Turning Point Christian School Indoctrinating Students

Fake news, right?
Nope, he said it but he said he could. Different than actually doing it. But if it wasn't for the liberals putting it on national news networks to make Trump look bad. The children would never of heard about it.
I will end this deflection with the "We We We" nonsense.
We get it! Everybody gets scared at some point in their life. We understand that you probably get so frightened at the idea of what's coming in November that you cry in your bed at night. I'll look up the number of a suicide hotline for you, if that'll help.
A Riverside, California pre-school teacher sent a video to parents of her students chanting political persuasion and propaganda.
The subject was the President Joe Biden. It was the first history lesson taught to the 4-5 year old students.

"The video lasts only about eight seconds. You can hear a teacher asking the students, "Who's our President." The students then respond in unison, "Biden!" The teacher then asks the students "What do we want to do with him?" and the students respond twice, "We want him out!"

Smart little tykes
We get it! Everybody gets scared at some point in their life. We understand that you probably get so frightened at the idea of what's coming in November that you cry in your bed at night. I'll look up the number of a suicide hotline for you, if that'll help.
Since the last president was installed, not by the people. But he is pissing off the young generation.
This is how all religions work, early indoctrination.

When I was still involved in the church I ran a large Children's program and it was beat into the heads of the leaders that once a person became an adult there was only about a 5% chance of them becoming Christians.

It has to start early.
Since the last president was installed, not by the people. But he is pissing off the young generation.

I have to admit these kids of post just bring joy to my heart. Knowing that so many of you are living in a perpetual state of being pissed off over the last election is just heart warming .
This is how all religions work, early indoctrination.

When I was still involved in the church I ran a large Children's program and it was beat into the heads of the leaders that once a person became an adult there was only about a 5% chance of them becoming Christians.

It has to start early.
Eternity is a long time and you can chose your option. Heaven or hell. I know there are crap churches but if they force you to do anything, run. My church teaches love, for everyone and the choice is yours to make.
Eternity is a long time and you can chose your option.

If you are born in the right place. The cosmic dice are not kind. Be born in Iraq, live and die and never once hear the Gospel of Jesus and BOOM you are burning in hell.

Seems a tad unfair.
The only good thing is Biden is making sure Democrats will be out of power for a while.

Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. The duopoly ensures neither party stays out of power for very long at all.
If you are born in the right place. The cosmic dice are not kind. Be born in Iraq, live and die and never once hear the Gospel of Jesus and BOOM you are burning in hell.

Seems a tad unfair.
Can't explain that one, but the God I worship wouldn't let the unknown being punished that way. Just like the children that cannot understand go to heaven.
Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. The duopoly ensures neither party stays out of power for very long at all.
Biden is purposely screwing the pooch to hurt America. What do you think about the next 3 years of this? If he stays in that long.
Can't explain that one, but the God I worship wouldn't let the unknown being punished that way. Just like the children that cannot understand go to heaven.

The bible does not support your view that God wouldn't let the unknown being punished that way.

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