Turning The Other Cheek

I don't think He meant for us to constantly be doormats and take crap from other people either.
You aren't a doormat if you argue the truth and the other guy argues to insult. He is because he is harming himself. Nothing anyone says about you or what your believe can harm you. You can only harm yourself by what you say, do and think. You don't even have to explain it to him. As long as you continue to make true statements he will eventually leave.
You aren't a doormat if you argue the truth and the other guy argues to insult.
if ever there was a brown nose ... bing would be first in line. - 2021 a close 2nd.
What you intend for evil, God is using for good.
The first mark of righteous anger is that it reacts against actual sin. It arises from an accurate perception of what is actually evil.
There are many millions of people walking around feeling their "righteous anger" toward Donald Trump and they are fully convinced he is "evil". That in their mind justifies their anger. But that comes down to their perception, and it is quite possible that their perception has been shaped by the information they have been fed, not by any actual knowledge of Donald Trump.
Lying and deceiving, and being untruthful is a sin. It breaks God's Law. So, if they are angry for that reason, it could be righteous anger....
The funny thing is, Joe Biden has been doing more of it [lying] for far longer. I'm still waiting for the 'righteous' anger toward him.
Name the lies or even 1 so we can discuss.
there are over 50 years of lies. I'm not about to jump through your hoops. I'm sure you can find them, if you really valued honesty.
That's what Jesus taught and that's what I tend to do,.. however,.. I don't think He meant for us to constantly be doormats and take crap from other people either. I mean, just look how angry He got when His temple was being used for a marketplace. It was justified anger. So,.. how do we know when our anger is justified or to simply walk away? Any ideas?

Pray. Constantly seek God's guidance.
That's what Jesus taught and that's what I tend to do,.. however,.. I don't think He meant for us to constantly be doormats and take crap from other people either. I mean, just look how angry He got when His temple was being used for a marketplace. It was justified anger. So,.. how do we know when our anger is justified or to simply walk away? Any ideas?
A "Christian's" conscience is supposed to be directed by the Holy Scriptures.....as that is how the Holy Spirit communicates God's will. Why? A Christian knows and comprehends through those Holy Words that he will be judged by those same scriptures.....so the Christian should want to be sure that his actions are authorized by God. (John 12:48)

What do the scriptures have to say about the use of force and or violence by a Christian? Violence should never be the first course of action, it depends upon the situation and whether you are in mortal danger or are simply being insulted with no personal violence directed at you. Its one thing to turn the other cheek when you have only been insulted such as a slap on the face (Matt.5:38-39).......physical retribution is not called for.......and its another when someone places your life and or property in danger. One has the right to defend both. As detailed by the Christ Himself (Luke 11:21) The Christ taught in a parable format, "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace (home), his goods are in peace."

Then we are instructed to defend first and foremost our Household/Families (1 Tim. 5:8) Anyone that does not is worse than an infidel.

A good example of turning the other cheek would be found in (Luke 9:51-56) A Samaritan village refused to allow Jesus and His disciples to stay overnight..........2 of Christ's disciples (James and John) became angered and asked the Lord if they should command fire from heaven destroy the village? Christ responded, "You do not know of what spirit you are.........The Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them". An insult does not constitute mortal danger.

Being wronged for the sake of the Gospel is nothing new to a Christian......but again, being rejected because of your faith is one thing and being physically threatened via mortal danger is another.

Some people falsely teach that Christianity is a religion of Pacifism........Truth as revealed from heaven was the very mission statement of Christ Jesus. He never instructed total pacifism. Nor has God instructed such. As the scriptures tell us there is a time for everything to include the necessity of killing through righteous justification. (Eccl. 3:3)

God has authorized the world governments to bear the sword in a punitive manner (even up to capital punishment) -- Romans 13:1-4

He permits Christians to work for government and military organizations (Luke 3:14; Acts 10:1-8, 34-38, 11:18). And again God charges us with providing and protecting our own households. (1 Tim 5:8)

Jesus even demanded that His disciples ARM THEMSELVES when arms for self defense was required (Luke 22:35-36)

Conclusion: "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven; A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted, A TIME TO KILL, AND A TIME TO HEAL, A TIME TO BREAK DOWN, A TIME TO BUILD UP.........."

A Christian's duty is to discern the time and place for all these natural events.........via allowing the Holy Spirit to live within you. How does that Spirit live in you? You get your directions from the Holy Scriptures that are a direct product of inspiration from the Holy Spirit. If you allow those words to live in, guide you, and come first with every situation encountered.......what spirit other than the Holy Spirit is directing your path? Your mind is a product of your spirit.......when you allow the Spirit of God to live in your mind.....only then can you be directed by God, that is when you directly allow God into your life. You are free to accept or reject that Spirit at your own risk. Man is not capable of guiding his own steps. (Jer. 10:23)
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That's what Jesus taught and that's what I tend to do,.. however,.. I don't think He meant for us to constantly be doormats and take crap from other people either. I mean, just look how angry He got when His temple was being used for a marketplace. It was justified anger. So,.. how do we know when our anger is justified or to simply walk away? Any ideas?
A "Christian's" conscience is supposed to be directed by the Holy Scriptures.....as that is how the Holy Spirit communicates God's will. Why? A Christian knows and comprehends through those Holy Words that he will be judged by those same scriptures.....so the Christian should want to be sure that his actions are authorized by God. (John 12:48)

What do the scriptures have to say about the use of force and or violence by a Christian? Violence should never be the first course of action, it depends upon the situation and whether you are in mortal danger or are simply being insulted with no personal violence directed at you. Its one thing to turn the other cheek when you have only been insulted such as a slap on the face (Matt.5:38-39).......physical retribution is not called for.......and its another when someone places your life and or property in danger. One has the right to defend both. As detailed by the Christ Himself (Luke 11:21) The Christ taught in a parable format, "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace (home), his goods are in peace."

Then we are instructed to defend first and foremost our Household/Families (1 Tim. 5:8) Anyone that does not is worse than an infidel.

A good example of turning the other cheek would be found in (Luke 9:51-56) A Samaritan village refused to allow Jesus and His disciples to stay overnight..........2 of Christ's disciples (James and John) became angered and asked the Lord if they should command fire from heaven destroy the village? Christ responded, "You do not know of what spirit you are.........The Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them". An insult does not constitute mortal danger.

Being wronged for the sake of the Gospel is nothing new to a Christian......but again, being rejected because of your faith is one thing and being physically threatened via mortal danger is another.

Some people falsely teach that Christianity is a religion of Pacifism........Truth as revealed from heaven was the very mission statement of Christ Jesus. He never instructed total pacifism. Nor has God instructed such. As the scriptures tell us there is a time for everything to include the necessity of killing through righteous justification. (Eccl. 3:3)

God has authorized the world government to bear the sword in a punitive manner (even up to capital punishment) -- Romans 13:1-4

He permits Christians to work for government and military organizations (Luke 3:14; Acts 10:1-8, 34-38, 11:18). And again God charges us with providing and protecting our own households. (1 Tim 5:8)

Jesus even demanded that His disciples ARM THEMSELVES when arms for self defense was required (Luke 22:35-36)

Conclusion: "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven; A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted, A TIME TO KILL, AND A TIME TO HEAL, A TIME TO BREAK DOWN, A TIME TO BUILD UP.........."

A Christian's duty is to discern the time and place for all these natural events.........via allowing the Holy Spirit to live within you. How does that Spirit live in you? You get your directions from the Holy Scriptures that are a direct product of inspiration from the Holy Spirit. If you allow those words to live in, guide you, and come first with every situation encountered.......what spirit other than the Holy Spirit is directing your path? Your mind is a product of your spirit.......when you allow the Spirit of God to live in your mind.....only then can you be directed by God. You are free to accept or reject that Spirit and your own risk. Man is not capable of guiding his own steps. (Jer. 10:23)
He never instructed total pacifism.

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace

God has authorized the world government to bear the sword in a punitive manner
^ the words of a madman ...

turning your cheek is not from the disadvantaged - such that the victors accomplishment is of equal pairing, bearing one's sword on the helpless - a reason for the crusades failure.

... christians by and large are the aggressors. persecution and victimization of the innocent -

no, christianity does not turn their cheeks.
That's what Jesus taught and that's what I tend to do,.. however,.. I don't think He meant for us to constantly be doormats and take crap from other people either. I mean, just look how angry He got when His temple was being used for a marketplace. It was justified anger. So,.. how do we know when our anger is justified or to simply walk away? Any ideas?
A "Christian's" conscience is supposed to be directed by the Holy Scriptures.....as that is how the Holy Spirit communicates God's will. Why? A Christian knows and comprehends through those Holy Words that he will be judged by those same scriptures.....so the Christian should want to be sure that his actions are authorized by God. (John 12:48)

What do the scriptures have to say about the use of force and or violence by a Christian? Violence should never be the first course of action, it depends upon the situation and whether you are in mortal danger or are simply being insulted with no personal violence directed at you. Its one thing to turn the other cheek when you have only been insulted such as a slap on the face (Matt.5:38-39).......physical retribution is not called for.......and its another when someone places your life and or property in danger. One has the right to defend both. As detailed by the Christ Himself (Luke 11:21) The Christ taught in a parable format, "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace (home), his goods are in peace."

Then we are instructed to defend first and foremost our Household/Families (1 Tim. 5:8) Anyone that does not is worse than an infidel.

A good example of turning the other cheek would be found in (Luke 9:51-56) A Samaritan village refused to allow Jesus and His disciples to stay overnight..........2 of Christ's disciples (James and John) became angered and asked the Lord if they should command fire from heaven destroy the village? Christ responded, "You do not know of what spirit you are.........The Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them". An insult does not constitute mortal danger.

Being wronged for the sake of the Gospel is nothing new to a Christian......but again, being rejected because of your faith is one thing and being physically threatened via mortal danger is another.

Some people falsely teach that Christianity is a religion of Pacifism........Truth as revealed from heaven was the very mission statement of Christ Jesus. He never instructed total pacifism. Nor has God instructed such. As the scriptures tell us there is a time for everything to include the necessity of killing through righteous justification. (Eccl. 3:3)

God has authorized the world government to bear the sword in a punitive manner (even up to capital punishment) -- Romans 13:1-4

He permits Christians to work for government and military organizations (Luke 3:14; Acts 10:1-8, 34-38, 11:18). And again God charges us with providing and protecting our own households. (1 Tim 5:8)

Jesus even demanded that His disciples ARM THEMSELVES when arms for self defense was required (Luke 22:35-36)

Conclusion: "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven; A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted, A TIME TO KILL, AND A TIME TO HEAL, A TIME TO BREAK DOWN, A TIME TO BUILD UP.........."

A Christian's duty is to discern the time and place for all these natural events.........via allowing the Holy Spirit to live within you. How does that Spirit live in you? You get your directions from the Holy Scriptures that are a direct product of inspiration from the Holy Spirit. If you allow those words to live in, guide you, and come first with every situation encountered.......what spirit other than the Holy Spirit is directing your path? Your mind is a product of your spirit.......when you allow the Spirit of God to live in your mind.....only then can you be directed by God. You are free to accept or reject that Spirit and your own risk. Man is not capable of guiding his own steps. (Jer. 10:23)
He never instructed total pacifism.

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace

God has authorized the world government to bear the sword in a punitive manner
^ the words of a madman ...

turning your cheek is not from the disadvantaged - such that the victors accomplishment is of equal pairing, bearing one's sword on the helpless - a reason for the crusades failure.

... christians by and large are the aggressors. persecution and victimization of the innocent -
View attachment 512710
no, christianity does not turn their cheeks.
Its obvious who the actual HATERS ARE...............the ignorant that repeats nothing but gossip much like old women sitting around a sewing circle.

The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisitions were the product of Roman Catholicism in its strangle hold on the Holy Scriptures. It was against the law for any lay person to process a copy of the Holy Scriptures......only the elite Hierarchy was allowed to read and teach and only then the only language allowed was Latin (meaning the elite educated was the sole interpreter of the Holy Scriptures). The church controlled all state governments through this system. In other words the Roman Catholic Church was nothing but an extension of the Old Roman Empire as the Vatican ruled the civilized world.

There is no instruction given or taught in the Holy Scriptures that would validate such as the Catholic Church sanctioned during the so called DARK AGES.

This type of rule and misinterpretation of the scriptures came to end with the advent of the Printing Press.....that allowed the common man to read the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. It was called the Protestant (protest) Movement and eventually lead to the founding of the United States of America.

Simply because someone claims to be working for God.........does not make it true. The Christian is instructed to read the scriptures in order to use them as a discerner of truth.

Its a simple matter to point to the scriptures to bake up your BS subjective Ad Hominem attack and read to us the instructions for Christians to take offensive measures in attacking someone because of their religious beliefs.

Proceed...........show the book, chapter and verse that would authorize offensive campaigns such as the Roman Church conducted with the Crusades and Inquisitions.

We will be waiting for an eternity for those passages.......because they simply do not exist.
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What is it with you wanting me to like you?

This thread is weird…

I don't care if you like me,.. I just want to know why you continue to have such an insulting attitude towards me when I haven't done anything to you to cause you to treat me like that.

I am not mean!

I am just rude…

Umm,.. I sort of agree with you, but that's debatable.

Their cheek will be turned a lot and since my return I haven’t been that rude…

You mean you've been worse?
That's what Jesus taught and that's what I tend to do,.. however,.. I don't think He meant for us to constantly be doormats and take crap from other people either. I mean, just look how angry He got when His temple was being used for a marketplace. It was justified anger. So,.. how do we know when our anger is justified or to simply walk away? Any ideas?
A "Christian's" conscience is supposed to be directed by the Holy Scriptures.....as that is how the Holy Spirit communicates God's will. Why? A Christian knows and comprehends through those Holy Words that he will be judged by those same scriptures.....so the Christian should want to be sure that his actions are authorized by God. (John 12:48)

What do the scriptures have to say about the use of force and or violence by a Christian? Violence should never be the first course of action, it depends upon the situation and whether you are in mortal danger or are simply being insulted with no personal violence directed at you. Its one thing to turn the other cheek when you have only been insulted such as a slap on the face (Matt.5:38-39).......physical retribution is not called for.......and its another when someone places your life and or property in danger. One has the right to defend both. As detailed by the Christ Himself (Luke 11:21) The Christ taught in a parable format, "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace (home), his goods are in peace."

Then we are instructed to defend first and foremost our Household/Families (1 Tim. 5:8) Anyone that does not is worse than an infidel.

A good example of turning the other cheek would be found in (Luke 9:51-56) A Samaritan village refused to allow Jesus and His disciples to stay overnight..........2 of Christ's disciples (James and John) became angered and asked the Lord if they should command fire from heaven destroy the village? Christ responded, "You do not know of what spirit you are.........The Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them". An insult does not constitute mortal danger.

Being wronged for the sake of the Gospel is nothing new to a Christian......but again, being rejected because of your faith is one thing and being physically threatened via mortal danger is another.

Some people falsely teach that Christianity is a religion of Pacifism........Truth as revealed from heaven was the very mission statement of Christ Jesus. He never instructed total pacifism. Nor has God instructed such. As the scriptures tell us there is a time for everything to include the necessity of killing through righteous justification. (Eccl. 3:3)

God has authorized the world government to bear the sword in a punitive manner (even up to capital punishment) -- Romans 13:1-4

He permits Christians to work for government and military organizations (Luke 3:14; Acts 10:1-8, 34-38, 11:18). And again God charges us with providing and protecting our own households. (1 Tim 5:8)

Jesus even demanded that His disciples ARM THEMSELVES when arms for self defense was required (Luke 22:35-36)

Conclusion: "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven; A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted, A TIME TO KILL, AND A TIME TO HEAL, A TIME TO BREAK DOWN, A TIME TO BUILD UP.........."

A Christian's duty is to discern the time and place for all these natural events.........via allowing the Holy Spirit to live within you. How does that Spirit live in you? You get your directions from the Holy Scriptures that are a direct product of inspiration from the Holy Spirit. If you allow those words to live in, guide you, and come first with every situation encountered.......what spirit other than the Holy Spirit is directing your path? Your mind is a product of your spirit.......when you allow the Spirit of God to live in your mind.....only then can you be directed by God. You are free to accept or reject that Spirit and your own risk. Man is not capable of guiding his own steps. (Jer. 10:23)
He never instructed total pacifism.

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace

God has authorized the world government to bear the sword in a punitive manner
^ the words of a madman ...

turning your cheek is not from the disadvantaged - such that the victors accomplishment is of equal pairing, bearing one's sword on the helpless - a reason for the crusades failure.

... christians by and large are the aggressors. persecution and victimization of the innocent -
View attachment 512710
no, christianity does not turn their cheeks.
Its obvious who the actual HATERS ARE...............the ignorant that repeats nothing but gossip much like old women sitting around a sewing circle.

The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisitions were the product of Roman Catholicism in its strangle hold on the Holy Scriptures. It was against the law for any lay person to process a copy of the Holy Scriptures......only the elite Hierarchy was allowed to read and teach and only then the only language allowed was Latin (meaning the elite educated was the sole interpreter of the Holy Scriptures). The church controlled all state governments through this system. In other words the Roman Catholic Church was nothing but an extension of the Old Roman Empire as the Vatican ruled the civilized world.

There is no instruction given or taught in the Holy Scriptures that would validate such as the Catholic Church sanctioned during the so called DARK AGES.

This type of rule and misinterpretation of the scriptures came to end with the advent of the Printing Press.....that allowed the common man to read the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. It was called the Protestant (protest) Movement and eventually lead to the founding of the United States of America.

Simply because someone claims to be working for God.........does not make it true. The Christian is instructed to read the scriptures in order to use them as a discerner of truth.

Its a simple matter to point to the scriptures to bake up your BS subjective Ad Hominem attack and read to us the instructions for Christians to take offensive measures in attacking someone because of their religious beliefs.

Proceed...........show the book, chapter and verse that would authorize offensive campaigns such as the Roman Church conducted with the Crusades and Inquisitions.

We will be waiting for an eternity for those passages.......because they simply do not exist.
Its a simple matter to point to the scriptures to bake up your BS subjective Ad Hominem attack and read to us the instructions for Christians to take offensive measures in attacking someone because of their religious beliefs.
Proceed...........show the book, chapter and verse that would authorize offensive campaigns such as the Roman Church conducted with the Crusades and Inquisitions.
We will be waiting for an eternity for those passages.......because they simply do not exist.
who are you kidding - catholic church - there has not been a century since the 4th christianity has not been at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent - unrepentant denier.

is someone baking your wedding cake ... christian.

What is it with you wanting me to like you?

This thread is weird…

I don't care if you like me,.. I just want to know why you continue to have such an insulting attitude towards me when I haven't done anything to you to cause you to treat me like that.

I am not mean!

I am just rude…

Umm,.. I sort of agree with you, but that's debatable.

Their cheek will be turned a lot and since my return I haven’t been that rude…

You mean you've been worse?

You seem like a sincere person with good intentions. Some people here are and those are the people I enjoy sharing ideas with. Many others are not. When I say they are not, I mean other factors are at play that you could never hope to influence. You might find that, for your own good, it would be better to put them on ignore. There is no shame in that. Jesus Himself said to His own, "wipe the dust from your sandals and move on".


Don't let the turkeys get you down. :) I really do not even allow them access to me. I can't even read what they say. Better that way.

My two cents...worth one cent on the open market.

You seem like a sincere person with good intentions. Some people here are and those are the people I enjoy sharing ideas with. Many others are not. When I say they are not, I mean other factors are at play that you could never hope to influence. You might find that, for your own good, it would be better to put them on ignore. There is no shame in that. Jesus Himself said to His own, "wipe the dust from your sandals and move on".


Don't let the turkeys get you down. :) I really do not even allow them access to me. I can't even read what they say. Better that way.

My two cents...worth one cent on the open market.

Thank you, I think that you're one of the better people on here and for that you definitely earn a follow. :)

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