Turning Point Christian School Indoctrinating Students

Biden is purposely screwing the pooch to hurt America.

You give him too much credit, he was always sort of an idiot and now he is an idiot that is suffering from from declining mental acuity

What do you think about the next 3 years of this? If he stays in that long.

I have a bet with the wife that he is out of office by 2023, so I doubt he will last that long.

Regardless, we survived Bush II and Obama and Trump, we will survive Biden as well
Scripture on that? I know he says if you don't accept him. You're a lost soul, but I don't think a person lost because he wasn't told about him. Would be punished.

The bible says there is one way, and only one way, to have eternal life.
You give him too much credit, he was always sort of an idiot and now he is an idiot that is suffering from from declining mental acuity

I have a bet with the wife that he is out of office by 2023, so I doubt he will last that long.

Regardless, we survived Bush II and Obama and Trump, we will survive Biden as well
I don't know, China is talking about quiting using dollars to purchase oil and there are a lot of oil enriched countries that would like that also. If that happens that wouldn't be good. We are to far in debt for that to happen and that's the fault of both parties.
A Riverside, California pre-school teacher sent a video to parents of her students chanting political persuasion and propaganda.
The subject was the President Joe Biden. It was the first history lesson taught to the 4-5 year old students.

"The video lasts only about eight seconds. You can hear a teacher asking the students, "Who's our President." The students then respond in unison, "Biden!" The teacher then asks the students "What do we want to do with him?" and the students respond twice, "We want him out!"


You don't know the difference between private and public education?
I don't know, China is talking about quiting using dollars to purchase oil and there are a lot of oil enriched countries that would like that also

China has been doing that for a long time, but most oil enriched countries do not want that because China manipulates the value of the currency and could devastate the oil enriched countries if they choose to do so once their oil was tied to the Yuan
I don't believe school is for teaching kids what to think. It's for teaching kids how to think.

I disagree that any school, private, or government should be teaching kids what to think.

That being said, this is a private school and if any of the parents don't like it, they're free to send their kids to public school, or another private school.

There's nothing the government can, or should do about this.
China has been doing that for a long time, but most oil enriched countries do not want that because China manipulates the value of the currency and could devastate the oil enriched countries if they choose to do so once their oil was tied to the Yuan
Our dollar is weak right now, you're trying to tell me that other countries that hate us wouldn't take advantage of this? I hope they won't, but a dumbass that shut down oil, and refuses permits on most of those 9000 fields, he states are open. Is hurting us big time.
Our dollar is weak right now, you're trying to tell me that other countries that hate us wouldn't take advantage of this?

I am telling you they will not tie it to the Yuan, not with the way China changes its value anytime they like.

I hope they won't, but a dumbass that shut down oil, and refuses permits on most of those 9000 fields, he states are open. Is hurting us big time.

I know that is what your party masters told you, but it is a lie

The dot is Feb 2021, US oil production is up 16% since then


The number of active wells in Feb 2021 was 397, in Jan 2020 it was up to 601. That is a 51% increase in that time.

Look, I agree with you that Biden sucks, but that does not change the facts about oil production in the US
Hey ButterCup you gave this a thumbs down, why not show me where I am wrong

The bible does not support your view that God wouldn't let the unknown being punished that way.
Barack Obama ... Mmmmm mmmm mmmmm

Except it was Barack Hussein Obama that they chanted before that became politically incorrect.

If it was a Christian school, then it was a private school. No one put a gun to anyone's head to fund it or to send their kids to. More than I can say for Hussein Elementary or where ever it was that they chanted about Barack.
I am telling you they will not tie it to the Yuan, not with the way China changes its value anytime they like.

I know that is what your party masters told you, but it is a lie

The dot is Feb 2021, US oil production is up 16% since then

View attachment 619261

The number of active wells in Feb 2021 was 397, in Jan 2020 it was up to 601. That is a 51% increase in that time.

Look, I agree with you that Biden sucks, but that does not change the facts about oil production in the US
Not as high as it was.
A Riverside, California pre-school teacher sent a video to parents of her students chanting political persuasion and propaganda.
The subject was the President Joe Biden. It was the first history lesson taught to the 4-5 year old students.

"The video lasts only about eight seconds. You can hear a teacher asking the students, "Who's our President." The students then respond in unison, "Biden!" The teacher then asks the students "What do we want to do with him?" and the students respond twice, "We want him out!"

Yep. This stuff is no good. For me as a parent this is right up there with transgender activism in the young classroom.

These kids don't know from politics, and trying to get them engaged in it is brainwashing.

It doesn't matter if it's left or right yanking their chain, the important thing is it's being yanked.

How DARE this teacher bring her personal political bullshit into my daughter's classroom!

Fire her retarded inconsiderate ass. Do it NOW.

Unless the parents actually requested this kind of education? I don't know of many who would. Some might, but child abuse comes in many forms...

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