TV mogul- Oprah Winfrey eulogizes Dr. Maya Angelou

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
wealthiest woman on the planet says a few words about one of this great nation's leading contemporary poets who recently passed:

Maya Angelou's wisdom, courage hailed by first lady, Clinton and Oprah*-*Los Angeles Times
“She made every one of us feel like we were the one,” Winfrey said, remembering the dinner table chats and phone conversations she had with her mentor. “She made us feel heard and seen and loved and special and worthy.”

Winfrey said she has struggled in the last few day to comprehend what she lost with the death of her freind. But she said she’s decided that her course is to follow in Angelou’s footsteps.

“We must carry on and pass on lifting humanity up, helping people to live lives of purpose and dignity, to pass on the poetry of courage and respect,” Winfrey said.

thank you Oprah.
Oprah can certainly do that. She owns the network. She owns the studio. Indeed the enterprise is called OWN. She's got the money to be entitled.

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