Turning The Other Cheek

The first mark of righteous anger is that it reacts against actual sin. It arises from an accurate perception of what is actually evil.
There are many millions of people walking around feeling their "righteous anger" toward Donald Trump and they are fully convinced he is "evil". That in their mind justifies their anger. But that comes down to their perception, and it is quite possible that their perception has been shaped by the information they have been fed, not by any actual knowledge of Donald Trump.
Lying and deceiving, and being untruthful is a sin. It breaks God's Law. So, if they are angry for that reason, it could be righteous anger....
The funny thing is, Joe Biden has been doing more of it [lying] for far longer. I'm still waiting for the 'righteous' anger toward him.
Name the lies or even 1 so we can discuss.

I do not see this as a 'turn the other cheek' situation, but rather one for the lion and the lamb. In the above situation, the lion is (justly) roaring, calling for you to take action. Now is the time to call upon the lamb to produce the appropriate reaction. When both lion and lamb are in agreement (lion stops roaring and lies down with the lamb) you know you have your course of action. Take it. :)

So,.. in other words??

It will be like burning coals on their head, is what the Bible teaches.... In other words, if you keep your patience, listen to them, tell your side but respectfully disagree, stand your ground but continue to be nice and not tell them to F-off.... Eventually God believes, you can change them from being jerks, to being just as respectful as you have been over and over and over again. It will make them feel guilty, (the burning coals) for the way they've continued to treat you....

Its a long haul game...but it does work...I've witnessed it myself.

I've only been a part of this website a month and I don't know what you're talking about, but I already know that the majority of what you're saying isn't true about a lot of these people.

I do not see this as a 'turn the other cheek' situation, but rather one for the lion and the lamb. In the above situation, the lion is (justly) roaring, calling for you to take action. Now is the time to call upon the lamb to produce the appropriate reaction. When both lion and lamb are in agreement (lion stops roaring and lies down with the lamb) you know you have your course of action. Take it. :)

So,.. in other words??

It will be like burning coals on their head, is what the Bible teaches.... In other words, if you keep your patience, listen to them, tell your side but respectfully disagree, stand your ground but continue to be nice and not tell them to F-off.... Eventually God believes, you can change them from being jerks, to being just as respectful as you have been over and over and over again. It will make them feel guilty, (the burning coals) for the way they've continued to treat you....

Its a long haul game...but it does work...I've witnessed it myself.

I've only been a part of this website a month and I don't know what you're talking about, but I already know that the majority of what you're saying isn't true about a lot of these people.
Well, you'll never know, if you don't try....Jesus asked you, to try. Just think of it in that manner....it could possibly make it easier for you?

This place, may be above your capabilities to control your anger, is a skill that takes time to develope but still worth developing....you are right though..... people are just down right mean and the anger level is at 11!
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So,.. in other words?
I used to look at the anger emotion as unchristian, and it was up to me to erase that emotion from my life. Christians were called to be patient and kind. Anger was my 'Lion' and patience was my 'Lamb'. Things weren't working out so well, people were walking all over me, not a great attribute for a substitute teacher. Even my students were telling me I was too nice, too patient.

One day I was reading the passage about the days will come when the lion will lie down with the lamb. In other words, the lion did not have to be slain--the world did not need to be rid of all its lions. Why was I trying to rid myself of anger, when anger, like all emotions, serves a purpose?

Now I could have gone overboard every time I got angry, but then the 'Lamb' wouldn't want to lie down with Lion. Anger (Lion) tells us when someone has crossed a line. It is not up to me to be patient, it is up to me to hold the line. Lion and Lamb together.

I do not see this as a 'turn the other cheek' situation, but rather one for the lion and the lamb. In the above situation, the lion is (justly) roaring, calling for you to take action. Now is the time to call upon the lamb to produce the appropriate reaction. When both lion and lamb are in agreement (lion stops roaring and lies down with the lamb) you know you have your course of action. Take it. :)

So,.. in other words??

Well, you'll never know, if you don't try....Jesus asked you, to try.

Oh I have believe me,.. but most of the time it doesn't really do much. These people that I'm talking about are just plain stubborn in their ways even when I try reaching out to them and trying to understand them better.

I used to look at the anger emotion as unchristian,

Well if that were true Jesus would have never gotten angry which brings us back to the topic of this thread which is justified anger.
That's what Jesus taught and that's what I tend to do,.. however,.. I don't think He meant for us to constantly be doormats and take crap from other people either. I mean, just look how angry He got when His temple was being used for a marketplace. It was justified anger. So,.. how do we know when our anger is justified or to simply walk away? Any ideas?

I let you insult me once and after that the cheek is not turned again…

I let you insult me once and after that the cheek is not turned again…

Thank you for finding this thread because you're the one I'm talking about on post twenty-five. For the past couple of days I haven't tried to be anything other than a friend to you and yet you ignore my efforts constantly. And just going by the way you often treat people on here, it appears as if I would probably be one of the few that was, but yet that doesn't seem to be enough for you and you don't seem to appreciate it one bit.
That's what Jesus taught and that's what I tend to do,.. however,.. I don't think He meant for us to constantly be doormats and take crap from other people either. I mean, just look how angry He got when His temple was being used for a marketplace. It was justified anger. So,.. how do we know when our anger is justified or to simply walk away? Any ideas?

I let you insult me once and after that the cheek is not turned again…
Is this the Sermon on the Mount of Mad Jack Flint? :D
That's what Jesus taught and that's what I tend to do,.. however,.. I don't think He meant for us to constantly be doormats and take crap from other people either. I mean, just look how angry He got when His temple was being used for a marketplace. It was justified anger. So,.. how do we know when our anger is justified or to simply walk away? Any ideas?

I let you insult me once and after that the cheek is not turned again…
Is this the Sermon on the Mount of Mad Jack Flint? :D
Hey, I have been Gawd many times the following words is damn you, so ya know I ain’t no Gawd…

I let you insult me once and after that the cheek is not turned again…

Thank you for finding this thread because you're the one I'm talking about on post twenty-five. For the past couple of days I haven't tried to be anything other than a friend to you and yet you ignore my efforts constantly. And just going by the way you often treat people on here, it appears as if I would probably be one of the few that was, but yet that doesn't seem to be enough for you and you don't seem to appreciate it one bit.

What is it with you wanting me to like you?

This thread is weird…

I do not see this as a 'turn the other cheek' situation, but rather one for the lion and the lamb. In the above situation, the lion is (justly) roaring, calling for you to take action. Now is the time to call upon the lamb to produce the appropriate reaction. When both lion and lamb are in agreement (lion stops roaring and lies down with the lamb) you know you have your course of action. Take it. :)

So,.. in other words??

It will be like burning coals on their head, is what the Bible teaches.... In other words, if you keep your patience, listen to them, tell your side but respectfully disagree, stand your ground but continue to be nice and not tell them to F-off.... Eventually God believes, you can change them from being jerks, to being just as respectful as you have been over and over and over again. It will make them feel guilty, (the burning coals) for the way they've continued to treat you....

Its a long haul game...but it does work...I've witnessed it myself.

I've only been a part of this website a month and I don't know what you're talking about, but I already know that the majority of what you're saying isn't true about a lot of these people.
Well, you'll never know, if you don't try....Jesus asked you, to try. Just think of it in that manner....it could possibly make it easier for you?

This place, may be above your capabilities to control your anger, is a skill that takes time to develope but still worth developing....you are right though..... people are just down right mean and the anger level is at 11!

I am not mean!

I am just rude…
That's what Jesus taught and that's what I tend to do,.. however,.. I don't think He meant for us to constantly be doormats and take crap from other people either. I mean, just look how angry He got when His temple was being used for a marketplace. It was justified anger. So,.. how do we know when our anger is justified or to simply walk away? Any ideas?
It's complicated. I've read through some of the comments and there are some good ones.

It is usually best to take the high road. If one has truth on his side he argues facts, if one has logic on his side he argues reason. If being attacked verbally ignore it and continue to argue facts and reason. These are burning coals on the heads of an antagonist and will ALWAYS drive them off.

If one is being attacked physically defend yourself with every ounce of strength and show no mercy until submission.

The most important thing to remember is that whether one responds to a verbal attack with a verbal attack or a physical attack with a physical attack.... never ever ever ever justify your actions as moral or right. There is no justification.

Original sin is not disobeying God. Original sin is failing to take accountability when disobeying God. We are human. We will make mistakes. Don't compound those mistakes by denying accountability. It's the root cause of all of mankind's problems.

I do not see this as a 'turn the other cheek' situation, but rather one for the lion and the lamb. In the above situation, the lion is (justly) roaring, calling for you to take action. Now is the time to call upon the lamb to produce the appropriate reaction. When both lion and lamb are in agreement (lion stops roaring and lies down with the lamb) you know you have your course of action. Take it. :)

So,.. in other words??

It will be like burning coals on their head, is what the Bible teaches.... In other words, if you keep your patience, listen to them, tell your side but respectfully disagree, stand your ground but continue to be nice and not tell them to F-off.... Eventually God believes, you can change them from being jerks, to being just as respectful as you have been over and over and over again. It will make them feel guilty, (the burning coals) for the way they've continued to treat you....

Its a long haul game...but it does work...I've witnessed it myself.

I've only been a part of this website a month and I don't know what you're talking about, but I already know that the majority of what you're saying isn't true about a lot of these people.
Well, you'll never know, if you don't try....Jesus asked you, to try. Just think of it in that manner....it could possibly make it easier for you?

This place, may be above your capabilities to control your anger, is a skill that takes time to develope but still worth developing....you are right though..... people are just down right mean and the anger level is at 11!

I am not mean!

I am just rude…
Those usually go hand in hand.

I let you insult me once and after that the cheek is not turned again…

Thank you for finding this thread because you're the one I'm talking about on post twenty-five. For the past couple of days I haven't tried to be anything other than a friend to you and yet you ignore my efforts constantly. And just going by the way you often treat people on here, it appears as if I would probably be one of the few that was, but yet that doesn't seem to be enough for you and you don't seem to appreciate it one bit.

What is it with you wanting me to like you?

This thread is weird…
I don't think someone wanting someone else to back the fuck up is necessarily them wanting you to like them.

I do not see this as a 'turn the other cheek' situation, but rather one for the lion and the lamb. In the above situation, the lion is (justly) roaring, calling for you to take action. Now is the time to call upon the lamb to produce the appropriate reaction. When both lion and lamb are in agreement (lion stops roaring and lies down with the lamb) you know you have your course of action. Take it. :)

So,.. in other words??

It will be like burning coals on their head, is what the Bible teaches.... In other words, if you keep your patience, listen to them, tell your side but respectfully disagree, stand your ground but continue to be nice and not tell them to F-off.... Eventually God believes, you can change them from being jerks, to being just as respectful as you have been over and over and over again. It will make them feel guilty, (the burning coals) for the way they've continued to treat you....

Its a long haul game...but it does work...I've witnessed it myself.

I've only been a part of this website a month and I don't know what you're talking about, but I already know that the majority of what you're saying isn't true about a lot of these people.
Well, you'll never know, if you don't try....Jesus asked you, to try. Just think of it in that manner....it could possibly make it easier for you?

This place, may be above your capabilities to control your anger, is a skill that takes time to develope but still worth developing....you are right though..... people are just down right mean and the anger level is at 11!

I am not mean!

I am just rude…
I wasn't really talking about you, and did not know you were involved when I wrote that response!!! Honestly!

I agree with you, that you can be rude!!! :D :D
Oh I have believe me,.. but most of the time it doesn't really do much. These people that I'm talking about are just plain stubborn in their ways even when I try reaching out to them and trying to understand them better.
For online forums: Best advice I ever got was to rarely, if ever, use the word 'you'. Stubbornly stick to the topic and don't let anyone change the topic to you. Ignore all "you" remarks and focus solely on the discussion points.

If someone insists on talking about you, say nothing, leave the thread--ignore the poster in other threads if that poster is more apt to talk about you than the topic.

I do not see this as a 'turn the other cheek' situation, but rather one for the lion and the lamb. In the above situation, the lion is (justly) roaring, calling for you to take action. Now is the time to call upon the lamb to produce the appropriate reaction. When both lion and lamb are in agreement (lion stops roaring and lies down with the lamb) you know you have your course of action. Take it. :)

So,.. in other words??

It will be like burning coals on their head, is what the Bible teaches.... In other words, if you keep your patience, listen to them, tell your side but respectfully disagree, stand your ground but continue to be nice and not tell them to F-off.... Eventually God believes, you can change them from being jerks, to being just as respectful as you have been over and over and over again. It will make them feel guilty, (the burning coals) for the way they've continued to treat you....

Its a long haul game...but it does work...I've witnessed it myself.

I've only been a part of this website a month and I don't know what you're talking about, but I already know that the majority of what you're saying isn't true about a lot of these people.
Well, you'll never know, if you don't try....Jesus asked you, to try. Just think of it in that manner....it could possibly make it easier for you?

This place, may be above your capabilities to control your anger, is a skill that takes time to develope but still worth developing....you are right though..... people are just down right mean and the anger level is at 11!

I am not mean!

I am just rude…
I wasn't really talking about you, and did not know you were involved when I wrote that response!!! Honestly!

I agree with you, that you can be rude!!! :D :D

For some reason the OP has this obsession of trying to make me like her, him or it, and yet I have never had anyone try this hard.

Their cheek will be turned a lot and since my return I haven’t been that rude…

I do not see this as a 'turn the other cheek' situation, but rather one for the lion and the lamb. In the above situation, the lion is (justly) roaring, calling for you to take action. Now is the time to call upon the lamb to produce the appropriate reaction. When both lion and lamb are in agreement (lion stops roaring and lies down with the lamb) you know you have your course of action. Take it. :)

So,.. in other words??

It will be like burning coals on their head, is what the Bible teaches.... In other words, if you keep your patience, listen to them, tell your side but respectfully disagree, stand your ground but continue to be nice and not tell them to F-off.... Eventually God believes, you can change them from being jerks, to being just as respectful as you have been over and over and over again. It will make them feel guilty, (the burning coals) for the way they've continued to treat you....

Its a long haul game...but it does work...I've witnessed it myself.

I've only been a part of this website a month and I don't know what you're talking about, but I already know that the majority of what you're saying isn't true about a lot of these people.
Well, you'll never know, if you don't try....Jesus asked you, to try. Just think of it in that manner....it could possibly make it easier for you?

This place, may be above your capabilities to control your anger, is a skill that takes time to develope but still worth developing....you are right though..... people are just down right mean and the anger level is at 11!

I am not mean!

I am just rude…
I wasn't really talking about you, and did not know you were involved when I wrote that response!!! Honestly!

I agree with you, that you can be rude!!! :D :D

For some reason the OP has this obsession of trying to make me like her, him or it, and yet I have never had anyone try this hard.

Their cheek will be turned a lot and since my return I haven’t been that rude…
When you don't have truth or logic on your side, change the narrative, right?

She's not asking you to like her. She's asking you to back the fuck up.
I don't think He meant for us to constantly be doormats and take crap from other people either.
You aren't a doormat if you argue the truth and the other guy argues to insult. He is because he is harming himself. Nothing anyone says about you or what your believe can harm you. You can only harm yourself by what you say, do and think. You don't even have to explain it to him. As long as you continue to make true statements he will eventually leave.
I don't think He meant for us to constantly be doormats and take crap from other people either.
You aren't a doormat if you argue the truth and the other guy argues to insult. He is because he is harming himself. Nothing anyone says about you or what your believe can harm you. You can only harm yourself by what you say, do and think. You don't even have to explain it to him. As long as you continue to make true statements he will eventually leave.
You aren't a doormat if you argue the truth and the other guy argues to insult.
if ever there was a brown nose ... bing would be first in line. - 2021 a close 2nd.

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