Turkish Defector Says He Was Ordered to Kill Politician in Austria

what is Erdogan thinking? is he even thinking?

This entire situation is under full investigation by my Ministry, the Ministry of Interior and my immediate boss Karl Nehammer is conducting the investigation along with the BVT.

The ex-politician is Aygül Berivan Aslan, she is of Kurdish Origin, she has not been a politician since 2017 and we consider her a Subversive but obviously we can't have Foreign Types being assassinated within our nation and she is an out spoken critic of Erdogan and because of this there could be a connection to the Grey Wolves. Considering we have had some problems with Grey Wolves attacking Kurds, this has happened on many occasions we cannot rule out that this is not connected in some way to the Grey Wolves Organisation that we have already banned last year and have under surveillance.

The detained Feyyaz Öztürk first stated that he was part of Turkish Intelligence and has now denied that he is part of Turkish Intelligence, further investigations are continuing and also a separate investigation into whether there is any contact between the detained and the Grey Wolves who are fanatically Pro-Erdogan.

The Grey Wolves are the largest Far-Right Extremist Group in Germany and this unfortunately is how we have ended up with having Grey Wolves with us.

They came in from across the border, they were in Germany and they crossed the border and we have literally been trying to deport them back to Turkey for about 5 years but Erdogan won't let them back in Turkey.

We have had them under observation since early 2018 and banned the organisation in mid-2019 and they did not cause any actual problems until the first week of July 2020 when they got into it with a group of Chechens. We need to remove the Chechens as well, they came in from Germany also. Chechnya is complicated, it's the Chechen Republic, it's an autonomous zone within the Russian Federation but they have their own De Facto leader. It is VERY VERY complicated.

In July we had the assassination of a Chechen in Wien who was an out spoken critic of Chechen De Facto leader Ramzan Kadyrov. The assassinated Chechen had Political Asylum.

There has been a co-ordinated series of Chechen Dissidents being assassinated across this Continent, just this year we have had:

In January in Sweden a Chechen was stabbed in his apartment. He survived.
In February in France a Chechen had his throat cut in a hotel room. He also was stabbed 135 times.
In March in Germany a Chechen was shot dead in a park - correction not murdered 2020, murdered August 2019.
In July in Wien a Chechen was shot dead in the street.

ALL these Chechens had ONE thing in common, they were vocal critics of the De Facto leader of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. This has been going on since effective 2004 but became more frequent from 2009, it began in 2004 when Ramzan Kadyrov became the De Facto leader of Chechnya following the assassination of his father Akhmad Kadyrov who was the first President of the Chechen Republic from 2003 until his assassination in 2004.


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Sounds like the Grey Wolves learned their spy craft techniques from the Israeli Mossad. ... :cool:
Sounds like the Grey Wolves learned their spy craft techniques from the Israeli Mossad. ... :cool:

This I can't answer.

What I can answer is that the Grey Wolves would not be in our nation if we would have been the Government at the time they came in, this is the responsibility of the Government of Viktor Klima and the Government of 1997-2000, that Coalition was ended by our friend Wolfgang Schüssel who then formed a normal Government ie. ÖVP from 2000-2007.

The situation of a Subversive like Aygül Berivan Aslan being allowed into our nation the responsibility is with the Government of Franz Vranitzky 1986-1997 and also again Viktor Klima. During the period from 1986-2000 when we unfortunately had to deal with 14 years of the Social Democrats they did not care about our Borders and just allowed anyone in, this included many problem peoples who had escaped The Balkan War from 1991 to early 2000. Then beginning in late 2000 when we got a normal Conservative Government this all stopped. The situation is that all the problems we have ever been forced to deal with have been caused by the stupidity of allowing the Social Democrats to form a Government, thank God nobody wants the Social Democrats anymore and thank God we have Sebastian as our leader who does protect our Borders and has his priorities in the correct order.

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