Turkish naval warships to accompany Turkish prime minister on the next aid mission

Someone need to tell him that he is Turkish prime minister not the Ottoman Empire king.
The Turkish Army??? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ....Not so fast .... Israel has been at war for 50 years...Turkey is soft.
Israel will still stop the ship.

They may actually wait until it is in their territorial waters this time (which they should have done the first time), but the ship will be redirected to a port of its choosing, just like the second flotilla was.
I would hope they don't come to blows, but if they do, Israel will kick their collective asses, and another escalation in middle east conflicts with martyrs on both sides rallying more to war, just what we need.

Why don't they all just order more satellite TV, and watch MTV and VH1 and chill the "F" out. What other programs would interest them I wonder?

Hey, and join USMB and discuss their differences in a sane and calm and respecful manner!:D
This is a manufactured war. The Turks have no moral high ground to claim here; they won't even acknowledge the Armenian Genocide.


Israel may have mishandled the flotilla but there's no excuse for trying to start WW III. Where the fuck is our State Department when it might actually help? How's about we blockade the ship?
This is a manufactured war. The Turks have no moral high ground to claim here; they won't even acknowledge the Armenian Genocide.


Israel may have mishandled the flotilla but there's no excuse for trying to start WW III. Where the fuck is our State Department when it might actually help? How's about we blockade the ship?

State Department? Hell, we don't even have an Immigration Department, well in name we do, I guess. :D
Turkish naval warships to accompany Turkish prime minister on the next aid mission

shit is about to get serious. turkey's army would fuck israel up. if I was israel, after much bitching, etc ( PR ), I would then let them through claiming diplomacy etc cuz PM on board

Holy Shimolies!

Yeah, having Turkish ships of the line defending the vessels bringing humanitarian aid GAZA is certainly going to create an international crises of the highest order.

I am sure that diplomatic pouches between Washington and Ankara are stuffed to the brim, right now.

Isreal will say that Turkey's navy entering their water is a violation of their national rights, and who can argue that it isn't?

Turkey appears to be saying (should they do this) that their humanitarian mission trumps the soverign rights of Isreal and Turkey will have enormous support from humanitarians worldwide, too.

This could get very messy very quickly.
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Turkish naval warships to accompany Turkish prime minister on the next aid mission

shit is about to get serious. turkey's army would fuck israel up. if I was israel, after much bitching, etc ( PR ), I would then let them through claiming diplomacy etc cuz PM on board

Holy Shimolies!

Yeah, having Turkish ships of the line defending the vessels bring aid GAZA is certainly going to pose an international crises.

I am sure that diplomatic pouches between Washington and Ankara are stuffed to the brim.

Isreal will say that turkey's navy entering their water is a violation of their nation and they will be right that it is, too.

Turkey appears to be saying (should they do this) that their humanitarian mission trumps the soverign rights of Isreal and Turkey will have enormous support from humanitarians worldwide, too.

This could get very messy very quickly.

And the sad part is that most of us will never know the truth of who started what and when. Same old crap throughout the millenniums, and who loses, the very people everywhere in the majority usually, that in no way desire to go to war, but to just live life in peace and raise their families.

Earth, the Planet of War. What a legacy.
Turkish naval warships to accompany Turkish prime minister on the next aid mission

shit is about to get serious. turkey's army would fuck israel up. if I was israel, after much bitching, etc ( PR ), I would then let them through claiming diplomacy etc cuz PM on board

Holy Shimolies!

Yeah, having Turkish ships of the line defending the vessels bring aid GAZA is certainly going to pose an international crises.

I am sure that diplomatic pouches between Washington and Ankara are stuffed to the brim.

Isreal will say that turkey's navy entering their water is a violation of their nation and they will be right that it is, too.

Turkey appears to be saying (should they do this) that their humanitarian mission trumps the soverign rights of Isreal and Turkey will have enormous support from humanitarians worldwide, too.

This could get very messy very quickly.

And the sad part is that most of us will never know the truth of who started what and when. Same old crap throughout the millenniums, and who loses, the very people everywhere in the majority usually, that in no way desire to go to war, but to just live life in peace and raise their families.

Earth, the Planet of War. What a legacy.

The failed human experiment.
tudents plan counter-flotilla

Flotilla organized to aid Turkey's oppressed Kurds, Armenians; show up world's hypocrisy after sharp criticism of Israel's raid on Gaza flotilla
Yaheli Moran Zelikovich

Israeli students are planning a "peace flotilla" to Turkey with humanitarian aid for nations who suffered under Turkish imperialism – the Kurds and Armenians. The initiative comes in response to the world's sharp criticism of Israel's lethal raid on the Gaza flotilla which left nine activists dead and many wounded.

The organizers are currently seeking a suitable vessel and trying to recruit other students to the cause. No date has yet been set, but a skipper has been found: Arik Ofir, a member of the navy veteran's union and owner of a private business. They have also obtained medical supplies, and hope that by the end of the week they will be able to set out.

Hurriyet newspaper publishes photos of Israeli Commando soldiers bruised, bleeding after being beaten by activists aboard Gaza-bound Marmara aid vessel. Report says army erased photos, but they were reproduced. IDF: Images prove ship was carrying mercenaries
Full Story

"The whole world saw the flotilla and thought Israel is a terrible state, which comes to shoot people who call themselves peace activists," said Chairman of the National Students Union Boaz Torporovsky, who is also involved. "It's absurd that they always put the Israeli occupation in the headlines and don't talk about extreme Islamic terror. There's a lot of hypocrisy in the world.

"Turkey, which leads the campaign against Israel and makes all sorts of threats is the same Turkey that carried out a holocaust and murdered an entire nation of Armenians, and oppresses a minority larger than the Palestinians – the Kurds – who deserve a state, who have demanded a state for longer than the State of Israel has existed."

Ottoman massacre of Armenians according to a 19th century etching (Photo: Visual/Photos)

"For this reason," he continued, "we have decided to help that minority and show up the hypocrisy of the Turkish government. We are sure that they won't care if we sent humanitarian aid. It'll be a peace flotilla without the knives or stones that hurt IDF soldiers, without violence, which is intended for all those oppressed by the Turkish government.

"If (Prime Minister Recep Tayyip) Erdogan's heart is where his mouth is, which we all know isn't so, he has no reason to prevent the flotilla from arriving."

And what about the practicalities? "For the flotilla to work, we need three elements: Money, logistics and balls," he said. "We're bringing the balls and some of the logistics, but we need lots of money."

The National Student Union has been active in PR for a long time. Torporovsky even infiltrated into a UN conference once, and slammed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, an incident which received extensive coverage around the world.

Student representatives even got in contact with Iranian students oppressed by the regime in an attempt to raise awareness about what is happening in Iran.

Students plan counter-flotilla - Israel News, Ynetnews
The Israeli students showing Turkish hypocrisy is a great idea:clap2:
The Turkish military is not so under the thumb of the politicians as should be the case. They have come out and replaced the PM several times over the years, and then gone back to the barracks.

If he pushes the issue, the army will move, arrest the PM, put him in a mental institution and hold new elections.

They are also not above bare faced electoral fraud to get the result they want.

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