives Matter” and the email opened with, “As members of the Smith community we are struggling, and we are hurting.” She wrote, “We raise our voices in protest.” She outlined campus actions that would be taken to “heal those in pain” and to “teach, learn and share what we know” and to “work for equity and justice.”

Shortly thereafter, McCartney sent another email. This one was to apologize for the first. What had she done? She explained she had been informed by students “the phrase/hashtag ‘all lives matter’ has been used by some to draw attention away from the focus on institutional violence against black people.” She quoted two students, one of whom said, “The black students at this school deserve to have their specific struggles and pain recognized, not dissolved into the larger student body.” The Daily Hampshire Gazette reported that a Smith sophomore complained that by writing “All Lives Matter,” “It felt like [McCartney] was invalidating the experience of black lives.” Another Smith sophomore told the Gazette, “A lot of my news feed was negative remarks about her as a person.” In her apology email McCartney closed by affirming her commitment to “working as a white ally.”

McCartney clearly was trying to support the students and was sympathetic to their concerns and issues. Despite the best of intentions, she caused grievous offense. The result of a simple mistake was personal condemnation by students. If nefarious motives are imputed in this situation, it’s not hard to extrapolate what would, and does, happen to actual critics who are not obsequiously affirming the illiberal left....

How Liberals Ruined College
And more:

...Instead, the politically correct university is a world of land mines, where faculty and students have no idea what innocuous comment might be seen as an offense. In December 2014, the president of Smith College, Kathleen McCartney, sent an email to the student body in the wake of the outcry over two different grand juries failing to indict police officers who killed African-American men. The subject heading read “All Lives Matter” and the email opened with, “As members of the Smith community we are struggling, and we are hurting.” She wrote, “We raise our voices in protest.” She outlined campus actions that would be taken to “heal those in pain” and to “teach, learn and share what we know” and to “work for equity and justice.”

Shortly thereafter, McCartney sent another email. This one was to apologize for the first. What had she done? She explained she had been informed by students “the phrase/hashtag ‘all lives matter’ has been used by some to draw attention away from the focus on institutional violence against black people.” She quoted two students, one of whom said, “The black students at this school deserve to have their specific struggles and pain recognized, not dissolved into the larger student body.” The Daily Hampshire Gazette reported that a Smith sophomore complained that by writing “All Lives Matter,” “It felt like [McCartney] was invalidating the experience of black lives.” Another Smith sophomore told the Gazette, “A lot of my news feed was negative remarks about her as a person.” In her apology email McCartney closed by affirming her commitment to “working as a white ally.”

McCartney clearly was trying to support the students and was sympathetic to their concerns and issues. Despite the best of intentions, she caused grievous offense. The result of a simple mistake was personal condemnation by students. If nefarious motives are imputed in this situation, it’s not hard to extrapolate what would, and does, happen to actual critics who are not obsequiously affirming the illiberal left....

How Liberals Ruined College
Thank you for the article. If things are indeed that sensitized at campuses across the country, perhaps it is being taken too far. I'd like to hear the other side of it, I guess, or have some actual experience on a campus these days before I say yay or nay. But may I remind everyone of the intention of this vile hushing of conservative voices: to prohibit the “insulting, teasing, mocking, degrading or ridiculing another person or group.” Now, based on your posts, I realize that's not something you agree with, Tilly, but a lot of people do try to live by those standards. The issue seems to be students who are ultra-sensitive to words that insult or degrade when no harm was meant, or such ultra sensitivity to an opposing view that it is prohibited when it has no intention to degrade anyone, is just a different stance. Maybe administrators are so anxious to keep their jobs that they are catering to those sensitivities to the point of the ludicrous. Maybe.

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