TV Advertising pushing social agendas with role reversal and transgenders

Better still, don't buy their product and write the CEO a letter telling him why.

Or even better, mind your own business. It doesn't matter who other people are sleeping with.
When people mind their own business is when they get into the worst trouble.

Thankfully we aren't monitored to the extent that we are compelled to watch commercials and we aren't dragged to pervert movies.

We're also not forced to watch other people have sex. You don't even have to think about your parents having sex. Amazing huh?
I don't think about perverts at all which is why i don't go see the movies that promote degeneracy.

What's a pervert?

I don't know

I only knew love

Bless them all....bless my beautifulf past
Or even better, mind your own business. It doesn't matter who other people are sleeping with.
When people mind their own business is when they get into the worst trouble.

Thankfully we aren't monitored to the extent that we are compelled to watch commercials and we aren't dragged to pervert movies.

We're also not forced to watch other people have sex. You don't even have to think about your parents having sex. Amazing huh?
I don't think about perverts at all which is why i don't go see the movies that promote degeneracy.

What's a pervert?

I don't know

I only knew love

Bless them all....bless my beautifulf past

When people mind their own business is when they get into the worst trouble.

Thankfully we aren't monitored to the extent that we are compelled to watch commercials and we aren't dragged to pervert movies.

We're also not forced to watch other people have sex. You don't even have to think about your parents having sex. Amazing huh?
I don't think about perverts at all which is why i don't go see the movies that promote degeneracy.

What's a pervert?

I don't know

I only knew love

Bless them all....bless my beautifulf past


huh huh

yeah I know...:confused-84:

huh huh....
We're also not forced to watch other people have sex. You don't even have to think about your parents having sex. Amazing huh?
I don't think about perverts at all which is why i don't go see the movies that promote degeneracy.

What's a pervert?

I don't know

I only knew love

Bless them all....bless my beautifulf past


huh huh

yeah I know...:confused-84:

huh huh....

Three posts and you really haven't even bothered to talk about anything relevant, have you?
I don't think about perverts at all which is why i don't go see the movies that promote degeneracy.

What's a pervert?

I don't know

I only knew love

Bless them all....bless my beautifulf past


huh huh

yeah I know...:confused-84:

huh huh....

Three posts and you really haven't even bothered to talk about anything relevant, have you?

I have post about relevant things for me...

My past

My family....

Vintage things that mean a lot...
What's a pervert?

I don't know

I only knew love

Bless them all....bless my beautifulf past


huh huh

yeah I know...:confused-84:

huh huh....

Three posts and you really haven't even bothered to talk about anything relevant, have you?

I have post about relevant things for me...

My past

My family....

Vintage things that mean a lot...

Wow, imagine if this were the Skye forum... that'd be amazing.
I don't know

I only knew love

Bless them all....bless my beautifulf past


huh huh

yeah I know...:confused-84:

huh huh....

Three posts and you really haven't even bothered to talk about anything relevant, have you?

I have post about relevant things for me...

My past

My family....

Vintage things that mean a lot...

Wow, imagine if this were the Skye forum... that'd be amazing.

I don't know about that.

Where do you come from? whats your idea?

Weird....people are weird...

huh huh

yeah I know...:confused-84:

huh huh....

Three posts and you really haven't even bothered to talk about anything relevant, have you?

I have post about relevant things for me...

My past

My family....

Vintage things that mean a lot...

Wow, imagine if this were the Skye forum... that'd be amazing.

I don't know about that.

Where do you come from? whats your idea?

Weird....people are weird...

What's wrong with weird?

If everyone were the same, it'd be boring.

I don't care what you do, as long as you don't infringe on the rights and freedoms of others.

If you want to fuck people of the same sex, why do I care?
We have all seen the TV ads showing sex role reversals; the man asleep, exhausted after taking care of their baby - and the woman wearing overalls and putting together the crib...the tough looking construction guy sitting in his big tough truck...with a tiny woman in a little car - jump starting his vehicle while he sits inside keeping warm. And on and on.
And recently we are now seeing TV ads showing transgender parents, and even transgender KIDS.

Advertising agencies are actively trying to push a reality that isn't there.


The only thing ad agencies push is their client’s products; they have no ‘social agenda.’

And their ads are composed to reflect America as it really is, marketing to a diverse American population, however uncomfortable that might make some on the right.

They cash in-on the faux science sold to the clueleess that are told what to think by the fake news leftist media. Who could blame them? Their primarymarkets are NY & LA loony lefty bastions.
Such is the arrogant, authoritarian right – deciding who is or is not ‘normal.’

No math does.
Transgenderism is an exceedingly rare condition. It is not normal.
It does not reduce a persons humanity, or makes them "bad". They should be treated with equality and fairness.
But the recent terrific rise in men running around with boobs and dresses is not normal. Obviously.
They are not transgender. They are "transsexual". They WANT to be girls. Not correcting nature like transgenders do. Which is becoming painfully aware for many. Like I mentioned above, a recent study done by the BBC shows that there is an alarming rise in "surgery regret" - now as high as 20%. 1 in 4 wishing they didn't do the surgery.
Gee who would have thought that.
yup, i'm scared

age and mileage is slowly granting me breasts

Anheuser-Busch is who i blame

now nobody's gonna respect me in the morning!

Your role must be insecure to think a commercial could change it.
It's the minds of children, not adults, that are of concern here. The LGBT cult knows this & is targeting kids' malleable minds. Urging kids that mental illness is normal using media is child abuse. As such the FCC under Trump should & must step in.
i don't think TV advertising is pushing anything. they see people react favorably to this so they dive in and show it in their commercials.
False cause logical fallacy. The fact that they have psychological problems is not the result of, or a cause of their gender dysphoria, it is the result of the discrimination, and marginalization that they experience at the hands of BIGOTS

Yeah, sure ... If you say so ... Bigot.
I didn't say that their gender confusion caused the problem.

Then what was you purpose in posting information to show that trans people suffer from mental illness at a higher rate than others. ? Clearly you were attempting to show a correlation that implies that trans gender people experience their gender dysphoria as a result of mental illness. If not you would have provided some explanation.
Then what was you purpose in posting information to show that trans people suffer from mental illness at a higher rate than others. ? Clearly you were attempting to show a correlation that implies that trans gender people experience their gender dysphoria as a result of mental illness. If not you would have provided some explanation.

I intended to show that a study determining that gender confused people suffer psychological problems ... Is a complete waste of time and money.
I never referred to mental illness ... Simply (as the article stated) psychological problems.

If you are attempting to suggest that someone who is gender confused is not experiencing a psychological problem ...
I guess you think it is a biological problem to be gender confused ... Or not a problem at all.

Should it be the case you believe gender confusion is not a problem ...
That would only support my initial comment that people are attempting to suggest "normal" doesn't actually exist.

Make up your mind ... There is no need to argue with me.
I am not suggesting the bigoted crap you come up with as an argument anyways.

You should really be better informed on topic that you chose to weigh in on: Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism

Really ... So does that mean you think gender confusion is a psychological problem, biological problem or no individual problem at all?

It's one of them ... You can choose any of them ... I am simply asking you ... :thup:
If for some reason you cannot answer that ... Then I am not the one who is uniformed.

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